Read Between The Lines

Astrology in the Real World.

This article shows how Astrology is hidden inside of Science, if you can read between the lines. A quote from the article...

"a spin-polarized current flowing between the two equivalent magnetic configurations with antiparallel alignment:"

From the fields created by any spinning body

to the "antiparallel alignment" we Astrologers call aspects, the key ends up being WHICH angle to use between the two fields for optimum, in this case, disturbance.

Might I suggest the Inconjunct aspect of 150 degrees. If you understand the friction power an inconjunct aspect releases when it is formed between two "fields", you will see what I am getting at.

The lines between Astrology and the natural Sciences are getting thinner and thinner. Boy, I am going to love the Aquarian Age.



The Sea Bottom Bump


This is what transiting Saturn can do....