“Finding Balance through Astrology” One-Day Workshop with Astrologer Glenn Kaufmann

“Finding Balance through Astrology” One-Day Workshop with Astrologer Glenn Kaufmann

It is easy to get out of balance in the crazy world we live in. Yet, every one of us has a unique, built-in process available to us that can bring about balance in our lives. This individualized process of restoring balance can be seen, understood and developed, by interpreting our own natal astrology charts. Using many of the ancient healing priciples of astrology that I have learned over my many years of study, I will guide participants through the methods and opportunities they have each chosen to develop this lifetime, for obtaining, and retaining, their best balance of body, mind and spirit. I call it “Astrologia per tolle totum”: Using astrology to treat the whole person. Attendance strictly limited to 10 participants. $135/person. This is an in-person only event located at 620 South Mount Shasta Blvd. Mount Shasta, CA. Register here

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“Finding Balance through Astrology” One-Day Workshop with Astrologer Glenn Kaufmann

“Finding Balance through Astrology” One-Day Workshop with Astrologer Glenn Kaufmann

It is easy to get out of balance in the crazy world we live in. Yet, every one of us has a unique, built-in process available to us that can bring about balance in our lives. This individualized process of restoring balance can be seen, understood and developed, by interpreting our own natal astrology charts. Using many of the ancient healing priciples of astrology that I have learned over my many years of study, I will guide participants through the methods and opportunities they have each chosen to develop this lifetime, for obtaining, and retaining, their best balance of body, mind and spirit. I call it “Astrologia per tolle totum”: Using astrology to treat the whole person. Attendance strictly limited to 10 participants. $135/person. This is an in-person only event located at 620 South Mount Shasta Blvd. Mount Shasta, CA. Register here

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Did you know that where the planets were at the time of your birth, affect not only your physical, emotional and mental body, but also your subtle, etheric and akashic body as well? Understanding which of our birth planets affect which of our major chakras, can give us lifetimes of clarity and a road map to clearing, stregthening and balancing ALL of our bodies. Let me show you the very ancient system for reading your own personal astro-chakra debilities and abilities, along with how, and when, to best achieve that balance.

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"Explore 2024" Personalized Transit Workshop

"Explore 2024" Personalized Transit Workshop

This 1/2-Day Workshop will explore the many cosmic conditions that will unfold throughout 2024 and how these conditions will likely manifest in our community and within the lives of the workshop attendees. Each person will be given their astrological transit report for 2024 along with Glenn’s personalized interpretations and forecasts. $135/person. Only three spots left. Register here.

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"How to Get the Most from the Phases of the Moon" - Comments on the Cosmos Gathering for November 2023

"How to Get the Most from the Phases of the Moon" - Comments on the Cosmos Gathering for November 2023

With the New Moon in Scorpio only hours away and the dark of the Moon upon us, we will delve deeply into the many phases of the Moon and how we can best make use of the phases in our lives and the lives of our family and friends. Join Astrologer Glenn Kaufmann for a look at the coming cosmic conditions including a thorough understanding of the Lunar phases as applied to the charts of those who attend. Bring your astrology charts and your questions. $20 at the door. Starts at 7 pm sharp. Please RSVP to glenn@mountshastaastrologer.com along with your birth date, time and place, if I do not already have it.

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SPECIAL EVENT "The Do's and Don'ts of Dying with Dignity" with INELDA Trained End of Life Doula Amber Esposito.

SPECIAL EVENT "The Do's and Don'ts of Dying with Dignity" with INELDA Trained End of Life Doula Amber Esposito.

With the Sun moving into the sign of Scorpio and Saturn stationing to direct motion, this lecture will help us all deal with the details of our physical reality. We all face death in different ways. Amber will guide us through some of the most effective, economical, and ethical ways to prepare yourself, or those you love, for their final transition. From information and educational links, to the do’s and don’ts of making a will, dealing with payments and transfer on death, setting out or following the wishes of the departing, to the cleaning and creating of peaceful vigil environments, Amber will give us the opportunity to achieve death with dignity. By donation. Please RSVP for seating to info@portalmountshasta.com.

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"Oppositions in Astrology" - Comments on the Cosmos Gathering for October 2023

"Oppositions in Astrology" - Comments on the Cosmos Gathering for October 2023

What happens when the Sun and Mars form an opposition to Uranus? Join Astrologer Glenn Kaufmann for a deep dive into the cosmic events for November of 2023 including the wild and wonderful Sun/Mars Superior conjunction in opposition to the planet Uranus. Hold onto your hats for this one. We will delve into how oppositions work and play out over the cycles of astrology along with an extended look at the enigmatic sign of Scorpio. Bring your astrology charts and your questions. $20 at the door. Starts at 7 pm sharp. Please RSVP to glenn@mountshastaastrologer.com along with your birth date, time and place, if I do not already have it.

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"Bi-monthly On-line Advanced Astrology Study Group"

"Bi-monthly On-line Advanced Astrology Study Group"

This bi-monthly astrology study group is for those who have a basic knowledge of the planets, signs, houses and aspects, and want to take their knowledge of astrology to the next level. Part lecture, part internship, these bi-monthly on-line interactive zoom gatherings will focus on chart analysis and interpretation, along with transit forecasting. Begins Thursday evening September 7th, 2023 and will continue every other Thurday evening throughout 2023 and 2024. (9-7, 9-21, 10-5, 10-19, 11-2, 11-16, 11-30, etc.) You must have a basic knowledge of astrology to attend these sessions. $25 per session. Attend all sessions or whenever you wish. E-mail me if you are interested or if you have any other questions.

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Comments on the Cosmos monthly lecture program for August 2023 - "Mars, Madman or Magician?"

Comments on the Cosmos monthly lecture program for August 2023 - "Mars, Madman or Magician?"

Join Astrologer Glenn Kaufmann for a look at the cosmic conditions for August and the coming months with a deep dive into the planet Mars. Bring your charts and your questions as we explore what the coming movements of Mars has in store for us all. Limted attendence. Please RSVP when possible with your birth date, time and place, so I can have your chart ready for you when you arrive. $20 at the door.

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Comments on the Cosmos Monthly lecture program for July 2023 "Venus Unveiled".

Comments on the Cosmos Monthly lecture program for July 2023 "Venus Unveiled".

Join Astrologer Glenn Kaufmann for a look at the cosmic conditions for July and the coming months with a deep dive into the mystical, mythical, magical and mundane attributes of Venus. Bring your charts and your questions and we explore what the coming Venus retrograde has in store for us all. Limted attendence. Please RSVP when possible with your birth date, time and place, so I can have your chart ready for you when you arrive. $20 at the door.

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"Comments on the Cosmos" - May 2023

"Comments on the Cosmos" - May 2023

An astrological look at the coming months with Master Astrologer Glenn Kaufmann. Includes a deep dive into transiting Jupiter entering Taurus and Venus and Mars entering Leo. $20 at the door. Bring your charts and your questions.

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"Comments on the Cosmos" - April 2023

"Comments on the Cosmos" - April 2023

An astrological look at the coming months with Master Astrologer Glenn Kaufmann. Includes a deep dive into the coming Solar and Lunar Eclipses and Mercury retrograde in Taurus. $20 at the door. Bring your charts and your questions.

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2023 and Me Workshop

2023 and Me Workshop

Using participants natal astrology charts we will take a deep dive into the astrological transits for 2023 and the affects they will have in our lives. Using individualized transit data for each participant, Glenn will walk attendees through their opportunities and pitfalls for all twelve months of 2023. Each individual will be given a 12-month calendar with their personalized transits for 2023 which attendees can augment as we explore these transits. Never a dull moment, Glenn’s understanding of the astrological transits and his witty way with words will give you a wide and wonderful perspective of our year to come. Limited to twelve participants. $95. Register here and please include your e-mail so I can send you more information.

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My Forecast For 2023

My Forecast For 2023

Join Master Astrologer Glenn Kaufmann for a journey into the New Year as seen from the perspective of Astrology and the cosmic events of 2023. Never a dull moment, Glenn’s understanding of the astrological transits and his witty way with words will give you a wide and wonderful perspective of our year to come. On-Line only. $20 RSVP here and be sure to leave your e-mail address so I can send you the zoom link. Limited to 99 participants.

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"Shake, Rattle, and Roll" Comments on the Cosmos Monthly Lecture Series for October 2022

"Shake, Rattle, and Roll" Comments on the Cosmos Monthly Lecture Series for October 2022

Join Master Astrologer Glenn Kaufmann for a deep dive into the planetary events of October and November during the peak of the Full Moon in Aries from Noon to 2PM Saturday September 9th. Glenn will speak on the upcoming Solar and Lunar eclipses, Sun, Mercury and Venus, entering Scorpio, and much more with a special emphasis on the movement of planets across the Libra/Scorpio cusp. Always a lively discussion. Bring your charts and your questions. $20 at the door.

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Comments on the Cosmos for September 2022 - Mercury, The Messenger of the Gods

Comments on the Cosmos for September 2022 - Mercury, The Messenger of the Gods

Mercury stands still this evening, turning retrograde as we meet, with Mars now in Gemini, the ruling sign of Mercury, for the next six months. What better time to delve into the possibilities and power of Mercury in our personal lives, our community, and the world at large. Join Master Astrologer Glenn Kaufmann for an evening of meditation, musings, and the marvels of our quickest planet. $20 at the door. Bring your charts and your questions.

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Why April is the High Point of 2022 - Comments on the Cosmos monthly lecture series with Mount Shasta Astrologer Glenn Kaufmann

Why April is the High Point of 2022 - Comments on the Cosmos monthly lecture series with Mount Shasta Astrologer Glenn Kaufmann

The Jupiter/Neptune Conjunction. The Solar Eclipse in Taurus.

And much more…

Jupiter reaches the peak of this year’s conjunction to Neptune in Pisces mid-April, and we will also see this year’s first Solar Eclipse. Together we will explore this most powerful period of time through meditation, education, and application. Bring your charts and your questions.

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The Spring Equinox and Forecast

The Spring Equinox and Forecast

Glenn will speak on the Astrology chart for the Spring Equinox 2022, what we can expect to see over the next few months, and how the Equinox chart will likely play out in the birth charts of those who attend. Bring your birth charts and your questions. $15 at the door.

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"2022 and You" All-day workshop on the transits of 2022

"2022 and You" All-day workshop on the transits of 2022

Complete with a detailed personalized transit report for all of 2022, this in-depth all-day workshop will show how the transits of 2022 will affect attendees personally. Limited attendance. Pre-registration a must. The link for your payment of $125 will be sent to you upon registration. Contact me directly at glenn@mountshastaastrologer.com to register.

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