Transit Forecast March 2020
Do you remember that old saying, “March comes in like a Lion and goes out like a Lamb”? In 2020, the message for this March is just the opposite. March comes in like a Lamb and goes out like a Lion…make that a whole pride of Lions. March starts out under the influence of Venus in it’s ruling sign of Taurus and ends up under the influence of Mars exalted in Capricorn, conjunct Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. Take the first half of March and ensure that your senses have been satiated. Stock up on those luxuries and guilty pleasures and when Venus conjoins with Uranus the first full weekend of March, make sure you put those guilty pleasures and passions to good use. Excellent weekend to get away with a loved one, although 5 inconjuncts from that Leo Moon on Saturday the 7th, cautions us to watch we don’t get too big a head. Self-aggrandizement will get you nowhere and could likely crash any romantic plans you might have had. Plan to sleep in Sunday morning on the 8th as the Sun conjoins Neptune. Make it a lazy, cuddly, pillow talk kind of morning because you are going to want to rest up for the Venus, Uranus conjunction the same afternoon. Makes me think of Forest Gump’s famous line, “life is (truly) like a box of chocolates” especially as we come into the energy of the Full Moon on Monday morning the 9th. And with Mercury stationing direct in Aquarius, the sky is the limit. If you can think it, you can manifest it. The power of thought as it is exerted into the world through the emotional body. Always a winning combination. Make it an act of service and love for your fellow humans, and non-humans alike, and you can ride even higher with this year’s Virgo full Moon. Under the light of a Virgo Moon we are all shown where in the past we fell short of keeping our promises to others, and to ourselves, and we are given the chances and opportunities to correct those failings and bring our actions back into alignment with our divine purpose. With Venus in the sensual and salaciously delicious sign of Taurus, and the full Moon in Virgo, the sign of fealty and commitments, I suspect the Wedding chapels and jewelry stores will be doing a brisk business this early March. Who, or what, are you willing to commit to now? Do you have the clarity it will take to make a conscious and clear decision? Hopefully once Mercury turns direct on the 9th, your focus will sharpen, and clarity will prevail.
Speaking of Mercury; do remember that he is a fickle messenger. One day he can say one thing, and the next look you right in the eye and say something completely contrary. You must understand that Mercury has no control over circumstance. He is the divine messenger sent to us from the God and Goddess within and without. He cares not how you take his musings, only that the message is received. Venus then allows us to own that message and Mars then allows us to act on that message. Fortunately for us this month, Mars will conjoin with Jupiter, the planet of wisdom and reason on the 20th, telling me that our actions at this time will be way more conscious than what we have been seeing since January. I am very excited about the Spring Equinox this year falling as close as it does to the Mars, Jupiter conjunction. Now, I am not sugarcoating the idea that the Sun entering Aries and Mars conjoining Jupiter is pretty much all about the testosterone levels…in ALL living things. It is time to go and grow, conquer and quest. The mating dance. The warrior’s conquest. The challenge of living and loving life and facing all of its vulnerabilities. If you need to push yourself in some area of your life where you have not quite had the courage or commitment to forge ahead, give it a second try the second half of March. You WILL surprise yourself.
Fortunately, Jupiter’ penchant for extremism and over the top displays of royalty is toned down in the stoic and stable sign of Capricorn, there to stay by the way until mid-December’s astrological highlight, the Pie’ce De Re’sistance of 2020, the Jupiter, Saturn conjunction on the Winter Solstice. I am counting on this year’s cool, calm and collected characteristics of Capricorn keeping a lid on the explosive lineup for 2020, especially as the Spring Equinox approaches and again when Mars spends the whole second half of the year in Aries. Again folks, this year, vote by mail. You do not want to be around public polling places this November. And speaking of politics, you can expect many issues that first appeared from early to mid-January to be brought to a head the second half of March since the Mars, Jupiter conjunction on the 20th falls at the same place that January’s Saturn, Pluto conjunction fell: 23 degrees of Capricorn. Think of it as a cosmic mulligan.
On the Mercury front, we see Quicksilver at his best this month. He is all over the board. Retrograde in Pisces on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of March which has us still wondering if we are doing the right thing in our present circumstance. Then Mercury retrogrades back into Aquarius from the 4th until the 9th when he then stations direct, still in Aquarius. This is a tricky period. We sense what can be done to get us out of our current predicaments but the details of how to make it happen are still elusive. Then Mercury stations direct on the 9th and begins to move forward in Aquarius entering Pisces on March 16th. Basically, we see what needs to be done the second week of March and are given the tools and opportunities to do something about it. After Mercury enters Pisces at the beginning of the 3rd week in March, and throughout April 11th, we begin to rely on our intuition and instincts once again, no longer needing confirmation and information as needed when Mercury is in Aquarius the first half of the month. Befitting Mercury’s love of word games and intermingled data points, I have a question for you. In March of 2020 every single planet in our solar system is either in its ruling, debilitating or dignifying sign. Except one. What planet is the exception???? Those of you who answer correctly will be included in a drawing for a free 1-hour reading at month’s end.
Another important Astrological event in March is Saturn’s testing of the waters of Aquarius as he makes an exploratory visit to the sign of Aquarius from March 21st to July 2nd, 2020. Still in it’s ancient ruling sign, Saturn in Aquarius will give structure to all those recent Aquarian inventions like Google, Facebook, I-phones, fit-bits and search histories. The last time Saturn entered Aquarius in early 1991 we got the debut of the World Wide Web, Waco, Bill Clinton, the first World Trade Center bombing, the end of the Cold War and the start of the first Iraq War. Now 30 years later, one complete cycle of Saturn, we will see much of the karma of the early 90’s coming back home to roost. We need to watch the Iraq and Iran issues very closely as a country. And we need to take a good long look at who the modern-day Branch Davidian scapegoats will be. The Democrats will likely prevail this Fall and you can bet some wacko terrorist group is going to destroy one, or more, of our historical structures, most likely from something falling out of the sky. Privacy concerns will be strengthened, and many corporate characters will be called on the carpet during Saturn’s transit of Aquarius that fully begins on the Winter Solstice of 2020 and runs through March of 2023. When Saturn tests the Aquarian waters this April, May and June we will see both public advocates and corporate cronies floating all sorts of trial balloons around these and many other similar matters. Please make sure you give them all the feedback they deserve. What we do as a people this Spring will determine what gets strategized and formulated for delivery to the people in 21’ and 22’. This factor alone will have a major impact on people who are orchestrating the final days of this year’s Presidential election. EVERY voice counts now. Even more so during the eclipse cycle of June 2020.
Fortunate action. These are my keywords for March of 2020…IF, I say IF, our President doesn’t get caught up in the braggadocio and bluster of that Mars, Jupiter impetus. I can see a scenario wherein the Mars, Jupiter conjunction on the 20th leads to some sort of military strike and rather immediate retaliation by the time of the Mars, Pluto conjunction on the 23rd followed by a global reprimand come the Mars, Saturn Conjunction on March 31st. That this Mars, Jupiter activity fall in President Trump’s 5th house does not give me reason to believe he will tone it down anytime soon. Wouldn’t it be nice, no matter what party holds the Presidency, if all of our Congressmen and Women would rise to the standards befitting of their office? That is what the Saturn, Pluto conjunction in January has started. A 35-year sweep. We will see plenty of results as the year goes on. On a more personal level think on it this way. You can really accomplish a tremendous amount of activity mid-month, but if you slip over to the dark side instead of keeping your head high, you will pay for it by month’s end. More in next month’s Forecast. April 2020 comes in like a Kid and goes out like a Bear (hint-hint).
With Saturn moving into the forward looking and inventive sign of Aquarius and kicking off a new 30-year cycle on Saturday March 21st, it seems appropriate that I should address the next 30 years of possibilities, especially regarding my passion for Astrological interpretation. Therefore, I want to invite all of you to a talk I will be doing on the 21st, as a Fund Raiser for our beloved Silk Road Chai Shop, here in Mount Shasta, CA. “The Future of Astrology in the Age of Aquarius”. 7 PM to 8:30 PM at SRCS 107 East Alma Street in Mount Shasta. This talk will be available for a fee after the 21st and all proceeds for the following year will be donated to the Silk Road Chai Shop restoration project. More on this in April’s newsletter. Use the URL below to subscribe to my monthly forecasts and get them sent right to you inbox. (Your info will NOT be shared with anyone else...ever.)