Transit Forecast June 2020
The Point of Know Return - June 2020
Wow. There are an intense number of powerful transits and cosmic phenomenon happening in June. Hang on Folks, this forecast is going to be a long one.
On Tuesday, June 2nd, we see the second of this year’s three Venus/Mars squares. The first was late January, the second now in early June, and the third will be in early September. When Venus and Mars square each other, we see our tension levels, and our hormones, flare. It becomes challenging to integrate our feminine and masculine energies. Venus attracts. Mars attacks. Venus uses her wiles. Mars uses his sword. Venus is love. Mars is lust. Getting the two of them on the same page is a lesson in patience. We are also seeing this divisiveness in society. Do we take the hard approach or the soft? Do we send in the National Guard or do we sympathize and supplicate? Do we love our neighbors now more than ever, or are we seeing red, adding insults to injuries?
With this Venus/ Mars square being the second one this year, occurring during Venus in retrograde motion, most of our frustrations now stem from many of our own past actions. It is as if nothing ever changes and we are becoming more and more like Howard Beale from the 1976 movie “Network”. Although I have to say, June is not the time to make any new breakthroughs. That comes during the third square in early September. June is more about turning up the heat…internally. Amplifying our spiritual and physical energy. Collecting it. Massaging it. Gathering the kinetic energy so that AFTER Mars enters Aries at the end of the month, we can vent it in a sustained and effective method that will carry us through to years end. This is the strategy I would recommend.
On Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020 The Sun and Venus conjoin, and Venus begins a new 584-day cycle hereafter becomes the Morning star until the superior conjunction of the Sun and Venus next Spring. From here on in, until March 25th of 2021, we will now lead with our hearts instead of our egos. Coming from love instead of ideology. Tenderness instead of tyranny. Venus will soon start to rise before the Sun in the morning sky. The feminine principle carries the standard from here on in and throughout 2020. Especially as it pertains to relationship issues. Most notably with siblings and children…and adults that are acting like children. In June we will see many folks who warrant those dreaded childhood “time-outs”. If you are a parent, or you are in a position of having to parent someone, or many someones, you might want to be prepared this month with a few pre-packaged time-out ideas. This way you can whip them out easily when needed and not be caught up in the moment making rash decisions.
From a more spiritual perspective it is a time to crank up our focus on the Feminine. To bring more honor and gratitude for the divine maiden or mother. Our attention turns from the arrogance and aggressiveness of the masculine Sun to the much-needed antidote of Venus. The goddess is now at the prow. Steer straight and true my Mary-maiden. It is time we relinquish the rudder to you.
If the Democrats have any Astrologer’s consulting with them you will see Joe Biden announce his running mate on, or right around, the Sun/Venus inferior conjunction on the 3rd, and they will come out swinging at the President on Divine feminine issues, where he is vulnerable now as transiting Venus retrogrades over the President’s North Node and Uranus, and the Jupiter/Pluto conjunction seen at month’s end opposes his natal Venus. And as I have been saying since last summer, from a purely astrological analysis of the candidate’s transits, if the Democrats expect to win the presidency in November, they needed to have either Buttegieg or Warren on the ticket. The only way this can happen now is if Biden chooses her as his VP. We will see.
Now if the Republicans were to follow an Astrologer’s advice at this time, they would be refocusing the President on early campaign promises and steering the narrative back to him keeping as many of them as possible. They would also see that the real dangers to the President’s chances for reelection come from much closer to home, within his family and his own body.
On Friday, June 5th, 2020 at 12:12 PM PDT we see the third of seven eclipses for 2020. Seven is the most eclipses possible in any one year adding weight once again to the tremendous potential for change in 2020. It is a lunar eclipse with the Moon at 16 degrees of Sagittarius and the Sun at 16 degrees of Gemini. This eclipse in early June is also the first of a fairly rare series of three eclipses occurring in a one-month period. Most of the time we see two eclipses occur together in a month’s time: either a lunar followed by a solar, or a solar followed by a lunar. But every so often (usually about twice every eight years) we see three in a row. And usually it is a lunar, then solar, then lunar pattern as it will be this June and into early July. Since neither the first lunar or the solar eclipse this time around have shadows that fall across North America, and since even the third eclipse, that occurs on America’s birthday this year, casts such a light shadow that will fall across America, I suspect the bulk of the energy of these eclipses will be projected onto the far side of the planet. And we can expect the after-effects to last at least until late November and more likely until May of 2021. Any smart planner would be laying the groundwork, and learning the necessary talents needed, to bring our many heartfelt issues to a complete resolution, or revolution, come early spring of 2021.
Lunar eclipses bend time. Often the past comes back to taunt us. The future reveals itself in sudden and powerful glimpses. We relive the past, remembering, re-experiencing and even revisioning our personal and trans-personal histories. Lunars also bring up our emotions and often shut down our normal filters for dealing with these emotions. Those emotional and intellectual filters that we have developed, over lifetimes mind you, that keep us from having to feel TOO deeply. Just keep breathing and keep vocalizing. You want to move that heart energy up and out through the mouth now.
This time, the lunar eclipse on June 5th occurs with Mars in mid-Pisces which forms a T-square aspect pattern in our skies. So, while the Moon opposes the Sun during the lunar eclipse, Mars squares them both. We are going to see our current spate of heated emotions and flared tempers continue to rise toward the end of the first week in June, especially during the 24 hours immediately after the eclipse on the 5th and right on through the first weekend of June. The whole world needs to take a chill pill this first week in June and you might want to keep a few extra around for weeks two and three. Take as needed.
T-square chart patterns are comprised of three or more planets, occupying three out of any four “corners”, of an astrology chart, in a cross-like or medicine wheel, four-directions, type pattern. Think of it as us on Earth seeing a planet due North of us in the sky, one due West of us and a planet due South of us, but the due East position is empty with no planet in that quadrant. This leads to a very lopsided set of circumstances with little harmony or harmonization of events. The trick to, or resolution of, T-square dynamics involves filling the empty quadrant and bringing a balance, or gyroscopic motion, back into the cycle. With the T-square we see in early June, we have The Sun and Venus in Gemini, Mars and Neptune in Pisces and the moon in Sagittarius. The missing corner, or “outlet” as it is often called in Astrological parlance, the attitude that is needed to balance the erratic and often extreme actions seen at this time, is the sign of Virgo.
The zodiacal sign of Virgo, or I should say the ATTITUDE of Virgo is that of the healer. The volunteer. The aspirant on the path to purity and perfection. It is all about accountability, efficiency, honesty, and integrity. Promise made, promise kept. Harm no one, or thing. Heal all, help all, no matter the consequence. Doing the right thing, at the right time, in the best possible way. These are the attitudes and super-powers of Virgo. And these are the things we should concentrate on during the first half of June to best reduce the disharmony and dissonance being sung at this time. This is what is talked about when one references the music of the spheres.
Where you find Virgo in your chart will give you your own personal power point, to smooth out the wrinkles in early June. The house you find it in will give you the activities wherein you can best put Virgo energy to good use. If you have any birth planets in Virgo, these will give you a more specific account of your current super-powers that can be applied to bringing about personal balance in your life.
Once the Moon enters Pisces early on Thursday, June 11th, tensions ease and as Mars comes to conjunct Neptune on Saturday, June 13th, we will have some peace and quiet. Maybe too much so. The danger here is more about suppression and denial. What problems?? We have problems?? A lot of dirt gets swept under the rug this second weekend in June. And June is not the time to try and pull the rug out from under those who are evading and eluding and sweeping away the light of truth. That is coming very soon. Think of it as our Fall lineup.
Mercury stations retrograde from June 17th until July 12th, going from 15 degrees of Cancer back to 5 ½ degrees of Cancer. Thus, Mercury will cross over the US Sun and Jupiter three times. The first time during the first half of June, the second time during the end of June and early July, and the third time during the middle to end of July. Mercury retrograde in Cancer has a profound effect on our memories of Mom, who and how were we nurtured in the past, and how we reacted to issues around safety and security. No doubt we will be hearing a theme of going back to America’s greatness in history. A return to the glory days of America as leader, and arbiter, of the free world. On a personal and political level, we will want to go back to a simpler time, a time we remember fondly from our past. Nowadays that can be as recently as the beginning of 2020.
With the triple pass of Mercury over the US Sun and Jupiter in its 7th house, pacts and treaties that we have made with other nations come up for review. And with the Mercury retrograde going over President Trumps own natal Mercury three times in his 11th house, he is going to be bending over backwards to get other countries to like him again, especially Israel. I also suspect he will be going back even further in history with his comparing himself to our dead Presidents. Has he compared himself to any of the founding Fathers yet?
June of 2020 brings us smack dab into the middle of this year’s Retrograde season. And with Mercury and Neptune both turning retrograde this month we will have half of all the planets in our solar system retrograde at some point in June. Add to this the idea that we see the second of our three Jupiter/Pluto conjunctions happening this month too and it can turn out to be a very restrictive month. Remember, retrogrades tend to return us to earlier times and the second of any three outer planetary conjunctions always has us refining or reformulating the events that occurred during the first pass (see early April 2020). So, we need to be ready to have patience. The revolution and roto-tilling inherent in 2020’s cosmic events really doesn’t play out fully until November and December. I will be speaking more on this in subsequent forecasts.
And even this month’s Mars/Neptune conjunction in Pisces on the 13th doesn’t bode well for forward motion. The vast waters of Neptune and Pisces has a chilling and dampening effect on our physical energy mid-month. We can expect to see more suppression, more repression, more redefinition, and even more revisionism, rearing their stultifying heads in June. Fortunately, this all changes as Mars enters Aries on June 27th, there to stay until well into January of next year. I am reminded of the fable of the frog in the stove pot. If you try to put it right in boiling water, it will jump right out. But if you put the frog in tepid water before you turn up the heat, and then slowly turn up the heat, bye, bye Froggie. In June, the powers that be are slowly turning up the heat, while also tightening up the screws, but that Mars entering Aries at the end of the month wakes us out of our slumber and we whip into action. Revival is the keyword for the last few days of June.
Now, one of the best events in June is the solar eclipse that occurs nine hours after the Summer Solstice on Saturday June 20th at zero degrees of Cancer. Whereas lunar eclipses tend toward the past, solar eclipses herald the future. In this case, I believe it heralds a woman as President within the next 18 months. This is the last eclipse that will occur on the Cancer/Capricorn axis for about another 7 years and wraps up the Cancer/Capricorn eclipse cycle that started back in the Summer of 2018. I think we can all agree now that many of the issues that were mixed and stirred these last two years were issues surrounding Cancer and Capricorn. Family or future. Kids or career. Privacy or that big promotion. Immediate safety or long-term security. The mother or the father. Make your choices now. But don’t play your cards just yet. Lay the groundwork in June. Set those mental wheels a turnin’, and make sure you have your whole family on board before the end of the month. And remember, solar eclipses can set up a ripple effect that continues for as long as about 18 months into the future.
On a more esoteric note, eclipses allow the incarnation and excarnation of souls when it comes to the planet, especially when we get the triple eclipses. It is important that we should be paying attention to those souls that are born, and die, during this 30-day eclipse zone from June 5th to July 4th. The closer they are born to an eclipse the more focuses the entity is in accomplishing their mission on Earth. There will be an inordinate amount of mover and shaker types born at this time, most notably those born within a week after the Solar Solstice of 2020, as I am calling it. And any of you out there who were born right around an eclipse, you can expect this summer to be a busy one. How busy and in what areas of your life will they play out depend on the relationship your post or pre-natal eclipse location makes to zero degrees of Cancer.
On Monday, June 22nd Neptune turns retrograde which gives us SIX planets in retrograde motion. This only lasts until Venus turns direct on Wednesday evening the 24th, although it will add heavily to the misdirection and misinformation being distributed around the planet in June. To continue with my rototilling analogy for the events and effects of 2020, think of June as the second pass of the tiller’s tines. It is time to once again turn that soil that was initially tilled in late March and early April. Bring what has been buried since then to the surface, the light of day, and let Nature continue the process of breaking down the old and outmoded, the rotten and the irreparable. And keep your eye on the long-term picture for 2020 - ending up with a garden that is rich and ripe for planting come 2021.
I have already mentioned Mars entering Aries on June 27th, and since this is a powerful and long acting event, I want to address this again. Aries is the attitude of being the survivor. The winner. The explorer. And yes, Aries can also be the narcissist who is arrogant and entitled. One thing for sure, Aries gets the job done. And with Mars, the planet of power and domination, in its natural ruling sign of Aries, we get the superheros, the warriors and the record breakers coming to the fore. And we get them for six and a half months!! Until January 7th, 2021. Yihaaa!! This second half of 2020 is going to be a real roller coaster of a ride. Many new and improved items and ideas will hit the market and the air waves. And many folks will be strapping on their best apparel and waving the banners of freedom and a “new way”. “Just follow me”, a recurring theme. I would not be surprised to see some other candidates jumping into the ring, from the presidential race on down through the many halls of power. Please folks, be sure to judge these candidates from the positive side of the Mars/Aries equation. The more power a person is asking to control verses the more power and choice they are wanting to give back to you, is the key. Are these candidates, these idols of ours, these public leaders, are they power full or power hungry? Do they crave power or wield it? Hoard it or disperse it? Only a truly advanced, and worthy of our support, individual would know the difference…and will speak to us of these differences.
And a word of advice when dealing with Mars and Aries. START SLOW!!! If you come out of the gate in early July as the 3rd lunar eclipse of 2020 hits on America’s birthday, with all your nostrils flaring, you will not make it all the way through the six months Mars will be on campaign. Starting in early July, build a bit each month in intensity, especially around each monthly full moon, and plan to hit full stride by the full moon and 4th lunar eclipse of 2020 at the end of November. Start on an eclipse and end on an eclipse and you will have a much greater chance of success.
Given that there is so many triggers being activated in June, it is not surprising that we get to save some of the best ones for last. On Monday evening, June 29th, we get the second Jupiter/Pluto conjunction followed a day later by the Inferior conjunction of the Sun and Mercury on Tuesday evening the 30th. This is a great combination of events. The Jupiter/Pluto brings a very stark awareness of what is right and what is wrong, and the Inferior conjunction of the Sun and Mercury gives us the insights and epiphanies on what to do about it all. Here is the problem and here is the solution. As I mentioned above, this is the second, or retrograde, pass of Jupiter and Pluto for 2020, so this month we must have patience and the ability to admit where we went wrong since the first pass in January. And we must have a good balance of hubris and humility if we want to be of any lasting service. Remember what I said about thinking like a Virgo this month. WWVD?
Until September….be peace full, power full, and patient. For we have reached 2020’s point of no return. The 800-year Grand Mutation Cycle approached with this December’s Winter Solstice.
All we need to do right now is get ready for the ride.