A Great Example

Astrology in the Real World.

This article reports on a great example of the potential I spoke of for December in this month's forecast "Less is More". And I love the name they have given this action, the Silent Strike. Now, in our country, the silent strikes must be focused on the "too big to fail" behemoths that want to dictate the terms of our lives, NOT local businesses.

From my December forecast...

"Whether it is of a necessity like groceries and supplies, or a nicety like love and sex, boycotts, buycotts, walkouts, and detachments, work wonders...".

Venus is now learning from Pluto the power of withdrawal, reclamation, and the transformation of our basic needs and instincts as she forms a triple conjunction to Pluto in Capricorn this Winter. This is a big deal and has never, ever, happened before in the life of this country. And it is also presaging the country's Pluto return in 2022.

Everything is cyclical. For humanity, and especially the US of A, it is time to enter the chrysalis and withdraw. That we can be ready to emerge on the other side, starting this coming Spring. What will you pull back from supporting this Winter? What will you let go of, that the Spring can bring renewed life and liberty?

If the caterpillar goes into the cocoon with too much baggage, it will never make it out the other side.

Read the rest of my December forecast at https://gem.godaddy.com/p/3463331

And mark your calendars for the evening of January 8th, during the Inferior conjunction of the Sun and Venus, when I show where this journey of Venus to the underworld will lead us in my forecast for 2022 - "Sleeping Beauty Awakens". https://www.mountshastaastrologer.com/.../sleeping-beauty...



The Sea Bottom Bump