Bad Boys, Bad Boys, Whatcha Gonna Do? - June 2021
This month starts off during an immensely powerful eclipse zone (May 26th to June 10th). We also see the third of four major square aspects for 2021. And Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto, are all retrograde now, with Jupiter and Neptune following suit by month’s end. Not the easiest of months. Hope you rested up in May when the opportunity was there. We all get wound up tight as June unfolds, which can be good… and bad.
Squares and oppositions, the bad boys of Astrology, are more prevalent in June than the good-guy, sextiles, and trines. That right there, tells us there’s work to be done in June. And it is not going to be the easy stuff. Mars/Pluto oppositions, as we see in early June, are not known for their ethical treatments and can easily degrade into an end-justifies-the-means mentality. This opposition occurring as it does across the Cancer/Capricorn axis, will bring up issues around the safety and sanctity of our homes, and our homelands, and may very well bring us an inordinate number of military incursions in the name of protecting one’s own country…and that countries corporate cohorts. Same goes for more localized “policing” actions in the name of one’s city or town.
This does not bode well for the current Israel/Palestine cease-fire situation or the simmering issues in the U.S. around racial intolerance and cultural bigotry. Nor does it bring us much contentment and camaraderie, but rather visions of sparks and exasperation. The whole to-protect-and-serve community is up in arms here. Whether they are throwing their arms up in the air, in frustration and exasperation, or raising their arms to shoot another, or shield themselves, there is going to be a lot of attention focused on our police forces and protective services in June.
Everyone wants to win in early June, even if it means bending or breaking the rules. And with Mercury now retrograde in Gemini, the sign of communication, it is going to be hard to decipher who are the good guys and who are the bad. Best way to harness the positive side of this very energetic Mars/Pluto opposition is to get as many people as possible on your side of the equation BEFORE you act. BEFORE you go off half-cocked. Go at the problem with a concerted effort, for individual actions in the first part of June, will not be looked upon kindly, especially as the opposition peaks on June 5th.
In my forecast for 2021, delivered on January 2nd, 2021, I spoke of events that would be triggered starting January 6th AND WOULD BE TRIGGERED AGAIN in late June and early July. This second spark is going to be a direct result of events that occur in early June with the Mars/Pluto opposition, and will come to a head in the days leading up to July 4th, as Mars forms a t-square to our current Saturn/Uranus square. Do remember that the overarching aspects for 2021 are the Saturn/Uranus squares. So, when Mars, a bad boy himself, uses bad-boy tactics in June and early July, against Saturn and Uranus, who are already fighting amongst themselves as it is this year, people get hurt, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. (
Do not hold in your irritations or frustrations in June. Channel them into garnering and gathering your forces so that come early July you have assembled a team to help you gain your objectives. And notice I said a TEAM of lightworkers. Whether we are talking a Seal Team or a Soul Team, do not go it alone now or you will take a lot of heat. As I mentioned in my May forecast, the total Lunar eclipse on May 26th at 6 degrees of Sagittarius has put us in an all-for-one-and-one-for-all situation. Early June is not a time to stand out from the crowd. That time will come after the Solar eclipse and Mars enters Leo on June 10th and 11th respectively. Until then, shore up your allies, be they physical or spiritual.
So, with four planets retrograde for almost all of June, research and planning are in order. The prize comes this Fall, regardless of what occurs by early July. And when we put this Fall’s Sun/Mars superior conjunction, which happens right at the middle of Libra by the way, into the U.S. chart, we see a conjunction to the U.S. natal Saturn in the tenth house. NIICCEEEE!. This will do wonders for our ability as a country to bring more balance and civility to both our allies and our enemies. For us as individuals, the Sun/Mars Superior conjunction this Fall bears us the fruits of our labors from last Fall. This is what the promise of June will eventually bring.
Jupiter is calling most of the shots in the first half of the 2020’s, as it makes conjunctions to every planet outside of its solar orbit in just 4 short years, from 2020 to early 2024. This is currently about a 300% boost to Jupiter’s normal influence in our planetary evolution. And now Jupiter has dipped its toes into Pisces (mid-May to the end of July), as it heads for a rendezvous with Neptune in Pisces in April of 2022. This too, will increase Jupiter’s influence as it gets out from under Saturn and Pluto’s thumbs in 2020 and heads for a cosmic chat with Neptune, the planet of mysticism and miracles, which, by the way, is at the height of its own 165-year cycle, when in Pisces, as it currently is.
So, both Jupiter and Neptune are highly active this year (and next). As too, is Saturn as he spends the year in its ancestral ruling sign of Aquarius. Uranus also, is supercharged in 2021, having to be the brunt of the four squares in 2021 and a pesky Mars. The only outer planet that is not a bit jacked up in 2021 is Pluto. And given Pluto’s hand in the rototilling of 2020, he is due for a break this year. On a metaphysical level, death and resurrection has peaked. Now in 2021 we are moving into the realm of revolution, renewal, and re-imaging what comes next. We may not yet be able to see the butterfly emerging from its cocoon, but there is no doubt the new life is stirring. This is the promise of 2021. Gestation. A promise we are reminded of strongly in June.
Pay extra attention to the non-corporeal side of existence, too. Miracles happen now. Angels, and aliens, do exist, and will be extremely active in June and July, and again in most of 2022. Does not mean you will see them outright. We may only see their means and the justifications therein. The difference in their appearance to each of us, has much more to do with our ability to perceive what is hidden right in front of us, regardless of the blinders we wear and our ideas of reality. As an example, click on my Facebook post of 5-24-21 on the hidden astrology of the Bible and the synopsis of the book “Astrology’s Pew in the Church” by Don Jacobs before you continue reading this June Forecast.
It has never been hard for rulers to hide the truth from the ignorant. Even when the truth is staring right at them in front of their own eyes. The bliss of ignorance. Diving deep for the truth is not an easy thing and is not for the faint of heart. The intelligent man or woman who is intent on understanding the truths, of any matter, must expend much more energy and determination than the less intelligent, if they are to become a well-adjusted human being. The robotic nature of ignorance is a natural inhibitor to this search for truth and impedes the conditions necessary to partake of miracles. Inertia breeds inertia. The sacrifice, the quest, and the passion, for truth, in all forms, overcomes this tendency to inertia in most of mankind and AUTOMATICALLY leads us into the realm of miracles. What did you think “God helps those who help themselves”, actually meant??? Something to ponder these first ten days of June. And something to act upon during the last eight.
Another long view for 2021, that we may understand June better, is the idea that the Mercury retrogrades in 2021 are mostly in Air signs. This often brings up issues of “naming”. Calling a spade, a spade. And calling the bluffs. Correcting inaccurate information and redefining the rules of the game. Our second Mercury retrograde of 2021 is now in effect as June begins, this time, in the inquisitive, intellectual, and often insensitive, sign of Gemini. Having gone into Gemini on May 4th, Mercury stays three times longer than usual, not leaving until July 22nd.
Gemini is ruled by the masculine side of Mercury, Virgo, the feminine. When in Gemini, Mercury is more like Pan, or the Fool card in a tarot deck. More like the Johnny Appleseed of the stars, making a stir wherever he goes, always leaving evidence of his attendance. When Mercury is retrograde in Gemini, we get the wandering Bard who tells us the tales of old, that we might turn the present to our liking. He is the one who reminds us why we are, where we are now at, and why we should not forget our pasts. And he is the one who triggers our long-lost memories of better times and places. He who forgets the past is soo going to come to regret it now. This is the tact and the leverage we should apply in June, especially with a Full Moon in Capricorn coming our way June 24th.
Upon further reflection on a statement, I made in my April forecast, now would be a good time to clarify and expand upon what I said. I originally said that “In Nature, finding balance is always done with the use of a counterbalance. The leveraging of opposites. The proper push, in the proper place, at the proper time” and that the counterbalance in April was the Full Moon in Scorpio, which was going to give us a “once in a year opportunity” to bring that balance to bear.
And yes, this is partially true. There does exist in nature, an annual culmination of Scorpio energy which can be used as the lever to achieve more balance. And this did happen in late April with the Full Moon in Scorpio. What I failed to mention is that EVERY month, we get an opportunity to apply leverage to our current situations, not just last April. This occurs at every full Moon. Every month we get opportunities for balance. Although it is only once a year that we get a full Moon in any one sign. Scorpio in April, Sag in May, Capricorn in June, and so on. This distinction each month by sign gives us the reasons WHY we apply that leverage in the first place, and this distinction depends upon which of the 12 signs of the zodiac our lustrous lunar luminary decides to shine at its fullest.
The Full Moon in Capricorn, and the Capricorn lever this month, gives us the ability to draw upon that which has created the proper results in the past. It is not about anything new or different. It is about letting results speak for themselves. Again, there is this pulling back into the past, that we might make our present, and future, more fruitful. Capricorn is a very misunderstood sign. Everyone sees the diligence and dour determination, although few see what is behind that drive. It is where the religious zeal of the Sagittarian, gets put into practice. The mission gets carried out. Capricorn is the mountain goat high up on the mountaintop with one foot in heaven and one on earth.
It is the ability to draw down the heavens into a tangible reality. And to go WHEREEVER needed, literally anywhere on this earth, to do so. This is the occult symbolism of the goat having a fish tail. One if by land. Two if by sea. It matters not to a Capricorn, or at the time of a Capricorn Full Moon. The job will get done. Be it anywhere on Earth, in Heaven, or Hell.
In June, we must be aware that the goal is still a way off, and the path is getting steeper. Think like a Capricorn in the second half of June, and do not give up. We will start to see that light at the end of the tunnel begin to appear as the planets move more into fire signs this Summer. In June, think sweat equity. Nose to the grindstone. One foot in front of the other. One day at a time. etc., etc… And set your sights on October.
There is an interesting harmonically resonant natural rhythm built into our Soli/Lunar cycle and it comes to a peak every 156 years (13 x12). Last time this happened was 1865 which was notable for the passage of the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery. No doubt similar events will unfold in 2021. Other notable event from 1865, especially in the Spring of 1865, was the assassination of Lincoln as its darkest manifestation, and the end of the Civil War as its brightest. The intense amount of gun violence and deaths that have been happening this Spring makes me think that many in this country, this time around, have taken on the John Wilkes Booth dark side of things. Paying attention to the details, the small things that occur all around us, is the way to dissipate this type of darkness. On the brighter side, we should see, very shortly, situations wherein long running hostilities can come to an end. I tell ya, the U.S. State Department is going to be extremely busy the rest of 2021. As will attorneys, mediation & arbitration services, and cultural and racial sensitivity trainers.
The Solar eclipse in Gemini on June 10th, will also trigger a series of percussive waves of activity over the next year or more, so watch what happens in early September and December of 2021 and March of 2022, as the transiting Sun forms a series of bad-boy aspects to the Solar eclipse point of 20 Gemini. 20 degrees of Gemini has a lot to do with the concept of assimilation, both mentally and physically. Pay close attention to the educational assimilation issues that flare up in and around the Solar eclipse, especially issues that have to do with events that will occur in September and December, like school openings and Winter breaks. I would refer you here again to my forecast for 2021 and what I said about the eclipses occurring mostly across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis. “In 2021, the eclipses; two solar, and two lunars, occur mostly across the Gemini/Sagittarius axis, continuing, and building upon, the similar Gemini/Sag axial eclipses of 2020. As more and more eclipses, send more and more shock waves, out from the Gemini/Sagittarian axis in 2021, more and more attention will be paid, to what I call, the education-versus-wisdom dichotomy. They are not the same.”
“Gemini is more about the ACT of learning, and the absorption of information. Sagittarius is more about WHAT, you learn, and why. Gemini is more about quantity. Sag is more about quality. We will see this play out across many communities in 2021, as we are forced, to deal with: the failures of poor remote learning models, federally, and state, mandated, educational parameters, parental versus public responsibilities, in their roles, as educators of our children, and the quickening transformation, of the value, and definition, of the term, “education”.” Case in point. As I was writing this forecast for June, I read that New York is not going to allow any remote attendance when the school years starts up this Summer. Tell me that isn’t going to open a huge can of worms.
Also pay attention to the physical issues of assimilation and satiety. With Uranus in Taurus still messing with our comforts and commodities all year, coupled with this month’s almost 19-year peak emphasis on Gemini, the sign of education and assimilation, we are likely to see these shortages and disruptions play out prominently in our schools and educational institutions, hitting the teachers, administrators, and students hard. Heck, even the school lunch programs are going to go downhill, and they are already near the bottom as it is. So be prepared to spend more time searching, selecting, and assisting, in what our children assimilate in both mind, and body. And don’t be afraid of resurrecting issues and items that have worked in the past. This is the superpower of Mercury retrograde in Gemini. Remembering what worked in the past, and what didn’t. The trick is getting those memories across to others who do not care to remember. Getting those memories across to the ones who reflect so little on the past, caught in a future not of their own making mind you, and with little understanding of the difference.
Remember the phrase, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it? The corollary of course is if it is broke, FIX THE DAMN THING! We have a lot of work ahead of us this Summer, if we want to have a say in what the education system in the U.S. becomes. And that goes for both children AND adult education. Have you noticed all the talk about reeducation camps since the beginning of this year? In the Age of Aquarius, the emphasis is going to be on the group. The one size fits all approach to education. Again, the antidote to the cold and calculating auspices of Aquarian groupthink is always going to be the Leonian attitude of individual excellence. A one size fits one approach.
With this in mind, I want to point out that June gives us an inferior conjunction of the Sun and Mercury in Gemini. Inferior conjunctions are much like ah-hah moments, or when suddenly the fog clears, and we see what is in front of us. It allows us to perceive answers to our perplexing questions that surround us during the Mercury retrograde period itself (May 29th to June 22nd). The trick is to move slowly, first researching all the particulars to our perceived solutions and not acting them out until Mercury is turning direct on the 22nd. Boycotts and buycotts can be some powerful tools at this time too.
In June of 2021, the Inferior conjunction of the Sun and Mercury in Gemini falls on the same day as the Solar eclipse in Gemini. This gives us an interesting alignment. From the earth, looking toward the sign of Gemini (and no, I am not asking you to stare at the Sun, I am just saying, if we were to look out toward the area of the sky ruled by Gemini), we would first encounter the Moon eclipsing the Sun, with Mercury hidden behind the Moon, yet in front of the Sun, all pretty much in alignment. This is unique and signifies the birth of individuals whose missions it will be to remind us of our history and not forget the power of our past. They will be the ones who integrate the past, into humanity’s present, that they may alter the path of many of their peers. They are the way showers. The manipulators of history and tinkerers of time. Now, if we could only raise these babes being born now in a more loving environment we would be set. Keep close eye on those children that are born June 10th, 2021. And keep both eyes on events that unfurl then too. They are what I would call cosmic “teachable moments”. This is the promise of June.
During our current Mercury retrograde cycle, Mercury will square Neptune three times. The first occurred with Mercury direct on May 22nd. The second will occur with Mercury retrograde on June 5th. And the third square will be on July 6th. Withholding. Obfuscation. Deflection. Playing loose with the truth. These are all textbook definitions of Mercury square Neptune. And it is not going to go away by not looking at the situation. As a matter of fact, the exact opposite is what is called for here. Focusing and fine tuning our cosmic microscopes, telescopes, and perceptive abilities, to a crisp clear image that we may understand and identify the data being presented to us at this time. Garbage in, garbage out, right? Well, when truth goes in, truth comes out. It’s not rocket science, although the dark ones in our world want to make it seem so.
It is a chore to keep up with the speed of changing situations and information that emerge in June. And it is going to take up much of our attention. That which was first stated in May, as Mercury entered Gemini and made the first square to Neptune, will be fact-checked, contemplated, and debated, as retrograde Mercury makes the second square in early June, and then all this will be acted upon at the third square, in early July. Which, along with this month’s Mars and Venus transits, give us a THIRD cycle which have trigger points in early July. I would also note that the Superior conjunction of the Sun and Mercury (the fruition phase of our current Mercury retrograde cycle), falls on August 1st, 2021, the time of “Teltane”, or Lammas/Lughnasadh, one of the four mid-solstice and mid-equinox festivals associated with ancient religious customs. It is the period in each Solar cycle wherein humanity sees that the masculine world is giving way to the feminine world, and even though many of today’s version of the celebration involve hill and mountaintop events and activities, the more ancient references involved lakes, wells, and caverns, a nod to the feminine. I suspect the real power in these rituals would involve a balancing, and visiting, of both hill and dale. Entreating the Father gods to strengthen the Mother gods for their coming seasonal travails. If I may twist another famous saying, I have always liked to define this time of year as “as above, sow below”.
Think of June as an extended cross fit workout. It hurts when you are in the middle of it all yet exhilarates when accomplished. We all want to sink our teeth into something worth fighting for in June and shake it, until it yells “uncle”. Please do what you can to keep the inner beast from ripping someone a new one. A more appropriate use of the energy of June would be focused on exposition, investigation, and revelation. Fact FINDING, not just fact checking. Naming and giving definition and specificity to what we are dealing with is the challenge this June of 2021, be it a person, place, or process. To tweak what Edmond Burke famously said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to SAY nothing.” It is imperative that we, as Robert Hand quotes, “keep all our communication and thinking clear, lucid, factual, and rooted in the real world”.
Even Venus, our lovely and vivacious symbol of female veracity and affirmation, is in a pickle come late June when she must endure a few bad boys, as she opposes Pluto on June 23rd and opposes Saturn on July 1st. At least her transit through the early part of Cancer, in the first few weeks of June, will have some good-boy aspects, as she trines Jupiter on June 3rd and trines Neptune on June 21st. I really do like the first three days of June, and the 15th through the 22nd. Great days to get the medicine to go down if you get my drift.
Compulsiveness. Manipulation. Power struggles, especially between genders. This is typical of a Venus/Pluto opposition, of which we see this year’s manifestation, occurring in tandem with the power and leverage of the Capricorn Full Moon, in and around June 23rd. This is where Persephone is fighting off the actions of Pluto, where Luke Skywalker is wrestling with his father, and where all of us who are in romantic relationships, must be willing to address the dark side of our mates, or more specifically, the dark that we project on to our mates. When we, as living, loving, human beings, have the courage to face our inner demons, we create the atmosphere for ourselves, AND OUR MATES, to achieve greatness. Persephone felt as if she were dying yet ends up one of the most powerful women on the planet. Luke Skywalker faced death defying situations only to find the force and save the planet. They both embody the “mirror darkly” and have us peering deeply into our souls. We, as warriors of love and life, can stare down the face of our demons in June, reducing and retrograding our personal darkness, that light, and love, and liberation, can shine more brightly in everything, and everyone, that surrounds us.
Also, with the pulling of our present lives into the past with this month’s retrogradations, do watch for the tendency to bring up past hurts and dastardly deeds, or even act them out in our current relationships. We are not to let bygone be bygones in June, although neither are we to beat a dead horse, as the saying goes. The truth is somewhere in the middle. There is a potent power in the act of naming. The clarity, and vocabulary, we use in June makes all the difference.
And to pull back a bit again for some long term 2021 planning, please keep in mind that it is not until October when Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto will all turn direct again, when we will see the best progress of 2021, especially in the areas of equality and civilized behavior. This will also be due to Mars reaching the peak of its 2-year cycle that began in the Fall of 2020 when Mars was retrograde in Aries. Mars spent the whole second half of 2020 in Aries. Remember all that lack of civility? That was some of the negative attributes of both Aries, and a retrograde Mars, AND the seven bad boy squares from Mars to Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto, at the time.
Both the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice charts for Washington DC in 2021, have Aquarius rising, with Saturn and Pluto in the 12th. This is the old guard that burned down many of the coming Aquarian strategies in 2020, still trying to exert control in 2021, although now more secretively than ever. This is the people attempting to rise up and educate themselves and integrate themselves into like-minded groups, being thwarted at every turn by BACK-ROOM deals and hidden attacks. What you see in NOT what you get with these kinds of chart factors. Which again, brings up June’s superpower to peer into the mirror, into the mind, and into our motivations, of ourselves and the others around us.
Whereas the Spring Equinox chart had the Moon in perceptive Gemini, the Summer Solstice chart has the Moon in secretive Scorpio. Another indicator of hidden actions and motivations. And don’t forget that our current President has a number of planets in Scorpio, in HIS 12th house, which puts the ball in his court, so to speak. I fear we may have jumped from the frying pan into the fire with President Biden. An even more accurate analogy would be, “Isn’t this water getting a bit too hot?” said the frog in a whisper so the cooks wouldn’t hear. The best parts about the “Charts of 2021” are the underlying and deep karmic currents and attributes of Saturn, Pluto, Scorpio, and the 12th house. This is energy pregnant with self-undoing, unforeseen consequences, and the eventual paying of the piper. Especially for those who misuse power. And do not forget that the U.S. is only two years away from that gut-wrenching, soul-scrubbing, hyper-evolutionary, first ever, Pluto return. All we need do is act like cosmic court reporters and record EVERYTHING that is said in June, accurately, and without emotion. And please be sure to ensure the “chain of custody” for all evidence procured in June, for this is what we will want to go back to, during the rest of 2021, for the type of discovery that will help us win our cases this Fall.
Now, there is an interesting difference between the Spring and Summer charts, and it is where Jupiter lay. In the Spring we were still dealing with the autocratic energy of Jupiter in Aquarius, right on the Ascendant no less. In the Summer chart, Jupiter has dipped his toe into Pisces, which brings up much more economic and value-based issues for Americans that will come to a head in the Spring of 2022. [ I will be watching what happens to the financial markets in early July. The farther they fall, the more I will be pushing this year’s “October surprise” into November, and the more I will have to say in the future about what to watch for in 2022.]