Utterings, mutterings, musings, & murmuration - May 2021
The definition of the word mutter is “to utter words in a low tone, with lips normally closed, often in talking to one’s self, or in making obscure complaints, threats, etc.” In order to utter a sound, a comment, or even a warning, one must first understand not only the topic of concern, but the appropriate language needed for your utterance to be effective. A focusing of the mind is called into play. The opportunity for education and enumeration may then follow. This is the gift that is in store for us in May, as the Sun, Mercury, and Venus, traverse through the sign of Gemini. And with Mercury and Venus both entering Gemini in the early part of May, we all get to be more playful and gracious with our words and use what millions of schoolteachers would call our “inside voices”. And this will continue right on into June with a peak during the Mercury/Venus conjunction in Gemini on May 28th.
The only catch this time around our Sun, is the coming Mercury retrogradation in Gemini starting May 29th, and on throughout most of June. Do fact-check and make sure that what you utter this month will not come back to bite you in June. Proposed facts and figures expressed in May, get fact-checked in June, and are corrected, if needed, in July. This would be especially true regarding public projects that entail a myriad of details (I’m talkin’ to you Mount Shasta City). Beginning May 3rd until July 11th, Mercury is in Gemini and in his element. And he is there for an extended period of time due to the Mercury retrograde occurring only in the sign of Gemini. And although eloquence may suffer with a jacked-up Mercury, information dissemination is at an all-time high. The trick is to judge little and verify a lot. Sift through the fluff to the meat of the matter. Think butterfly, not badger.
With Mars in Gemini, April brought more than enough naming and blaming. Mars has left Gemini as May begins, so we can now back off on the rhetoric and impulsiveness of April. Now, with Mars in Cancer, throughout May and the beginning of June, we can get back to focusing our energies on our homes and hearths (Still talkin’ to you Mount Shasta). The gardens are in full swing, the Spring cleanings have begun, and the “Honey do” lists are getting longer. Fortunately, May, looks like a fairly easy month, especially in relation to the four major square aspects going on throughout most of 2021. Just watch for the unconscious tendency of Mars in Cancer to go on the offensive as a means of defending your home and family. Attacking as a means of defense is sooo 20th Century.
Gemini is all about gathering information, categorizing, and contemplation (Mount Shasta, can you say survey?). It is not a time for initiation or implementation. That would be the jobs for the Fire signs, of which we will have plenty in June, July, and into August. Now is the time for the bee to go from flower to flower and collect the pollen/polling.
Except for a bit right near the beginning, and right near the end of the month, May is a breath of fresh air, with plenty of amenable aspects and only a few rough days. Most notably: a Sun square Moon/Saturn conjunction while Mercury is void of course on Monday, May 3rd; a Mercury/Neptune square on Saturday, May 22nd; and a Venus/Neptune square on Thursday, May 27th. Pretty much everything else in May is going to be fairly easy to deal with.
This ease of situational awareness and understanding will make it much easier this month to learn more about the subjects on which we utter, mutter, and muse. Gemini may be fickle, hard to pin down, and easy to cause imbalance, but it is good at gathering the facts and getting them in some kind of usable order. This is what May has in store for us. Clarity and understanding. AND the ability to gather together into groups, however large, to convey our intentions.
Have you ever seen the magic in a flock of birds wafting and waving and weaving through the sky? Scientists call this murmuration; the ability to change direction much quicker than usual, not just because the birds are following a leader, but because they are seeing movement and anticipating what to do next. This is what the gift of May offers us. That instinctive and interactive ability to gather for a common purpose and paint a moving picture of harmony and motion. Whether it is at a city council meeting, public entertainment venue, or two or more gathered in name, May, holds some real promise for education, integration, and alignment…and some good old-fashioned fun too. The musicians are out, the Muses in rare form, and the people want to let their hair down and dance. This is the magic of Gemini.
As I mentioned in last month’s video on “The Future of Mount Shasta City”, as of 2020, the planet Jupiter, and all it represents to the astrological world, is running the show. Over the course of a six-year period, from 2020 to 2026, Jupiter makes a conjunction to every other planet outside of its solar orbit; Pluto and Saturn in 2020, Neptune in 2022, and Uranus in 2024. Even Chiron and Eris are in on the act. And in May we are going to get to peek into the near future when transiting Jupiter crosses into Pisces for a short visit this late Spring and early Summer. All the planets can do this, and delve for a short period of time into the next zodiacal sign, as they continually journey through our skies, although they do not do this EVERY time they change signs. Depends on the size of the planetary orbit involved. The longer the orbit around our Sun, the longer these dips last. Mercury dips occur over weeks of time, Pluto over months.
This dipping of one’s toes into the oncoming zodiacal sign is very telling, for it happens one of three ways; no dipping at all, dipping once, or in the case of the outer planets, dipping twice. These forays into the next sign are much like a reconnaissance or fact-finding mission and give us glimpses into what lies ahead on our collective paths. Where you find the Aquarius/Pisces cusp in your birth charts point you to how this Jupiter transit will likely occur. Pay special attention to the house that contains both the sign of Aquarius and that of Pisces. This is where you get to go big these next few months. “Shoot for the Moon”, as the saying goes, “and even if you miss, you will land among the stars”. The one caveat I would add is that we must be cautious about walking around in a daze when Jupiter is in Pisces, for it is all too easy to fall for the too good to be true, or the get rich quick, scams. In Pisces, the help thy neighbor type con artists are out in force and we are all too ready to do a good deed.
A similar thing happened in the Spring of 2020 with the planet Saturn when it dipped into Aquarius for a look-see. Which is why I predicted as I did in early 2020 that we needed to be aware of what would go down in society “when Saturn tests the Aquarian waters” in the Spring of 2020, for it would foreshadow what would actually be implemented once Saturn returned and stayed in Aquarius. I quote, “we will see both public advocates and corporate cronies floating all sorts of trial balloons... Please make sure you give them all the feedback they deserve. What we do as a people this Spring (2020) will determine what gets strategized and formulated for delivery to the people in 21’ and 22’”.
Remember what went down in the Spring of 2020? If you don’t, you either have your head under a rock, or you are wearing too many masks at one time. Now…, go search what happened the last time Saturn dipped his toes into Aquarius, which was in 1932. Take a moment to refresh. Do you see what is happening here?
We are now in 2021 with Saturn firmly ensconced in Aquarius until March of 2023. Please be aware that the intentions and inventions that we allow to get put into place, starting in the Spring of 2020 and continuing on until March of 2023, will most likely be with us for at least half of a Saturn cycle over the next 15 years, and maybe even the whole 30-year cycle on into the early 2050’s. Aquarius is all about the collective; society as a whole. Saturn is big brother defining and detailing what you can and can not do.
Wait until Saturn hooks up with Uranus in 2024 in the sign of Taurus. Remember the dot.com bubble? Think of this new Saturn/Uranus cyclical interaction in 2024 as more of a technology bubble. Poof. You are outdated by invention. Updates not available. Either you shell out the money to upgrade or die. Companies who cannot adjust on the fly will suffer many setbacks. New! New! New!!! Will be screamed across the blogosphere. And now for something completely new and different over that old thing you have now. Get with the program, whatever the current fashion.
God, I feel sorry for this planet when I think of all the old gadgets and garments that will be tossed to the curb. When added to the ever-declining efficacy of humanity to pick up after itself, this does not bode well for the Earth. Fortunately, this coming Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus in 2024, is going to be absolutely, fantastic for the inventiveness and technology needed to solve this kind of problem. Recycling, regenerative agriculture, and sensor technology are going to be the safe bets over the next few years.
Cue Jupiter. Unlike Saturn, which is all about contraction, definition, and slow growth, Jupiter is just the opposite, signifying the energy of expansion, opportunity, and freakishly fast growth. This is taught in the mystery schools in a symbolic form. The glyph for Saturn is the same as the glyph for Jupiter turned upside down.
From mid-May to late July of 2021, Jupiter dips his toe into Pisces. This is going to be big folks, and this is going to give us the opportunity to counter the Saturnian repressions we see all around us now since the Spring of 2020. This is due to the fact, that in 2022, Jupiter will make a conjunction to Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, occurring in the sign of Pisces. This supercharges the coming foray of Jupiter into Pisces this time around, so undoubtedly Jupiter’s reconnaissance mission in the late Spring and early Summer is going to be a doozie.
The last time Jupiter dipped into Pisces, not just passed into Pisces, mind you, was in the Spring and Summer of 1950. A quick view of history shows us that 1950 gave us the birth of the McCarthyism/communism scares and Congress passing the McCarren Act. We had the invasion of Tibet by China and the beginning of the Korean War. These are examples of the dark side of Pisces. You never know who is out to get you, so it is best to preemptively defend yourself. On the more positive side, the last time Jupiter dipped into Pisces we saw large strikes and protests around the world for equality, especially in London, Belgium, and Johannesburg.
We can expect to see similar issues rear their heads this time around, especially this late Spring and early Summer, and throughout most of 2022. I suspect the Black Lives Matter movements, and similar tolerance-based groups, will increase dramatically with Jupiter in Pisces, as will the opportunities for social equality and a leveling out of the playing field. We will see the ramping up of large, almost universal, strikes and boycotts, by large swaths of people who are outraged at the in-your-face bigotry and nationalistic tendencies that are being exposed. Unfortunately, this will also lead to an underlying fear of foreigners and socialist agendas and will promulgate many news stories around how we need to protect ourselves from the elusive invaders.
It can be easy to spin the truth with Jupiter in Pisces. And at the same time, it can be very easy to see where the deceptions arise. What IS important here, is that we all ACT on what we see. Jupiter often brings justice and abundance, although not without us grabbing on with both hands and riding the bucking bronco. The key is more about what we do once we get on the horse. Jupiter in Pisces can be the mystic who goes through life dispelling illusions in all they meet, or it can be the black magician who weaves a web of misdirection and deceit. It can be the raising up of the reformed and resurrected into a more spiritual, compassionate, empathic, world, or it can be the drowning of sorrows in a bottle or prescription and a look the other way attitude.
This is where we come in. Forewarned is forearmed. It is ALWAYS a choice, albeit not always a conscious one. Stay conscious my friends, as the planet of egality champions the equanimous and equalitarian attitudes of the archetypal Piscean. By the way, prayer and visualization techniques work wonders when Jupiter is in Pisces.
Switching gears, click here and take a peak at this news story. This is Uranus in Taurus. Not the pricking itself. That is part of another cycle. Whenever Uranus has transited through Taurus in the past, the world often lost a number of liberties, as it did last time from 1935 to 1942. It has often produced rapid destruction of democracy around the world, which in current time just happens to be occurring, AT THE SAME TIME, as another cycle that is giving us the narrative for getting pricked. The pan demonic issues themselves, have much more to do with the 33 to 37-year Saturn/Pluto cycle. Which, having just begun anew with the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in early 2020, is a cycle much more connected with assertion and control...often on very grand scales. With Saturn now in the sign of Aquarius, this authoritative and dictatorial attitude will continue until the Spring of 2023, when Saturn softens as he visits Pisces.
In the meantime, there is a wonderful astrological event that is coming up with the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction, in the compassionate sign of Pisces, in April of 2022. This is where we will see the way out of our current slide. This is where the hand from above reaches down and helps us up and out of the mire. 2022 is when we will be able to blend the Saturn in Aquarius indifferent attitude of groupthink, with the very personal Piscean attitude of inclusion, universal love, and compassion for all.
We must hold out and hold strong during the "4 squares" in 2021 and not let our guards down. Fortunately, we soon get a sneak preview of what can happen in 2022, when transiting Jupiter dips his toe into Pisces mid-May to late July. It is going to be a very telling next few months. Do not sit on the sidelines. Come the Saturn/Neptune conjunction in 2026, you are going to wish you could say to your descendants that you were part of the 2020's vision.
On a more mundane level, I am concerned about one of Jupiter’s main attributes…, those thunderbolts. Bad enough we have an emphasis on air signs in 2021 which goes with dry weather. Jupiter in Pisces is likely to bring us some wicked thunderstorms and torrential downpours this late Spring and early Summer. Even more so with Mars currently in the wet and weepy sign of Cancer until mid-June.
A combination of the inner planets in Gemini with Mars in Cancer in May means events will move quickly and will have much to do with the safety and security of our homes and hearths. Add in Jupiter’s transition to Pisces May 13th and we can expect to weather some very eye-opening events. Whether as acts of God, or those of Man, the threat to our homes, are real in May…and June…and July. And this is before the normal wildfire season even begins here in NorCal.
Mother Nature is a bit weepy in late May and Father Sky is angry because of it and will be putting on a show. In this case, in May, Father Sky’s mutterings are more bark than bite. And while the skies and the hills around us may bring us some early fireworks, I don’t see a lot of long term or devastating loses here. Again, forewarned is forearmed.
Saturn will station retrograde in May on Sunday, the 23rd, so we may have to cool down a bit toward the end of May when it comes to seeing any forward motion in our plans and projects. Just think of the end of May, and on through the beginning of October, as a time when we can go back and rework some of the ideas that have come forth since Saturn entered Aquarius in December of 2020. We will not have to push so hard out in the world come months end, although we will have to discipline ourselves to keep plodding along so that we are ready to strike out again come the Fall. And do remember that 2021 is all about the four squares and the long slog to 2022. Over the next few months concentrate your energies, replenish your vitality, and define your objectives, so you can come back out firing with all barrels come the Fall.
This may be a bit difficult to accomplish if you let yourself get swayed by the upcoming eclipses in late May and early June. This year’s Full Moon in Sagittarius on May 26th will also be seen as a total Lunar eclipse if you are close enough to the West Coast of the United States and you can get a good view of the western horizon. For the rest of the country, it will only be seen as a partial eclipse. So, guess which part of the US gets hit with the strongest effects from this eclipse. Yep, the far West, in a fire sign no less.
Now, Lunar eclipses are not as hard to handle as Solar eclipses, so the real interesting events will be during the Solar eclipse in Gemini in early June, which will have more of an effect on the East Coast, especially the further North you go. For us on the West Coast, a total Lunar eclipse at 5 ½ degrees of Sagittarius in late May, stirs up issues around solidarity and group support. All for one, and one for all, and all that. We are all in it together in May, especially on the West Coast. We Pacific Northwesters, and to an extent Pacific Southwesters, get to show our true colors to the rest of the world starting in May as we rise to the occasions. Up, up, and away!
Looking back through some of my recent predictions, I wanted to point out a few that are still in effect. From last month's forecast I mentioned how the individual gains ground against the Goliaths of the world. This will continue throughout May.
From February’s forecast I spoke on how we would be experiencing the Patriot act on steroids. This too, continues well past May, making a peak late June and early July.
From my forecast for all of 2021, I spoke on how the watery Sun signs would level-up in 2021. This begins in May. I also spoke on how the energy of Venus would peak in May, then have little consequence until November, and that the eclipses of 2021 falling across the Gemini/Sag axis would be “forcing us to face the failures of poor remote learning models; federally, and state, mandated, educational parameters; parental versus public responsibilities, in their roles, as educators of our children; and the quickening transformation, of the value, and definition, of the term, “education”. By June you will see here what I mean about Venus. The eclipses are already at work.
The New Moon in Taurus in mid-May on the 11th only adds to the enjoyments of May. It is easy for us to let go of some addictions and bad habits the second half of May. What do you no longer need in your life when it comes to comfort and satiation since a year ago? What other items now seem more important? The second half of May we get to make the transition with ease and little stress.
Of course, May is by no means devoid of strife, as can be shown by the events of May 3rd and the smattering of squares during the last ten days of the month. As the Sun enters Gemini on the 20th of May, it immediately squares Jupiter on the 21st, which indicates overly optimistic results and trying to juggle too many things at one time.
By the 23rd we see Mercury square Neptune, which can pull the wool over even the most alert individuals out there. And then there is Saturn’s station to retrograde motion on the 23rd, which will put the brakes to many of our projects and particulars. That Lunar eclipse in early Sagittarius on the 26th ramps up our indignities and patriotic fervor only to be followed a day later by Venus square Neptune on the 26th. Stay away from the refrigerator. That hole you have in your gut will not get any better if you are pounding the Haagen Dazs.
You might try a bit of fasting in and around the Full Moon at the end of May. Ever hear of the manna from heaven fast? Probably not, since I just made it up, although it would be a nice idea with Mercury stationing, while making a conjunction to Venus in Gemini, the last few days of the month. Think light and lively, not rich, and creamy. We are all going to want to have our wits about us as June rolls in and not be wallowing in a carbohydrate-soaked stupor. Eat light and be light is the way to go at month’s end for there are people to see and places to go throughout the month and we are all going to want to be moving from flower to flower with ease. That is why you hardly ever see any fat bees. A-muse-ing isn’t it? More in my June 2021 forecast. And in cased you missed it at the beginning of this forecast do check out my Youtube video on the Future of Mount Shasta City. Plenty to glean for any other cities in the U.S. too