Don't Forget to Giftwrap - October 2021
There is plenty to say about the astrological transits for October. And the best part, most of it is good news. Four planets turning direct. Mercury and Mars calling most of the shots, as they trine Jupiter and align with the Sun. Our annual Full Moon in Aries mid-month. All uplifting, active, motivating, focused, and energetic aspects, so hope springs eternal this Fall. Passion rises. Our sense of direction returns and re-aligns. There is light returning to the tunnel this month. It is time for us to make our way out of the dark. Mushrooms unite! All that compost I talked about that piled up in 2020 and into 2021 is now ready for us to plant a few seeds. Seeds that only begin to show themselves this December, and then burst into life in February and March of 2022.
So, patience and persistence are in order in October, especially at month’s end as we deal with a cardinal square of Mars to Pluto. Our energy is up. The fever is high. Our ambitions given free reign. Our patience at very low ebb. All too easy to leap before we look. Wanting no half-way measures, we are fully cocked for action. Great news if you have any sort of self-control. Not so great if you are prone to impulsivity and emotionally laden reactions. This is often when many go shooting themselves in the foot. Sabotaging the plan before it even gets off the ground.
Slow and steady. Plan. Strategize. Allocate. Implement incrementally. These are the lessons October has to teach. And we are avid students for the first three weeks of the month. Then there is this feeling-too-big-for-our-britches, Icarus type attitude that develops during the last week. Many will be itching to try out all that new talent, new information, and new confidence that arises this month. October is for flying below the radar no matter how grand the journey.
Mercury and Mars are coming together in the sky in early October as part of a very interesting alignment with the Sun. As seen from the Earth, on the morning of the New Moon in Libra October 6th, we will see an alignment of the Moon, then Mercury, then the Sun, and then Mars, all pointing off in a somewhat straight line toward the zodiacal sign of Libra. Of course, since the Sun is involved here, you can’t really see that the planets are there, yet, they are there, and this is where it gets good.
To understand what is happening within this alignment we need to remember there is a recurring physical cycle amongst the planets of our solar system that, as seen from the Earth, all the planets can be found at times, as either in the same zodiacal location of the sky as our Sun, or at other times about halfway through the year, in the exact opposite zodiacal location to the Sun. Thus, there are times when the Sun is seen as conjunct a planet, and then there are roughly halfway points through the year where the Sun will be seen as opposing that same planet. This solar based cycle is quite prominent in its personal, societal, and spiritual, expressions and leads to the classic inbreath/outbreath cycle of existence. Increase, decrease. Inspiration, expiration. Growth and decay. Ying and Yan. You get the picture. “You can’t have one without the oo-other.”
Next, we must understand that this type of cycle creates an energy field, due to the constant motion of the planets themselves through the field of the Sun and Earth. Remember basic chemistry and the makeup of an atom? Protons, neutrons, and electrons as seen through a microscope. This is the Sun, the Earth/Moon and the planets respectively as seen through a telescope. The planets as cosmic electrons, create spheres of influence or “shells” around the nuclei, i.e., the Sun and Earth. And the number of electrons and order of these electron shells in relation to the protons and neutrons give us our various physical elements. So it is, with the number of planets and order of these planets in our solar system creating the many varied elements of reality. Again, you can’t have one without the other.
Now when it comes to the planets Mercury and Venus, not only do they conjunct and oppose the Sun, as all the other planets do, they can also move, as seen from the Earth, in front of the Sun and behind the Sun at the time of their conjunctions. Thus, there are times when Mercury is inferior to the Sun and sits in between the Earth and the Sun. And then there are times when Mercury is superior to the Sun and sits on the opposite side of the Sun from Earth. These are called Inferior conjunctions and Superior conjunctions, respectively. This brings up an issue called the observer effect. The position of an observer to an event, and the act of observing itself, influences the actions of that which is being observed.
Thus, it is in Astrology. Position matters. Especially in relation to us. To the Earth. Does the Earth have to deal with the Messenger first, or does the Messenger follow the Message? Is Mercury interceding (between us and the Sun) or acceding (on the far side of the Sun). Are we seeing the Inferior conjunction, or the Superior? This is what makes all the difference to us, here on Earth. Especially when it comes to “allowing” the Sun into our lives. Living in the Light, as it has been called. Being open, being fully open, to what our Sun signs have to offer us. The gifts from the gods, so to speak. An interesting, yet almost universally hidden, mystical tradition teaches us that Jesus is said to have said only two words when he healed. “Be open.”
When Mercury intercedes, there is the need for clarity, annunciation, and specificity. When Mercury accedes, there is no need for translation. The message is delivered without the need for words or explanation. As an observer of planets and stars, Astrologers, and Astronomers, effectively influence the world and the realities around them. Just by observing that the Sun does this dance with the planets, as Mercury and Venus both constantly weave in and out of sight, humanity can affect the outcome. This is where the rubber hits the road. It is not just the fact that there is an observer at all. There is also the fact (which is rarely taken into account) as to the state of mind, and the openness, of those who are doing the observing. Mind matters. Cognizance matters. And with this interceding/acceding cycle occurring about three times every year, there is ample oppor-tune-ity given us all, to tune up our instruments of perception and focus on what we really want to see happen. And with all the Sun/Mercury Inferior conjunction cycles occurring in the intellectual and perceptive Air signs throughout 2021 and into 2022, there is much to learn now.
I do want to reiterate what I said last month about both September AND October of 2021 having a largely Libran influence. To set the stage, please stop here and re-read what I said about Libra in the September forecast.
I also want to point out that in October of 2021 we have all the A-team players on the field. Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and the Sun. All offensive players. And all communicating well with each other this month. There is a noticeable drive toward the goalpost in October. And the crowd is getting jacked-up again.
Thirdly, we must unpack the whole Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, alignment thing happening in early October. And all happening in the sphere of Libra. Starting with this year’s New Moon in Libra on October 6th, which is one of the best times of the year to bring beauty and balance more fully into our lives. Better still, to ATTRACT more beauty and balance. To own up, and open up, to what our universe constantly shares with us. To accept the gifts that we are constantly, and consistently, being offered from our God(s). To fully embrace, to take in what we are given. It is not what we take, in October, it is what we take in. What we let in. Willingly and lovingly. With gratitude and acceptance.
This alignment in early October carries with it three gifts. Three gifts in one. First there is the Libra New Moon. The gift of more beauty and love in our lives. Then there is the Inferior Conjunction of the Sun and Mercury in Libra, the gift of observation and understanding on how to best interact with society. The gift of gab. The resonant frequency. The team player.
The third gift in this cosmic passion play, is the Superior Conjunction of the Sun and Mars in Libra, the gift of right action and concentrated attention of self in relation to society. The ability to cut through the crap and do away with all that is excessive. And even though we are being forceful and inciteful, assertive and intrusive, the idea that the Sun and Mars are in Libra gives us that velvety smooth appearance. The iron fist in the velvet glove. The beast behind the beauty.
Given that we see a New Moon in Libra about once a year, and Inferior Conjunctions of the Sun and Mercury in Libra about every six years or so, along with Superior conjunctions of the Sun and Mars in Libra occurring about once every seven or eight years, the chances of seeing them all occurring within days of each other only happens very roughly about once a lifetime. Now do you see what we are being offered in October.
These gifts from the gods come with added weight in October. The added weight, the “filtered” attitude, of the Libra temperament. Gift wrapped, so to speak. And deftly delivered. With fanfare and good intentions. Why can’t we judge a book by it’s cover? Why would you look a gift horse in the mouth anyway? Why would you rock the proverbial boat? Well, in October, with the help of Mercury and Mars, knowledge and will, that boat don’t float. The rats can see the ship is about to sink. All hands, on deck. The scurry is on, peaking with the Full Moon and Mars/Pluto square, during the third week and fourth weekend in October. There is no place to hide. The purge is taking place. The flashlights are being pointed into the darkest recesses of our mind and we are starting to make sense of what lies within. Acknowledging that which has been right there in front of us all the time can be a humbling process. Most people prefer to go on living in the dark. Ignorance is bliss. Cognizance takes work and attention.
Some of the lessons to be learned in October have more to do with what went down at the Autumn equinox, than what is presented to us during the first few days of October. What is thrown at us in the media as September turns to October is intended to alleviate, and obscure, that which first arose around the Autumn Equinox due to a series of three Mercury/Pluto squares. The first occurring at the Autumn Equinox on September 22nd, the second on October 1st, and the third square will occur in the first week of November. The truth will come out as it always does with Mercury and Pluto squares. The trick is not to get all caught up in the moment and overplay your cards. So, keep your powder dry in October. Especially, at month’s end. October is more about strategy and positioning. Getting your men and women on the field. Practiced and disciplined. Healthy and harmonious. It is not about the battle. It is about the war. The chess game of Life. It is our move in October. And our moves must be not too bold nor too weak. Just enough to get their attention. Early November is when we are going to want to give ‘em all we got and strike while the getting’ is good.
Attention is the key in October. Not the sterile definition as used when one has to attend a meeting, and your heart isn’t in it. I am talking the more supreme definition of attention; the civility, the courtesy, the considerations given, when one is courting love and beauty. This is where the Muse is found. The soft edges. The sweet tongue. The warm embrace.
You are what you tweet. Are you feasting upon irrelevant data and doubt, or are you invoking the Muse and imbibing of the fruits of their labors? Are your words worthy of others attention and posterity, or are they rantings and ravings forgotten to the winds of time? Tone it down in October. Rather, tune it up, in October. Remember the gift wrapping. Give them honey now, not a hard time. Speak to the poetry and inspirations of life. Not the darkness therein. At least until mid-month. All bets are off after that.
A Full Moon in Aries on October 20th followed a day later by a Moon/Uranus conjunction and Mars/Pluto square, has a lot of folks popping their corks after mid-month. This is the kind of activity that has many crossing the line into unsavory territory. Many will surprise even themselves with the lengths they will go to this month. No take backs. No do-overs in October. We make many beds in October. Does not mean we have to lay in every one of them. Now would be the time to focus our attentions on what we already have, and then putting those resources, those gifts, to work for us. Think of it as getting the extended warranty. A bird in the hand can sing ever so sweetly given the right attention. Once Mars squares Pluto during the third week of October, careful you don’t squeeze your hand too tightly.
I love the many positive potentials that are present in October. Pluto turns direct on the New Moon October 6th, paving the way for more light being brought into the darkness of ignorance as our Winter unfolds. Although, Pluto does square Mercury at the beginning of the month, squares the Sun in middle of the month, and squares Mars near the end of the month, which is like getting an extra turn on the roller coaster at Disneyworld. Our ride in October is exciting, daring, and filled with twists and turns, and this roller coaster ride is going to lasts a long, long time this month. I trust you don’t get motion sickness. If so, you might want to stay away from the park, and stay off the field, until after the Full Moon on the 20th. Either way we do get our money’s worth of a-muse-ment this month.
Venus moves into the dramatic and often dogmatic sign of Sagittarius October 7th, there to stay until November 5th. Venus in Sag is a much statelier approach to getting what we want than when in Scorpio as it is during the first week of October. Venus in Scorpio knows how to hit below the belt, Venus in Sag knows when to pull the punches. This savoir faire is a gift or talent we have available to us from about October 7th until the Venus/Neptune square on October 26th. By the 25th, I would not want to be relying on my good graces. Goodness gracious no! Venus square Neptune is not known for its tact or calm demeanor. Thin-skinned and emotionally vulnerable, when Venus squares Neptune, it is best we binge on the rom-cons and Haagen Dazs and interact with our loved ones as little as possible. You can make your apologies come the Venus sextile Jupiter on the 28th. On the plus side, Venus square Neptune really helps us remove our blinders and rose-colored glasses.
Saturn turns direct this month too, on October 10th just as we are coming off the three gifts of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, alignments, adding a steadfastness and solidity to the gifts of early October. Saturn brings us our JUST reward. You get what you give. More precisely you get now what you have been giving all along. No more. No less. Contrition is not a factor now. Karma is. Gifts come in all forms and functions. In October, just say, “Yes please, may I have some more?” The real value of Saturn’s gifts this month will likely be fully understood come late December’s third Saturn/Uranus Square of 2021 and 2022’s Sun/Saturn conjunction in early February. Sometimes we may not realize the gifts we have been given right away. In October we can trust that we are not being given more than we can handle… or deserve.
The other exciting event for October of 2021 is Mercury and Jupiter turning direct around the same time, late on October 17th and early on the 18th. Mercury, as I have mentioned, is the ability to understand and to perceive the world around us. Jupiter is the wisdom to understand why things happen as they do. Together, a higher state of mind, a higher frequency is attainable. This is where heat is applied. The dross is swept away. The pure product, or reason, will be the resultant - that which is left in the alembic of life after all has cooled down and come to rest. This Fall there is a two-stage cooling process, with one product first appearing at the Superior Conjunction of the Sun and Mercury at the end of 2021, and another product, another reason, appearing closer to the Spring Equinox in 2022. Both will serve us well given our “attentions” be true.
Another interesting potential built into October of 2021, is the Sun and Mars both entering Scorpio, on the 22nd and 30th respectively. Yes, I do believe some good can be had when Mars is in Scorpio. It’s not all pain and suffering. There is that tempering process that occurs with Mars in Scorpio, the old what-doesn’t-kill-you-makes-you-stronger approach to life. The ability for us to push past our boundaries and safe zones and achieve truly impressive goals and transformations. And with the Sun in Scorpio during most of November and Mars in Scorpio throughout November until mid- December, we are going to really be turning up the heat this late Fall. To twist a famous Latin phrase, temper fugit. Time flies when you are testing your mettle.
Another interesting and exciting series of events peak at the end of October, having started their dance during last month’s Full Moon in Pisces September 20th. It is a dance between Mercury and Jupiter. Mercury trine Jupiter is a most glorious aspect dealing with the integration of knowledge and wisdom. Even more so when they both stop and station in the sky together, as they are doing in October. It’s easy to see what the truth is now, the wisdom behind the act. It is the gift of the guru, the professor, the statesman. A clarity of purpose infused with understanding and truth. Due to the retrogradation of Mercury this month, Mercury will form a trine to Jupiter three times, in a dance I like to relate to the story of Goldilocks. Trine #1 - on 9-20-21. Too much. Trine #2 – October 3rd. Too little. And trine #3 – October 31st. Just right. Do too much. Do too little. Then we do just right. Go too big. Go too small. Then go just right. As an example of this clarity of focus and dance on the world stage I would point you toward the whole U.S./Taliban “treaties” and affairs. Do notice the difference in our foreign policy from the beginning of the month to the end. Too much last month. Too little at the beginning of October. Best by month’s end. Trick or treat!!!
I so love the fact that Mars enters Scorpio on Halloween eve, and the third Mercury/Jupiter trine falls on Halloween itself. This should make for some exciting, and adrenaline filled parties and events. More frights, less fights. Unless of course you are in special forces. Strike force Boo is a go. The New Moon in Scorpio opposite Uranus in early November, followed by a Moon, Mercury, Mars, Uranus, T-square (out letting into Leo) on 11-10 has the King claiming victory by 11-11. More in November’s forecast.