"Less is More" - My Forecast for December 2021"

December excites me. And scares me too if I am being honest. The final month of the year brings to a head what I have been calling the long hard slog of 2021. This year came in with a bang and goes out with a bang. To be more precise, 2021 came in with an explosive bang, as predicted, and will go out with not so much a bang, but more like a controlled demolition. Both bangs were fomented by very powerful influencers. Yet, no matter how experienced the people (or consortiums) are who are setting these charges that will bring the house down, sometimes these implosions can go very, very, wrong.

This is the potential I see for December. It is one of sudden and unforeseen consequences. Big consequences. Consequences that first reared their potentials back in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s with the conjunction of Saturn and Uranus, in Capricorn mind you. Consequences that will not be fully understood for about another ten years when our current Saturn/Uranus cycle concludes once again in the early 2030’s.

We must all remember to lift our sights from the immediate circumstance, toward the long game. Regardless of how distracted, or busy, or angry, we may be, we have to see these current set of circumstances, that are playing out in the latter part of 2021, as just a small piece of the puzzle.

Have you ever tried to put a puzzle together without first looking at the cover of the box? You have to do it piece by piece. Shade by shade. There is no grand vision of the inevitable outcome, only small glimpses, as we lay our puzzle pieces side by side in an attempt to group together who knows what. Astrology gives us glimpses of the picture on the cover of the puzzle box. And it gives us information on the entities that created the puzzle in the first place. This knowledge, as seen in December’s potential, this focusing on the bigger picture, is precisely what excites me, and tweaks me out, at the same time.

You see, December has a Janus feel to me, with the two faces comprised of the Capricorn and the Piscean archetype. Capricorn is more the school of hard knocks, Pisces, the suffering servant. Capricorn is a top-down approach to life, Pisces more about bottoms up. Capricorn is the attitude of the Taskmaster, Pisces, wants to master the task, whatever asked. They are worlds apart in their application yet seen in sextile relationship (two signs apart) in the Zodiac. Which means there is a gift in there somewhere, in that relationship between Capricorn and Pisces. The hard nose and the soft touch.

As is true of any sextile relationship, both parties must make an initial extra effort to get the ball rolling. If you want to get the prize, you have to at least reach out for the brass ring, go buy that lottery ticket, or finally get up the courage to engage another. I am hoping to see, as a product of December’s hard-core, tough love machinations, humanity shift more toward a soft-spoken, heart centered, and miracle driven society. It is presaged in the direction of the signs as seen on our Zodiac. Capricorn precedes Pisces. Nature moves from Capricorn through Aquarius to Pisces. From the deed to the deliverance. Through the catalyst of Aquarius, the ability of society to self-integrate and rise above egotistical squabbles. To create the systems that will float all boats so to speak, as equitably as possible. To combine the determination and definition of Capricorn with the blinding faith and dedication of Pisces.   

And to make this puzzle picture a bit clearer, I remind you of the importance of 2020, and the importance of understanding that most of what we did in 2021, and what we will continue to do during the rest of this decade, has to do with what was birthed in 2020. 2020 was the Year of the “Great Conjunction”. And again, to put this in perspective, in order for any particular year of the past, or future, to qualify as a Great Conjunction Year, it must have at least FIVE major planetary conjunctions occurring during that year. Great Conjunctions are rare throughout history and do not happen that often. They have occurred only three times in the last 800 plus years.

Great conjunctions can cause large phasal shifts in society, most notably shifting a society from one that has been growing and flourishing, to one that begins to decline. And vice versa, from a society that has been in long decline, to a society that in essence slowly rebirths itself and has the potential to prosper. And these phase shifts play out for decades as the five various conjunctions found in a Great Conjunction Year move from the desiccating and diminishing phase of their cycles and move through their new growth and fruition phases. This is what made 2020 so special, not to even mention the 200-year Jupiter/Saturn cycle that began anew in Aquarius at the end of 2020.

And as is usually the case within Great Conjunction years, three of the ten major important planetary cycles shifted from a dissipating and decaying phase into their new birthing, growing, and fruiting phase. Which is a great thing. Except for the fact that whenever something is born, or reborn, there is first a forgetfulness that occurs. An inability to communicate what we are now experiencing. And it is not until we are able to decipher this new reality and get our sea legs so to speak, that we can get a grip on our new surroundings.

Same goes for the rebirthing phase of any planetary cycle. Same goes for 2020…five times over. Cosmic amnesia. And it is only as we have slogged through 2021 and move into 2022, do we start to wake up from our collective rebirths and start to even understand that which surrounds us. Some souls fear what they will discover in this new paradigm, this new birth. Other souls can’t wait to jump in. Both types have this fragility of body that can be snuffed out easily. This is what scares me a bit about December. There will be many a candlelight that gets snuffed out this month, or at least many that get put under cover. What excites me about December, is that unlike the candle that extinguishes itself when covered, many, many, candles will burn even brighter as they are attempting to be extinguished this month, even burning themselves right on through that heavy cloak of darkness.

In 2021 we had no phasal change whatsoever amongst the major planetary cycles, only the four distinct, third quarter, decaying squares between Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus. What this implies is that in 2021 there were a number of things that did not get completely phase-shifted out of our lives when the three new cycles of birth occurred in 2020, and which had to be finally cleared out and brought down in 2021. And due to the newness of the cycles being reborn in 2020, it has been difficult to even see what it is that is happening all around us. Very few living things can see what is around them right after birth. And humans are one of the worst, taking quite long to actually begin to see. Like a babe who cannot judge where the rattle is as she grasps at thin air many of our reactions of 2021 were instinctive and without reason or understanding.

This is a well know thing amongst the ancient Astrologers and those who had their counsel. Don’t think for one minute that this isn’t part of the reason so much has been pulled over our eyes since the fateful year of 2020. Now that we are on our way into 2022 our vision gains in clarity and our actions gain coordination. And in 2022 we once again start on the move upward, bringing us another important planetary cycle shifting from its death and decay phase to its new birth and potential phase. And it then happens again in 2024, AND again in 2026, for a grand total of nine out of ten major societally influencing cycles in their growth and fruition phases by 2026. This is the new roaring twenties. And the cabals and corporations that pulls the puppets strings in much of our world know this too. Which is why all the stops are being pulled out before Jupiter re-enters Pisces. Once that happens, at the end of December, there will be a wave alright. Although it will have nothing to do with viruses.

Think of 2020 as Simba learning to roar in The Lion King, and all the trouble he gets into as he partakes of his new world. 2021 is more on the level of Scar with the envy and engineered death of Mufasa. 2022 will be more on the level of Nala and her positive influence on the coming King with the beautiful and bountiful Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Pisces. The Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in 2024 will be when Simba gets to be King himself and the Saturn/Neptune conjunction in 2026 is when a new prince or princess will be born. Hey, it’s the circle of life.

I will be speaking more on this integration of 2022 into the grand puzzle of our lives on January 8th when I give my forecast for 2022 – “Sleeping Beauty Awakens”. Of course, I will make that video available on YouTube et al, although I would stress that those who attend in person get to ask questions of which I usually answer.

Now back to December 2021. Of notice we see Neptune turning direct at the first of the month, which brings a focus and clarity back to the actions of the last half year or so. Neptune is in its ruling sign of Pisces and has been so since 2011. Stronger than it has been since the late 1850’s and early 1860’s. And then in 2022 Neptune will get pumped up even more by a fly-by of both Jupiter and Venus in the Spring. And with Neptune turning direct at the beginning of the month, and Jupiter entering Neptune’s domicile at the end of the month, Neptune’s tactics will be coming clear this month. From the misdirects, false flags, and downright grand illusions of the dark side of Neptune, to the soul-searching lamentations, ecstatic conditions, and I-opening positive side. In one case, the fog gets thicker, the lie even bigger, in the other, the fog lifts, our minds clear, and we fully see where we now are.

We will see Jupiter move back into Pisces during the final days of December which will kick into high gear the coming events of 2022. Culminating with the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Pisces during the Easter season in mid-April of 2022. This is the Christos, the promise of better things to come. The tangibility of Spirit. The power of sacrifice and the promise of peace. A great sign in the heavens if there ever was one. Especially with Venus joining the mix.  And it will have the largest effect on the Pacific Northwest.

In December we also see the long-awaited karma of Capricorn give us another dose of reality. It has been very interesting to watch these last forty years with the intense focus on Capricorn, the sign of mega-corporations, capitalism, and Big Government, starting with the triple conjunction in Capricorn in the early 90’s through the triple conjunction of 2020. Capricorn is the sign of karma and control. And now in this final month of 2021 we see some of Capricorn’s final death throes as Venus and Mercury begin their scouring action in Capricorn in the company of Pluto as he starts to say his fond farewells, moving soon into the sign of Aquarius for the first time since American Revolutionary times.

This is not going to be a very enjoyable Winter, from a liberal point of view. It is not a time of largess or even liberty. More like you better be happy with what you got…or else. Higher prices, fewer options, and even fewer avenues of recourse. But. And this is a big but here, the demolition crews of the world orders did not take into account the stubbornness and stability of the American home and hearth. I liken it to a more let-them-eat-cake moment, and we all know how that ended. I mean c’mon, the US chart has FOUR planets in Cancer, the don’t-Fuck-with-my-family sign. This is like five times the average countries’ ability to focus on safety and security, and it is why the US has the armed forces and social services it has, or some would say, has had.

And this emphasis on the Cancer attitude, which is the opposite sign, the antidote to Capricorn, if you will, is exactly what will stop the demolition of our way of life as Pluto rototills the karma of this Country and spits us out the other side in the mid-2020s. It is the determination to stand up for our families, and our homes and hearths, and not let anyone or anything diminish them. Or threaten them. Or take away their sustenance.

As Venus visits Pluto this Winter we will see our wants and wishes diminish as we re-evaluate the costs and compliance involved in “having it our way”. Less is more this Winter, and more enjoyable too. Consumption a cause for concern. The omen of Omicron spells but one thing this December. Contraction. Restriction. And it can be used to our advantage, if we are able to let go of a variety of addictions. Getting back to basics. Detoxing from the disease of opulence and distractions. December is a do more with less opportunity. Making life simpler and slower. Savoring the subject. Basking in the basics. And holding onto the tools and the traditions that actually have some worth. Not, the gizmos and gadgets of obsolescence. Not the fears and frailty of the mind. It is time to hold your cards, to value the bird in the hand, to care and maintain the structures you do have now.

And sometimes it is time to fight for those things that have been lost and should be found. Brought back out into the light of day like Persephone returning from Hades, as a Queen do not forget. This is the gift of Venus and Pluto in Capricorn. Whether it is of a necessity like groceries and supplies, or a nicety like love and sex, boycotts, buycotts, walkouts, and detachments, work wonders, here. Bottom lines are being crossed in December and we all get to do some of the crossing.

Mercury will enter Capricorn to assist Venus in her cosmic closet cleaning and dance with Pluto as of December 13th also making a conjunction to Pluto three times, as Venus does, this Winter. This is where we will develop the new supply line contacts and connections. And destroy many of the old and outmoded, soul-sucking systems of subjugation. Alternative sourcing. Paying attention to what is most effective and transformative. Drying up that which drains us and dedicating ourselves anew to those things, especially from the past, that worked, and should have never been changed. Wasn’t it Horace Greeley who said, “Go Back, young man”? No wait, that’s what his dad said to him.

And it is quite noticeable that in the Winter Solstice 2021 chart, which is the real birth chart of 2022, we see four planets in Capricorn all triggering the US 2nd house of money, personal value, and priorities. Make no mistake, the priorities and values of this country are being transformed this Winter. What we must do is tip the scale in the directions we want it to go. It is a simple process. If you withdraw your love and support and your dollars from something, it will wither away. That which you do nurture and support will continue to grow and expand. This is what excites me about December. Taking the air out of those things that need deflating. Inflating those things than deserve it. And reveling in the process.

And yes, there will be more riots and revolutions, more lockdowns, and boogeymen in December. There is a heavy hand afoot this month which will be pressing down on us all with force. The way of Capricorn is never an easy road. David got kinda lucky with Goliath. Right in the 3rd eye. Fortunately, in December, and big time on into the Spring of 2022, our hearts will keep our flames alive, bursting out from its confines and attempts at smothering.

Let faith and instinct guide your hand in December. Even if it means sometimes you have to slap someone upside the head every now and then. Are you the spiritual guide initiating the student into higher realms with a slap to the head or are you the mega-CEO that is constantly slapping down everyone around them that no one else might rise to the mountaintop? Many will fall from grace in December. And many will rise. Especially around December 7th when we see the Mars/Jupiter square of dogged determination and the Mercury/Neptune square of distraction and deception occurring on the same day. It may be difficult to tell what is right or wrong at this time. Much better to reserve your conclusions for the weekend of the Gemini Full Moon on December 18th and thereafter.

The Sun and Mercury both inconjunct Mars and both square Neptune in the first two weeks of December. And the final Saturn/Uranus 3rd quarter square of 2021 on Christmas Eve dominates the second half of the month. Hitch up those trousers and tighten up those belts, The rubber hits the road in December, and you better be ready to hit the ground running.

The days I am looking forward to in December come after Mercury moves into Capricorn and Mars moves into Sagittarius on the 13th, throughout the Winter Solstice on the 21st. The Full Moon in Gemini on the 18th, sheds light on many a subject, the words that were spoken, and are spoken now, have much truth to the matter. The trick will be to wade through all the excess chatter that happens now, everyone’s got something to report. Having the Sun sextile Jupiter and Mercury trine Uranus immediately after the Full Moon on the 18th and 19th, brings ample opportunity to get to the truth, with many sudden revelations and whistleblowing tunes.

Yet, the effect of all these exposes’ will only be to quash even more so. Deny even louder. Repress even harder. Do not let them snuff out your light this month. Do not let the weight of the world drag you down. Grasp for the truth no matter how fragile it may seem this month and don’t let go. By Winter’s end we will see acquiescence on the part of Capricorn’s stately towers and corporate collusion, although like the American Revolution, there are some dire and deadly situations to be had before Spring. Hang in there, troops. It’s all on the line now. Think what kind of world you want to have in seven to ten years from now, and act on it now, not later.

To underscore what is happening this year, and what is coming to a head in December, I am going to quote the eminent Master Astrologer Robert Hand from his book “Planets in Transit”. Robert Hand understands astrological influence as very few can even hope for, and I consider his book essential in the study of Astrology. Now, in the book, he is talking about transiting Saturn squaring a particular person’s natal Uranus which would of course apply quite personally to that person. However, I have found that Dr. Hand’s explanations of the various aspects have been spot on for transits to transits too, which affects a large portion of the populace all at the same time. On the subject of what happens to us when Saturn makes a square aspect to Uranus, as it is doing in all of 2021, I quote…

“This can be an extremely upsetting and tense period, particularly if you have allowed your life to crystalize into rigid patterns that cannot easily be changed. This is a time of great tension because your desire for change and new experiences seems to be thwarted by circumstances or other people. If you have been putting up with unpleasant conditions in any area of your life, these will become much more difficult to withstand now. The tensions may become so great that you will unexpectedly take very radical action that you would not have anticipated a short while ago.”

“Everyone’s life needs both structure and change, but most people structure their lives in such a way that it is very difficult to change. Although they need change, they are afraid of it. Consequently, changes can take place only by totally overthrowing the structure. A person who is sufficiently afraid will endure the greatest tensions and frustration just to keep from upsetting the apple cart.”

Dr. Hand goes on to say “During this transit you face the challenge of creative change without destructive revolution. If you try to endure the pressure of a situation crying for changes in the face of profound obstacles, you subject your body to extreme tensions, which is not good for your health. Some people are utterly unconscious of the need for change in their lives. When this transit hits them, changes start to happen suddenly which can be quite upsetting and unpleasant. The changes may even take the form of accidents, which are often an unconscious and inadvertent release of subconscious tension.”

“You will have problems with any relationships that seem to be holding you down too much. Relationships may break up during this transit, but not usually those in which both people are open to new and challenging experiences. This transit is most threatening to structures that have become routine and rigid.”

“Your work situation may also become oppressive if you are given new responsibilities without any new stimulation or opportunity for a different experience. Here also there is a danger of a sudden break, such as quitting suddenly or even being fired, unless you can learn to incorporate change into your daily routine. Authority figures in general seem oppressive…”

Phenomenal words on what happens in society when we see a Saturn/Uranus square by Robert Hand. And prescient too. To wit, these words were published back in 1976!!! Now do you see why sittin’ on our asses as 2021 comes to a close is the improper thing to do? Can you see the bigger picture that is before us come the early 2030’s when Saturn and Uranus close out this current cycle? It is right there in front of you. Why do you think “They” called it “Agenda 2030”?

Do not go to war just for the sake of something to do in December. And do not go over the line for a lie. That’s what will sink us this month. Do take careful stock of our quickly changing landscape. Do go out on a limb when warranted. Do cut off the supply of support to anyone or anything that uses your support for repressive, nefarious deeds. Do take away your attentions on that which desiccates and destroys. Do less with more in December. And do have a good day throughout.

And do join me in early January when I video my annual forecast for the year, which will take the place of my usual monthly written forecast for January.

And do look forward to 2022, not back. I like to think of the beginnings of a cycle, what Astrologer’s call the conjunctions, as Humpty Dumpty moments. Crash. Bang. You are done. You can’t go backwards and crazy glue Humpty Dumpty back together again. You must look forward from there on out.

2020 was where Humpy Dumpty had his great fall. In 2021 everyone tried to put Humpty Dumpty back together again. What they didn’t notice in the process was that a baby chick had emerged from within. This is what we will start to see in 2022. The trick is to shepherd that little chick and spirit it away from the prying eyes of the Kings Men so that it can grow and flourish throughout the new roaring 20’s. More in my Forecast for 2022 – “Sleeping Beauty Awakens”.

And please do like, subscribe, tweet, text, post, snap, or whatever else one can do nowadays, to help get this message out. Knowing the way the river flows, can make all the difference in a friend or family members lives. Gifts don’t always come wrapped.

Have some Happy Holidays,

Glenn Arthur  









Resistence is Fertile - My Forecast for February 2022


Don't Forget to Giftwrap - October 2021