“For Those Who Have Eyes to See” - My Forecast for June 2022

The fixed sign of Taurus is highlighted in June, as are the signs of Aries and Gemini, which are the signs that bracket Taurus. These are the first three signs of the western Zodiac and represent very basic, instinctual imperatives we all experience as part of being human. From the will to be alive, and the needs to do so, to the urges to understand our realities, the first three signs of the Zodiac define us as individuals, and “set up” much of our life-long circumstances and environments.

Aries is the sign of survival and insertion of the self into the world. The Soul as manifestation. With Mars and Jupiter both in Aries this June of 2022 we are on high alert. Anything goes here. And when it happens it happens swiftly, seriously, and often with unexpected force. On the positive side of the equation, we get the new pioneer. What I call the Lewis and Clark’s of the world. The Star Trek archetype, going where no man has gone before. On the negative side of reality we get the war hawks and war mongers, warriors and “wanna-be”s coming out of the woodwork. Especially toward month’s end as we begin to feel early July’s Mars/Pluto square.    

Taurus is the hedonist in all of us and Taurus is emphasized due to four things now. First there are the eclipses of 2022 occurring along the Taurus/Scorpio axis. Secondly, we have the triple gathering of Mercury, Venus, and Uranus in Taurus. And third and fourth, the unique phenomenon of Mercury backing into Taurus and Venus meeting up with Uranus in Taurus. That is a lot of bull!  And as I mentioned in my May 2022 forecast, has much to do with us wanting to take our toys and go home.

In current society the Bull is represented most dominantly as the Bull of Wall Street. The ultimate image of strength, growth, greed, and excess. The negative side of Taurus is the obsessive accumulation of money and power. A bigger house. A bigger yacht. A bigger bank account. The positive side of Taurus is about us all getting what we want out of life. And getting it when we want it. Reveling in the luxuries of life.

When we move into Taurus, we no longer want to just survive and insert ourselves into physical bodies, we want to thrive and relish the wonders of that body. Satiation. Absorption. Taurus is the sign of indulgence, consumption, and immersion into the physical sensations of life. And as heightened as Taurus is in June this only raises the chances of these issues expressing themselves in our personal, public, and political lives.  Even the whole issue around shortages and empty shelves is an expression of this attitude toward consumption. Do remember that much of these events were first triggered back in the Spring of 2018 when Uranus entered Taurus for the first time since the early 40’s. And do take note that Mars will trigger Uranus in late July and early August this year, with Jupiter right at their sides. This is a big deal folks and has not happened since 1928. There were a lot of firsts in 1928 including the first television broadcast and look where that took us. This Summer is going to give us similar over-the-top events and examples of new technologies, new feats and never before seen actions and responses.

The factors emphasizing the importance of Gemini in June are the annual sojourn of the Sun through Gemini, Mercury entering Gemini on June 13th, and Venus entering Gemini on June 22nd. By the time we get to Gemini in the Zodiac we are wanting to integrate Aries and Taurus, the Soul, and the self, into an understandable and usable balance. We want to recognize the inner and the outer worlds, the “twins” of nature. Thus, the three inner “planets” are active in Gemini in June, four during the 25th, 26th, and 27th when the Moon is also in Gemini. And Gemini is the sign of the fusing of elements and the integration of opposites. Gemini is where the different sides of an equation, the polarities of life, are bound together. Male and female. Introversion and extroversion. Omission and commission. The Soul and the personality really get a chance to see each other and communicate under Gemini’s influence.

 The meaning is hidden right in the symbol or “glyph” of Gemini; two distinct vertical pillars or polarities, tied together, connected, by the upper and lower horizontal lines, the inner and outer worlds. As above, so below. Brought together for the first time as seen through the progression of the zodiacal signs.

Let me put it another way. Or more precisely, let me show you how the ancient Greek teachers explained this progression of the Soul into human form and then back again. They are called the twelve labors of Hercules. And they are rich in metaphysical and astrological teachings. The first labor very quickly has to do with the taming of four horses who liked to chow down on human flesh. This is the Soul coming down and taming the spirits of this world, Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. At first Hercules messes up and gets his friend Abderis eaten by these fiendish spirits of the world as represented by the wild horses. Hercules then tries again and gets the job done.

The second Labor of Hercules, the labor associated with Taurus is the taming of the Cretan Bull. Long story short, a selfish King brought on the degradation of the sacred white Bull, forcing Hercules to have to find, overcome, and recover the Bull to its sacred place and association with the Soul rather than bodily sensations.  To rise above greed, envy, lust, and possession.

With the Sun now in Gemini, we get to partake of Hercules’s third labor, the gathering of the Hesperides golden apples. And here is where it really starts to get good. The apple has been a symbol of wisdom for ages. The apple given to Eve being a most obvious version. Even the tradition of leaving an apple on a teacher’s desk hints at this symbolism. Hercules must find and pick these three golden nuggets from the tree of wisdom. And it takes him five different tries to do so, at first failing to understand the wisdom as presented and then finally sacrificing the selfishness of the self for the good of the Soul.

Gemini often must embody several attempts to perceive, integrate and understand wisdom. And to me, this is glaringly obvious if we compare the more recent tale of Adam and Eve with the earlier tale of the third labor of Hercules. In the Christian there-is-only-one-God version, there is but one Eve, one apple, one serpent and one truth. With the third Labor of Hercules and his quest for wisdom and understanding, there are many Eves, many apples, many serpents, and many truths. This is the gift of the Gemini temperament. To keep on keeping on. To never give up the search for wisdom no matter how many wrong turns we may make along the way. And to synthesize that wisdom with action. And this is one of the many gifts from the Gods and Goddesses we get to avail ourselves of in June 2022. And expect these gifts to come in hard and heavy as Venus conjoins with Uranus on Saturday, June 11th, and Mercury returns to Gemini on June 13th. Combined with the Full Moon in Sagittarius, the complement to Gemini, on June 14th we can expect some wonderful revelations and opportunities for leveling up our understanding of the world around us and in us.

Mercury is now direct too, as of June 3rd, first in Taurus until the 13th, then in Gemini until July 4th. Think back to the issues and information that was brought to light while Mercury made it’s most recent retrograde in May. Much of what we learned at that time will now be integrated, absorbed, and acted upon now that Mercury is direct. And most of this action in June will reach a crescendo come September’s superior conjunction of the Sun and Mercury at 1 degree of Libra and then heightened with October’s events which I will explain a little later in this forecast.

Mercury is empowered in Gemini, one of its ruling signs. On the positive side of the equation, we speak intelligently, and with wisdom. On the negative side, we just speak way too much, offering TMI and too many opinions detached from the facts. Makes me think of the axiom, those who know much speak little, those who speak much know little. Of course, the best path is somewhere in between. Stay open to this type of perception and understanding in June.

The transits of the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars treat us well in June making for a decent sense of accomplishment and advancement, education, and expression. Mid-month seems to be the most difficult time of the month as we see the Sun square Neptune on the 16th and Venus square Saturn on the 18th. Do be careful what you decide you think you need mid-month. Chances are good you may not realize how much these needs will cost you. A better way to proceed mid-month would be to see where you have been attached to items and events that no longer serve a purpose, or no longer fulfill their intended promises, and cut these things out of your life. This way we are encouraging the positive side of Venus and Saturn and not the negative side. Austerity as a spiritual practice rather than the burdens of loss.

Sex can be magical, massages, mystical experiences when Venus is conjunct Uranus in Taurus. Reaching out and touching someone will bring a smile to many an eye in June.  Invoking the feminine power of Venus in Taurus now, can really get your juices going. Especially during the second weekend of June. Although by the third weekend we may be somewhat burned out, or maybe just feeling burned, by recent events as Venus squares Saturn on June 18th. You play, you pay. The Piper always extracts his due. Father’s Day this year on June 19th may have some big surprises in store.

Venus conjunct Uranus makes for some excellent play dates. Venus square Saturn not so much. The second weekend of June is for spontaneity and titillations, the third weekend is more for bearing our crosses and paying our dues. The last weekend in June is once again for spontaneity and sensual pleasures as we see the Moon make its monthly conjunctions to both Uranus and Venus, on June 24th and June 26th, respectively. Not a time to be sittin’ home on your duff.

At this point I want to speak on a subject that is likely going to get me in a bit of hot water. And this is the fact that many, many secret societies, and cabals worship Venus. Or more to the point the Venus archetype which has had many names and forms over human history. Born of the stars and emerging from the sea, the great beloved Cosmic Mother of Heaven, Venus was a household deity long before even the Babylonians were around. And one of the great secrets of most of our secret societies that have existed down through the centuries is that they not only revere this esoteric and exoteric power, but they also plan many of their activities around the cycle of Venus through our solar system.

Venus is strong when in its ruling sign of Taurus, as it is during most of June. Add in the roughly annual conjunction of Venus with Uranus in Taurus and we will see, for those who have eyes, many activities, events, and inceptions taking place in the first two weeks of June that smack of these hidden power players. And watch how these activities and inceptions will have their hey-days right around the end of October 2022 when we see the current Superior conjunction of Venus with the Sun on October 22nd and the Solar eclipse in Scorpio conjunct Venus on October 24th. Much of what was initially seeded in society this last Winter as Venus had to interact with Pluto three times, is now triggered into a growth spurt in June of 2022 and will come to birth and will be getting implemented this October.

It is all important that we use our heightened perceptions of June to prioritize those issues we will want and need to act upon come this Fall. This will be especially true around such issues as fiat currencies, interest rates, foreign occupations, and personal ownership. And remember how I said Hercules had to try five different times to gain the golden apples? Five is intimately associated with the planet Venus and esoteric and exoteric expressions of the Venus cycle usually are comprised of five elements or phases. And the fourth eclipse along the Taurus/Scorpio axis occurs this late October and fifth in early November. Election Day to be exact. The fifth eclipse is conjunct Venus in Scorpio square Saturn on Election Day! During a Pluto return. Can you say dark horse candidate??? Attention must be paid now that we pay less this Fall. When you know what you are looking for it is much easier to see who is controlling the narrative.

Pluto returns are some heavy karmic conditioners. When it happened to France Napoleon died. When it happened in Russia Stalin died. In Spain it was the death of Franco. And all three events set massive social and cultural shifts into motion. Pluto is the great exposer, for once anything is exposed, it must transform. There are few exceptions especially if it is dark energy on a grand scale. The deep corruption. The dirty big secrets. This return for the U.S. occurring as it does in Capricorn only points the fingers at the mega-entities and corporations that have gained control of this country through decades of effort and generational resolve.  

Rarely does Pluto work its wonders without the pain of separation. In 2022 and 2023 the U.S. is now having it’s first Pluto return. And you always remember you’re first. That it is happening in the U.S. second house, tells us that the transformation of this country will be heavily economic and financially focused. And as I have been saying for a few years now is going to cost the U.S. a lot of money and face. The second house Pluto in the U.S. natal chart is our manifest destiny rationale and often involves one’s possessions and physical wealth. I highly suspect this Pluto return is also going to see an actual physical change in the boundaries of this country and its state lines including changes to the Constitution. I would also note here that back in early 1987 I called Black Monday of October 1987 months before it happened, and I called it within 20 points of the bottom of the market. Just sayin’.  Karma always has a cost.

Oh, and get this. The original charging bull statue that has become such a tourist attraction was originally inspired by Black Monday in 1987 and illegally installed in the dead of night in front of the New York Stock Exchange and was a statement of aggressive financial goals. The worshipping of the golden calf so to speak. In plain sight. When the fearless little girl (a very Geminian symbol) was added to the charging bull in 2017 it foreshadowed the events of Uranus in Taurus. What is even more interesting is that by 2018 when Uranus did enter Taurus, the two were separated and I suspect will be united again once Uranus gets into Gemini in 2026. This speaks volumes about our current culture and what values are most prevalent. I will be talking more about the state of our union in the months to come.

In June of course we see our annual Summer’s Solstice, when the Sun enters the sign of Aries, in 2022 on June 21st.  The chart, when calculated for Washington, DC, has Gemini rising with a heavy emphasis in the upper hemisphere and even more so in the fourth quadrant, what I like to call the “save the whales” part of the chart. Everybody’s business is our business this Summer of 2022. Seven out of ten planets in the 4th Quadrant tells us this. Whether it’s humanitarian aid, foreign intervention, or just good old-fashioned compassion, the U.S. is likely going to put way too many fingers in the global pie. Spreading itself too thin we the people will have to bear the brunt. Fortunately, the Pluto process also usually brings with it an evolution of the Soul; the caterpillar is bound to the Earth, the butterfly is not. The cocoon then becomes the alembic, the womb of rebirth. And it must be remembered that the caterpillar does not get to take any physical possessions into the cocoon. To show you how the insidiousness of the dark side works, note how Agenda 2030 tells us we will own nothing and like it. Talk about twisting a truth and corrupting a spiritual process.

The U.S. Summer Solstice chart also gives us a Moon/Jupiter and Mars/Chiron conjunction, all in Aries in the 10th house. This smacks of physical action and activity. And it will be on the world stage more than not. A Moon/Jupiter conjunction often has most of the populace fervently on board. Although a Mars/Chiron conjunction signals that there will be many cuts and bruises that can and will happen along the way. Physical trauma that cuts to the quick on a societal level more than an individual one.

On an individual level the emphasis on Aries, Taurus, and Gemini, and where these signs fall in your own personal charts, will give you the directions you will take when exposed to the truth. Those born in the Spring will be affected the most intimately, especially if born in the early morning hours before sunrise. Those born in the Fall are more likely to be part of the solutions for 2022 and those born in the Summer and Winter months are likely to be part of the problems that need the fixin’.  A North Node/Uranus conjunction in the summer Solstice chart in the 12th house in Taurus, will likely manifest as the sudden removal of blocks and barricades. Sort of a cosmic version of the show Hoarders. We may think all the clutter and stuff of our individual realities is what protects us and keeps us safe. Can you imagine what the Bull on Wall Street would look like in detox? There are two main reasons someone can be wide-eyed. One is through fear and surprise. A disturbance in the force. The other is through awareness and enlightenment. Baring the Light. Either way, our eyes are more open. What we do with that increased perception is what matters most in June. More in my Forecast for July.  





Breathe, Humpty, Breathe! - My Forecast for July 2022


“Nothing to See Here, Move Along” My Forecast for May 2022