“Nothing to See Here, Move Along” My Forecast for May 2022
May of 2022 continues the hopeful progress of April. The Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Pisces is seeping into the consciousness of the world. So many folks are peering and seeing behind the curtain. They are the Toto’s of the universe, for those of you who have seen “The Wizard of Oz”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wizard_of_Oz_(1939_film)
It was Toto who got Dorothy to run off in the first place, and it was Toto who pulled the curtain away and exposed Oz. Those who have tried to point out what was, and is, behind the curtain, are having a heyday this Spring. For example, read/and or download here https://spaces.hightail.com/receive/FLXl7CkxJF what Dr. Mercola (one of the leading Toto’s of our day) wrote a few days ago. And if you are a CA North State resident, I would point to the recent Crystal Geyser court decision. https://www.redding.com/story/news/local/2022/04/26/crystal-geyser-plant-eir-mount-shasta-overturned-court/7445847001/ There are many, many, other examples once you see that there is a curtain in the first place.
Have you noticed how many exposes have aired and subpoenas issued lately in the world? How many curtains are being drawn back, be they curtains we wear over our mouths or curtains we wear over our eyes and ears? The fog is lifting faster than it can be fostered by the “Magicians” I spoke of in my April forecast. https://gem.godaddy.com/p/ed3db31 To see more clearly is a resultant. No matter how much shade or misdirection is being thrown at us right now, May’s superpower is a psychic x-ray vision type ability to diagnose. To going beyond the visuals. Shining light in the dusty shadows, hidden rooms, and ruminations. Exposing the unnatural cysts and tumors of the world. Many in May are seeing what is actually there, verses what the magicians want us to see, and then deciding on a proper and wisdom-based course of treatment.
I will be speaking more on this subject at the Wesak festival in Mount Shasta, along with a fine array of other speakers, during the weekend of the Lunar eclipse in Scorpio. My presentation, “Waking Up to the Aquarian Age” Saturday May 14th, 2022, 11 AM to 12:30 PM will be on-line and in-person. And a little birdie told me that Mount Shasta and Siskiyou County residents can get a day-long pass for only $25 (cash or check at the door.) For more info and tickets go to www.wesak.us.
The word “obvious” comes to mind when I contemplate the energies of May. The world has become so obvious. Actions so easily predictable. Evil so blatant. And now that so many are pulling their heads out of the sand, the big questions become what do we do now? Now that we see the problems, and have enough data to diagnose the issue, what do we prescribe? Whereas ignorance is bliss, knowledge brings with it much responsibility. Father, forgive them for they know not what they do. On the other hand, once they know what they do, then that is another story.
And here is where the story continues in May and June of 2022. A quick look at the aspects for May are quite uplifting. Thirteen decent aspects, and only two that can be burrs in our saddle. ELEVEN sextiles in May (not counting any of the swift and fleeting Lunar sextiles this month). Eleven sextiles, two trines, and two squares. That’s the tally for May. An almost 7 to 1 ratio of nice to not-so-nice aspects.
The good guys are getting some breaks right now. Battles are being won. Knowledge is being spread as is the wisdom that can follow. The great and powerful Oz is being exposed time and time again. And fortunately, in May, and into June, many will have the added physical and moral boost necessary to consciously address what is being exposed. Thank you, Mars. Thank you, Jupiter. Your timing is a thing of beauty.
As these two planets together, race for their final jumping off point, as they cross the last degree of Pisces this month, we will see the returning of the noble warrior and the Christ principle. Heroic attempts to save thy neighbor. The boys in blue are due for some prime time too. Boots on the ground are given rave reviews. Mighty Mouse https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mighty_Mouse at his finest. Here they come to save the day…
April gave us the vision of Jupiter and Neptune, and with it the capacity to understand what it was we were seeing. In May, the Jupiter/Pluto sextile brings the actions and accountabilities that are growing out of that vision. And with Venus, Mars, and Jupiter, all entering Aries in May, few folks are going to want to be sitting still by months end. There are mountains to traverse and valleys to forge in May. We are going to see massive movements and migrations of people. Protests will be louder and larger. Court orders and cases will be of a much wider scope than usual. Many will be pushing against the limitations of their respective worlds, seeking to go beyond the boundaries: beyond the curtain.
And I must stress the point that this goes for BOTH sides of the cosmic equation; good or evil. As hard as the many sacrifices are made by the Samurai Light bearers of our planet this month, just as powerful are the lengths the Dark ones are willing to go now. “Nothing to see here, move along folks” is the go-to methodology for a Jupiter/Neptune conjunction. The Jedi mind tricks. The hypnotic effects. The evil deeds couched in altruistic wrappings. Those wrappings and trappings are being ripped away now. For example, read this expose on the big water bottling company Blue Triton and their manipulation of facts and figures. And notice the Neptune reference. I love it. As I always say, God has a wicked sense of humor. https://theintercept.com/2022/04/26/plastic-recycling-bottled-water-poland-spring/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=The%20Intercept%20Newsletter
And please remember, this psychic fog has been building ever since Neptune entered Pisces in 2012. The Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in April brings with it the peaking of this type of obfuscation and mental trickery. Yet, at the same time, there are the many revelations, FOIs, investigations, and court orders, especially having to do with events in and around 2020 when the Jupiter/Pluto, Jupiter/Saturn, and Saturn Pluto cycles, all restarted anew. All three cycles are now in their opening, fertile, growth phases as we traverse 2022 and 2023. Covers are being blown. Hidden meanings and actions revealed, no matter how hard the perpetrators try to keep their actions and intentions in the dark. The magicians will be at full strength this Spring, firing on all cylinders. Using every trick in the book. For they know this is a make-or-break moment in who gets to control the curtain.
Energy is energy. It is there to be tapped. It does not need to be sucked from Mother Earth or bestowed by Father Sky. It is freely given to all life, for good or bad. Tesla knew this. Ghandi did too. What we do with that energy is what matters most. Same goes for how we react to other’s energies. It may be freely given and sorely needed and welcomed with open arms. Or it may be insidiously slipped into our lives or even jammed down our throats. What we do with that energy, what we allow into our lives, and how we treat that energy in and around us, is where we have the power. And right now, in May of 2022, many folks are realizing this. When Mars and Jupiter join Venus in Aries as May moves along, these same folks step out and step up their games.
And therefore, Mars and Jupiter are important now. There is little time before they both get reborn this month in Aries and go off half-cocked like all good Arians do. Before they enter Aries by month’s end they are currently culminating in Pisces, the sign of sacrifice. Together Mars and Jupiter can be the suicide bomber or the archangel, the war hawk, or the peacenik. Either way, these martyrs are held up high. Together in the sign of piety, prayers, and preachy SOBs, we are going to see many passions play out this month. For good and evil purposes. In May, humanity is being given a big dose of discretion to see the difference.
The trick in doing all this in May, comes with the understanding that Mercury will turn retrograde on May 10th in the sign of Gemini. Then back into Taurus for the last week of May and first few weeks of June, and then return once again to Gemini for the second half of June. In plain English, this is like the child who has a tantrum and screams, “it’s my ball, and I’m not going to play anymore” only to realize a short time later that there was more than one ball.
Be cautious of overreacting in May. Overreaching. Overvaluing your own importance. Aries energy is not known for a whole lot of humility. And assertiveness without some humility breeds narcissistic behavior and tyranny. And if you go down this road in May without the ability to see the extent of your actions, it is likely to hit you in your pocketbook or wallet, as well as put a big dent in your pride.
When a Mercury retrograde cycle moves from Air signs back into Earth signs, as it will this May/June, and September too, there is a clear message that one must get out of one’s head and take some tangible, physical action. Making knee-jerk reactions and taking your toys and running for home reveals immaturity and childishness. Practically assessing your situations, and the ripples your actions will have on the future, and THEN following a prescribed course of action, engenders the adults in the room. Count to ten in May before acting. Plan out a few courses of action. And then make your moves. We will all be making many moves in May.
Some of the other mover and shaker aspects of May, are the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio mid-month and the Mars/Jupiter conjunction in Aries at the end of the month. I have talked a lot on the eclipses falling across the Taurus/Scorpio axis in 2022. And much of that discussion has revolved around issues of personal possessions versus shared possessions and properties, whether voluntarily or involuntarily. How much leverage or control do others have over your own personal and private properties? Where is the balance of private versus public power? Who is pulling the purse strings and why? This is much of what will take up our time this Spring, and again this Fall.
Eclipses shake up the status quo. When in Taurus and Scorpio it is more about $tatu$ Quo. There can be some real Robin Hood moments and some real Scrooges too. Although ultimately nature does like to strike a balance. Lunar eclipses are known for building up over time and then inundating and washing over whatever issues or areas are affected. Solar eclipses, like the one we saw on the last day of April, act more like the birthing and eventual development of a new idea or entity.
It is an esoteric teaching that eclipses open the doorways to other worlds and realities: literal stargates for the incarnation and excarnation of the souls who venture to our Earth. Eclipses that occurred just prior to, or just after your actual birthday, and the sign and house placement of such, speak volumes about your soul’s mission and the abilities endowed in this life for making it so. Please go to my lecture on Eclipses https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOcG9zECmz0
if you want to understand more or join me live at my on-line lecture for SCAN, Wednesday, May 11th from 7 to 9 PM PDT. “Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Eclipses and Some Things You Do Not”. SCAN members are $10. If you are not a SCAN member (and if you live in the SC area and love Astrology, I don’t see why not) this hybrid on-line and in-person lecture presentation will set you back $15. Here https://www.meetup.com/scanastro-com/events/283363597/ is the link.
Eclipses are of a worldly proportion. All nations and peoples have history with them. Some ward off the evil entries that can take place in these eclipse zones, others revere the coming of the Light. Many men and women have died because of them, especially if you were an Astrologer back in ancient China and did not get the timing just right for the prevailing ruler. Many noteworthy people, again on the positive and negative sides of the equation, have been born on, or very close, to the time of eclipses. Many rulers have fallen, and guiding lights born, during these portals through the physical. And now should be no exception. Keep your ears perked up and your eyes sharp. Be on the lookout for those that are born in late April and throughout May of 2022. They will be the movers and shakers of the new economies that are on our horizon. They will be the ones setting worldly monetary policies and priorities, values, and valuations mid-century. In the meantime, we get to deal with 2022.
The last time we had the eclipse axis from the Taurus to the Scorpio Axis was 2003 and the United States was worried about war with Iraq. The economy was bouncing back after the recession of the early 21st century. And even though the economy was seemingly bouncing back, pink slip parties were the rage, with folks being fired from the top to the bottom of the food chain. It was dubbed the “jobless recovery”. The eclipse cycle before that in 1994/95 gave us the Great Bond Massacre when the bottom dropped out of the Japanese and United States bond markets and then spread throughout the developing world. In less than 12 months’ time the Federal Reserve doubled interest rates in an attempt to slow inflation. The cycle before that was 1974/75 and the Great Recession due to OPEC and the oil embargos. Is anybody seeing the pattern here?
In October of 2019, I did a talk on the Petroleum industry. And I was able to predict all the major trends in oil prices that have happened since, which included high prices for 2022, by using the birth chart for OPEC and the tapping of the first oil well in the United States. It was easy to see what would happen once all the research and transits were analyzed. I guess I will have to revise and update that lecture for I stopped my forecast at 2022. And there is soo much that will be happening with Big Oil as we head for the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus in the Spring of 2024 and the Saturn/Neptune conjunction in 2025. Something else to add to my to-do list. Which by the way you are welcome to help support by making a donation to https://paypal.me/mtshastaastrologer
I would feel remiss if I were not to put my astrological two cents in on the USA/Russian Federation, Biden/Putin, matchup taking place in Ukraine. Long story short, the US is now in the throes of its first Pluto return and is hemorrhaging money and influence. Putin is playing chess; Biden is playing checkers. And Ukraine is the current board on which the game is being played. Come October, Putin wins the round, and then come Spring of 2023, goes for the checkmate. On January 31st this year I gave a great break-down using Putin and Ukraine’s charts and transits. Click on my February 2022 Forecast https://gem.godaddy.com/p/95c5731 to read it.
Not a majority opinion, I know. It is not my political opinion. It is based on my translation of the stars. I cannot do otherwise than tell you what I see. And what I see is not what we are being asked to see. It is not what we are spoon fed night and day by our elitist and entitled overlords; that the big bad wolves are out there somewhere, and you better give us your money and your liberties so that we can kill or corral the wolves. For the fleecing is happening all around us, wrapped up tightly in a psychologically pretty package. Woven so inextricably into the fabric of our society that no one can figure out where the hem is. May is a time for ripping that garment from end to end and taking back our mantles. Seeing past the shrouds covering our humanity, shouldering the weights of this world, and determining our parts to be played. The warriors of the heart are sent into the fields in droves by month’s end. And the gods and goddesses are watching over them this month. June will bring back home many heroic tales to be told. What will your story be? More in my June Report.