November Transit Forecast
O.K. As I have been saying all year, in 2020 the “Year of the Rototiller”, we were to have three major passes of said rototiller. In November, the third pass, the third wave arrives. The third Jupiter/Pluto conjunction, exact on November 12th. And both planets are now again in direct motion, as they were during the March build-up to the first conjunction in early April. Remember March? The pandemic and national security declarations? The international travel bans and stay at home orders? That was the first pass of the rototiller. The second pass occurred late June and on into July when Jupiter and Pluto were both retrograde. Remember the spikes in cases then? The second wave. Look at the graphs. They show the three passes. The three waves. (NOTE: Planetary conjunctions while in retrograde motion tend to peak AFTER their conjunctions, planets conjunct when in direct motion tend to peak BEFORE their conjunctions.) We are now in the third build-up to the third conjunction which will peak mid-November and likely reverberate on into early December. Notice the news lately with all the talk of a third wave? Does anyone doubt that there will be tighter and tougher restrictions and lockdowns over the next few weeks? I do not. France and Germany are already moving that way. And if you were listening to these forecasts this year you would now be ready to deal with it all. Got TP?
November is Truth or Consequence time. Think of it as a sort of cosmic colonic. Time to shake the last dregs from our cups-of-life, actively removing the final vestiges of our old lives - the things we no longer need from the last 37 years. Time to face the final shadows, the grime and gunk that we have let build up in our cups over the years and scrape that puppy clean and dry. Put some elbow grease into being truthful about the water you carry in your cup. Do you really want to continue to carry the stale and stagnant accretions of your past? We have only one more month to go to the great turnaround event of 2020. Polish that cup. Get a new cup if the old one is battered and worn. Get a bigger cup or make as much room as you can in your existing cup of life. There is much we will want to pour into it after the Winter Solstice, and on into the “roaring twenties”. A chance like we are being offered in 2020 comes around rarely in any one life. A chance to start anew. Refreshed and free of the past. It would be a shame to regret a few years down the road, our inactions now and the many fears that keep so many in states of limitation and inability.
As in October, so too in November, must we look to the retrograde activities that continue this month. We have four retrograde planets at the beginning of the month with only one retrograde planet by month’s end. Mercury turns direct on November 3rd, Mars on Friday the 13th, and Neptune on November 28th. Mercury is our perceptions, Mars our actions, and Neptune our compassions, all of which will be more prevalent in our lives and our world as we head into the holidays. Although, I do have to say, a moon in Aries on Thanksgiving Day with a Moon/Mars conjunction the night before, does not sound like the makings for a peaceful holiday meal. Might I suggest a more buffet style smorgasbord held outside if the weather permits. It just might prevent a few unintended accidents involving your more fragile family treasures. Think bull in a china shop here. If only we could take a cue from the last Presidential debate and install mute buttons on all our guests. Pause buttons would be even better. Get everyone outside, and active. This will help dissipate the pent-up energy we see this Thanksgiving. Oh, and even Black Friday, the 27th, has an “I-can’t-believe-I just-bought-that-what-was-I-thinking?” energy with the Moon conjunct Uranus in the materialistic sign of Taurus and Venus opposite Uranus. Impulse control will be sorely needed here. Especially if you are unconsciously attempting to block out some of the rough events of Thanksgiving. Luxury and costly items at this time will likely not be what they were cracked up to be. I would recommend putting off acquiring any big-ticket items until cyber-Monday and the lunar eclipse and full Moon in Gemini on the 30th. Should be something to talk about, for sure.
At the start of November, we see the 2nd and 3rd Mercury/Saturn squares on the 1st and 6th respectively. Not the best aspect to see bracketing any elections, or any situation where you are dealing with data. It can be hard to ferret out the truth under this aspect and is definitely going to cause a big bucket of technical problems. As I said in October, it is also a time when we want to blurt out our opinions, our truths, no matter the consequence. No way the election will be decided before the 6th, even if there were no accusations of fraud and deception. It is much more about technical issues, or even hackers. It is much more likely we will not know until after Mercury returns to the sign of Scorpio on the 10th. And even then, with Mars still in Aries until January, and Mercury in the litigious sign of Scorpio until early December AND Venus in Scorpio as of November 21st there are going to be backroom wheelings and dealings right on up until Venus enters Sagittarius alongside the Solar Eclipse mid-December, which is going to put a spotlight on the whole Electoral College vote tallies on December 14th. Kind of makes me wish I could hit a giant mute button on all social media posts and political opinions until after the Winter Solstice. Now that would be something worth celebrating.
I love the symbolism for the degree of November’s Mercury station at 26 Degrees of Libra. The Sabian symbol is that of “an eagle and a large white dove turning one into the other”. Turning hawks into doves. When one can be both the eagle and the dove there is little need for the divisiveness we see in our society today. Peacefulness and gentility need not exclude decisiveness and swift action. This will be the challenge we face as we go through the last two phases of this Mercury retrograde cycle. Mercury will move through its retrograde shadow zone one last time as it turns direct at 26 Libra on the 3rd and starts traveling forward, back into Scorpio and then out of the shadow on November 20th. This is the period of the cycle wherein we have initiated a number of actions relevant to the lessons we had to learn during the retrograde, yet we are not fully aware yet of the full potential of outcomes possible. Once we come out of the shadow zone on the 20th until the culminating Sun/Mercury Superior conjunction on December 19th we will be aware of the many possibilities that can come of our actions and can then choose to direct our energies toward much grander results. And please do note that the peak of our current Fall 2020 Mercury retrograde process acts as the warm-up band for this years Winter Solstice main event.
There are three tricky parts to November, the 6th through the 9th, the 15th through the 19th and the 25th through the 27th. The first period unfolds as we navigate the final Mercury/Saturn square and Moon oppositions to Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto on the 6th, Sun inconjunct Mars on the 7th, and Venus opposite Mars on the 9th. Election or no election, this is a period wherein we do not like what we hear and react to the news in ways that may make us embarrassed in hindsight. Etiquette is passe’ here. We want what we want and who are you to tell me I can not have what I want? Fortunately, the 10th through the 15th looks pretty nice as the Sun trines Neptune on the 10th, Moon conjuncts Venus in Libra on the 12th, Moon conjuncts Mercury in Scorpio on the 13th and the Sun sextiles Jupiter and Pluto on the 14th. There is a little bit of a bitter tasting medicine outlook at this time, although all in all we will be moving toward the healing of our society here. For the bulk of our society that is. Unfortunately, Mars is still in Aries, and will stay in Aries well into the new year, so there will always be a fringe element that wants to act out.
Which brings me to the second tricky part of November, the 15th through the 19th. This is the New Moon in Scorpio with Venus squaring Jupiter and Pluto on the 15th, Mercury opposing Uranus on the 16th, and Venus squaring Saturn and the Moon conjunct Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto on the 19th. No, we do not get a do over here. We made our beds, now we must live with it. If we do not like what we are presented with at this time, we should look no further than our own noses. As the saying goes, if you want something done right, do it yourself. This is the message for the middle of November.
And do not forget the major aspect for November, the 3rd Jupiter/Pluto conjunction in the third decan of Capricorn, on November 12th. This bodes well for the ability and the determination to ready ourselves for the hardships inherent in life. Covid or no Covid, this Winter will have us stripping down to the bare essentials more than usual. And once Mars turns direct on Friday the 13th, it will be time to kick our keisters into gear. We will have had 4 months of Mars in Aries to date, with the last two months in retrograde motion. Now the next two months will see Mars direct in Aries once again. Pick up where you left off in late June 2020, apply the lessons you learned in September and October, and spend the next two months reprioritizing what is now most important to keep in our lives AND doing what it takes to secure their continuity.
The 21st through the 24th looks quite nice to me. Venus enters Scorpio as the Sun enters Sagittarius on the 21st, and the Moon conjuncts Neptune in Pisces, as Mercury trines Neptune on the 23rd. Bury yourself in your lover’s arms at this time. Take some time to make the world go away and remember what is truly important in your life. It is not about what we have gone through this year, it is about what we can manifest in the future because of it. What were our dreams and goals before 2020? Do they still account for much now? Do they still warrant our efforts and attention? Hold these thoughts as we go through the holidays these next few weeks. We do have much to be thankful for as 2020 shreds our sense of security and sanity, for just as the garden dies back in the winter, so too does it sprout afresh in the coming Spring.
Think on the “perennials” in your garden of life. What do you WANT to see return in 2021? What should you replace? 2020 is the perfect time to redesign our gardens. Rip out the wild and worn. Play with some new ideas. Harvest the seeds of the past and secure the great ones for the future. Our cups will runneth over again, and our gardens will thrive in 2021. The amount of effort you put into it now (and what you toss away) is more important this Fall and Winter, than any time in the last 37 years. It is time to take on the full-time position of cosmic gardener now. Gardeners of the Galaxy, if you will. And with so many of the year’s big astrological players in Capricorn, we have to be thinking about the long-term picture and act now so that picture comes clear as the “twenties” unfold. Where do you want to see yourself in 10 to 12 years from now? November (and December) is the time to draw down the intention.
We end the month on some interesting high notes, with Neptune stationing direct in Pisces on November 28th and the Full Moon in Gemini on November 30th, which happens to be a Lunar eclipse that will be visible throughout the Americas. Neptune is about our idealism and empathy, our compassion, and sensitivities. Turning direct after 5 months of retrogradation will bring our hearts back out from their protective abodes. Once again, we will be more able to feel what it is like to be in another’s shoes and hopefully respond accordingly. The Gemini Full Moon will give us the right words and right actions necessary to do so.
One caveat. It is a great time to howl at the moon, or lack of it, during this month’s Full Moon. It is NOT a great time to howl at another human. Neptune is still too slow in the sky and Mercury still at the final degrees of Scorpio and it is a Lunar Eclipse. These are all very INTERNAL aspects, especially the Lunar eclipse, but for it being in Gemini. It will take a few days before we get a good grip on what we are feeling. Way too easy to say something we should not. The shadow side of Gemini may rear its head, the need to be heard, regardless of what is actually being said. Way too easy to offend one’s sensibilities. Wait until after December 1st before you go spilling your guts out to anyone. Pay attention to the issues that bug you at this time and think them through very carefully. Hold your decisions, and your opinions to yourself until the new month. Then make your appeal.
As far as Trump and Biden are concerned, these two eclipses fall across Trump’s 4th/10th houses conjunct his Moon in the 4th. Definitely will be messing with his public life versus his private life. For Biden, the eclipses fall across his 1st/7th houses, conjunct his Saturn in the 1st. This is more about health and how he is seen in the public eye. Both have some changes in store for them.
When I first looked at what 2020 had in store for us many years ago, I could not wait for us to be far past January’s Saturn/Pluto conjunction, which I knew would be ripping down our society to its core. And I could not wait until we got TO December’s Jupiter/Saturn conjunction which would bring us the new that was to replace the old. Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions occur about every 20 years or so, and were called by early Astrologers the “Great” conjunctions, for it was the largest planetary cycle they could see taking place in the sky, before the discoveries of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. They were considered times of great renewal and purpose and following on the heels of this year’s destructive Saturn/Pluto conjunction in January would be even more noticeable than usual this time around than during past conjunctions. And just to put these great conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn in perspective, the one we are about to experience this December is the closest (read as strongest) conjunction since 1623. And it is cycling into the Air signs once again, which is something that has not happened since 1184. This is no piddly 20-year cycle here. We are entering a new era, wherein knowledge will once again outweigh objects in value and importance. I do see this as the destruction of capitalism over these next 20 years. It will become very noticeable as we go though what I call the Grand Entrance, when all the planets in our solar system change signs, from the Fall of 2024 to the Spring of 2026.
So, I have been waiting for these coming moments for many years with bated breath. It has been a tough year and an excruciatingly long wait, and now we are mere weeks from its inception - the Great Conjunction of 2020. For all of you who have been following my words this year, keep that cup close at hand. And come the evening of December 20th, raise that cup to the heavens and thank the Gods and Goddesses for 2020. For without all the burning down, and blowing away and flooding, without all the locking down and stripping away, without all the facing of fears and invisible bogeyman, the coming rest of this decade would have been very boring and uninteresting. Do not be disillusioned that the cup seems empty at the moment. Raise that cup indeed, in salute to ourselves. For from the Winter Solstice of 2020 and there on out, until 2027, we will be filling that cup to the brim and beyond. It will fill slowly at first in early 2021, although by the end of 2021 it will be as if all the rains in the heavens have been let loose.
Makes me think of the classic with Gene Kelly “Singing in the Rain”. Do watch it HERE and see what I mean about our cups running over. Oh, and do note how Kelly gets the last word when the long arm of the law shows up. He even gives his umbrella to a perfect stranger. This is how we get to wholeness in the post 2020 era. More in December’s forecast. Donations graciously accepted.