December 2020 Transit Forecast
A Paradigm of Potential
Finally! We are nearing the end of 2020. Only in hindsight, will we see the beauty and understand the wisdom built into the order of the Cosmos, and 2020 in particular. Although for most people, this will not be very obvious for about another four to five years when we reach what I am calling the Grand Entrance to the Age of Aquarius. This will be from the Fall of 2024 to the Spring of 2026, when every planet in our solar system changes signs.
Whenever a planet changes signs there is a shift in societal attitudes. To have all the planets changing signs in such a short period of time is quite rare and signals the closest thing to what I would call a paradigm shift. And with Pluto leading the way and being the first to shift signs, from Capricorn to Aquarius, there is no doubt in my mind which way the paradigm will lean. Capricorn is the sign of our staid institutions, major political parties, and multi-generational conglomerates. Aquarius is the sign of technology, translocation, and invention. Pluto transforms, mutates, and instigates the often, messy process of evolution. Look at what it has done to our governments and “Big” businesses since Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008. Now imagine what it will do when we focus that transformation on the limitations of our current ways of thinking and inventing. It will take until Pluto gets all the way through Aquarius and on into Pisces in 2044 before we truly come to grips with what this means and the ramifications of understanding this science. That every frequency, every thought, and every memory, interacts and affects every other motion of mind and memory that exists, or ever existed, on this planet. Do you understand what this means? Do you see what type of radical inventions and prescriptions this will bring into our lives?
We still have a little over two years before Pluto begins its arduous task of crossing into the Aquarian realms, so we are not as a society, finished with the desiccation and deconstruction of the Capricorn structures. And to top it all off, the U.S. will be getting its first Pluto return in 2022 as we move closer to this Grand Entrance. This is, at minimum, a third, or a fourth, major political party constituting itself before the elections of 2024. It may very well portend the deconstruction of the U.S. Constitution for a short period of time, although it also portends that the U.S. will go from caterpillar to butterfly in the process. And do remember, caterpillars cannot fly, but butterflies can.
I do believe we will be seeing the return of the “Stateswo/man” to the leadership of our country, loosely defined as a person who puts God AND country before personal profit and grandeur. This will be noticed quite distinctly in 2021 as transiting Jupiter conjuncts the U.S. Moon. We, the people, will get much justice in 2021. Many voices will rise to prominence, although the major transits of 2021, three Saturn/Uranus squares, will bring many attempts, and failures, to silence these voices of change. The coming transit conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces in 2022 will see that these voices will be noticed.
There is much more to be said on this, especially when you understand that the Capricorn/Aquarius cusp is where Saturn is most powerful. Pluto will cross over this all-important Capricorn/Aquarius cusp five times, beginning on the Spring Equinox of 2023 and ending right around election day in 2024, something it has not done since the first few fledgling years after the birth of our country. Now that is going to be a REAL election! I will speak more on this at my annual forecast for the coming year event on January 2nd, 2021. Subscribers to my monthly forecasts, or my Facebook page, will automatically receive the appropriate contact link to this free event.
And while I am on the subject of upcoming events, here are the links to one more event in December and one more in January.
December 9th, 2020 - Monthly drop-in study night
January 3rd, 2021 - My all day transit workshop for students. "2021 and Me."
And keep July 15th through the 19th open for some very special Mid Summer Magic on the Mountain. I will tell you more about this in the new year.
I have always found God to have a wicked sense of humor, which in 2020 is seen most in the realization that the best was left for last. The Saturn/Pluto conjunction in January of 2020 was the initial incision, if you will, with the continued bleeding from that wound throughout the three Jupiter/Pluto conjunctions in April, June, and November of 2020. Now, in December we see the cosmic coupe de grace. The death blow, AND transformation into the new life, the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction on the Winter Solstice. It is time to pass the crown to another.
2020 was all about shedding ourselves of the accretions and anchors of our past – those things, people, and positions, that had become life-negating. The coming of the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction at the Capricorn/Aquarius cusp mind you, will be the start, the spark, that will ignite a flame, a frequency, a focus for change, which will be stoked to a frenzy in 2021. The ability to play the butterfly and rise above the fray of our country's coming Plutonian death throws, is inherent in this transit. With five planets in Scorpio in my birth chart, I have contemplated the act of regeneration throughout my life and I have summed it up in some questions for you. Does the caterpillar know what it is doing when it builds its cocoon? And will the butterfly remember it was once a caterpillar?
There will be many new births taking place in 2021, and many of these new ideas, new companies, and new Statesmen and women, will rapidly die on the vine. Although the ones that make it all the way through 2021 will be blessed with abundance come 2022 and will likely be the “new norms” by 2026.
Now that I have reminded you of the bigger picture, let us focus on the more intimate details of December. Most noticeably the buildup of Sagittarian energy and attitudes in the first half of the month and the build-up of Aquarian energy during the second half of the month. It started with the Sun’s annual movement through Sag and our recent Lunar eclipse along the Gemini/Sagittarius axis in late November and continues with the movement of Mercury into Sag on December 1st and Venus into Sag on December 15th. Then there is the Solar eclipse in Sag mid-December, and the Superior conjunction of the Sun and Mercury at the last degrees of Sag on the 19th. And to top it all off the marriage of Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius and planet of abundance and activation, with Saturn, the planet of manifestation and definition. Can you say inspiration? Dedication? Aspiration?
When you say these words in December and revel in their meanings and motions you will understand the attitude of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is the Archer, shooting at the Sun, trying to get the Gods and Goddesses attention. The Sagittarian in all of us wants to have a direct experience of the Divine. They want to believe life is more than they see and are told. And they will scream at the top of their lungs to get noticed. I like the phrase “Knock, if you wish to enter” for Sag. To understand this on a more personal level look to which house the sign of Sag falls in your birth chart and where and how your natal Jupiter integrates into your chart. The downfall for Sagittarius, is that they can lose control very easily and get swept up in the fray. Chiron, a centaur, and the epitome of the Sagittarian character; half-man, half-horse, wise and esteemed, gets caught up in the moment and lets loose his many arrows in an indiscriminate way causing himself and others pain and even his own death. His focus faltered and he paid the ultimate price. Can't get any clearer than that. Why do you think Sagittarius is one of the places where Astrologers look to see what a person would be willing to die for? It's all about focus.
With all this Sag energy in December, make an extra effort to stay focused on the higher powers and not let yourself get all wrapped up and off center because of all the lower mind chatter. (Do note that Gemini is in opposition to Sag in the natural wheel.) I am reminded of the parental maxim, “If you have nothing good to say about someone, do not say anything.” If you need something to help you remember to stay focused, go outside almost any night in December just after sunset and look to the marriage of Jupiter and Saturn low in the Southwestern evening sky.
To give you a bit more context to the efficacy of Jupiter and Saturn coming together in the night skies, the Star of Bethlehem was a triple conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the sign of Pisces. This time it is but a single conjunction in the sign of Aquarius. What makes this specific Grand Conjunction even more noticeable is that it falls on the same day as the Winter Solstice which marks the Sun's passage from Sag to Capricorn. The Sag/Cap cusp is where the Sagittarian desire to connect with God is rewarded. Where one gets to ground out onto the physical plane the manifestations and repercussions of that Sagittarian connection. It is what is referred to as the word made flesh and allows us the best balance of spirit and matter. Sag looks up, Cap draws down. Aquarius is where we find the best mix. Angels or Aliens. AIs or Anthropoids. Aquarius is where they all come together best…EVENTUALLY! In the meantime, Dolly the Sheep is going to look downright tame in comparison.
Announce yourself in early December. Plan those New Year’s resolutions and New Year’s revolutions. There is work that needs accomplishment in 2021. Just do not let someone else tell you what your work or path is to involve. If you want to go with the generic flow of 2021 think on this. In astrology, the symbol for Jupiter is written as the exact reverse of the symbol for Saturn. And these two opposing energies will be merging into one new entity. And this combination of opposites, this new entity, and probability, will occur in Aquarius, the sign of harmony and vibrational interaction. That has not happened since the early fourteen hundreds when Rome and Avignon finally ended the great Schism and the two Popes were made one again. As I have said many times now, the key to understanding the power of Aquarius is hidden in the symbol for Aquarius itself. Two PARALLEL lines or frequencies. They are vibrating in harmony not disharmony. Sooo…the idea that radically opposing forces might find equality, or some form of harmony, over the next 18 months due to this cosmic Solstitial activation is highly probable. To the masses in the U.S. it will be most obvious in the fleeing of Democrats AND Republicans to the new political parties that form during this time.
In our personal lives we will be given opportunities to bring balance to so many things in our lives that are currently out of balance. So many things that have become too polarized. And I will say again, as of this Jupiter/Saturn conjunction, we are now firmly locked into the next two centuries wherein knowledge will supplant materialism. We will not be able to buy ourselves out of this one. More and more money will have less and less of an effect on our world as the element of Air takes hold, eventually rendering any amount of money or materials ineffective. This is further accentuated with Uranus in Taurus (2018-2015), bringing destabilization and disruption to the money systems and the acquisition of supplies. A Mars/Uranus conjunction in Taurus in the middle of January 2021, exact on Inauguration Day, will bring us plenty of examples of which I speak.
Put on your thinking caps folks. There is some major creating that needs to happen in 2021 and 2022. What is revealed to us from on high this final month of 2020 will include some wonderful ways forward with this integration of opposites and transition to a knowledge-based society. And when I mean from on high, I do not mean the mundane pedestals of power. I mean the higher teachings, the metaphysical meanings, and the finer things in life. A new light shines in the sky at the end of 2020. It is a form of light that throughout our past has motivated wise men and women to go forth in praise and annunciation whenever it has appeared. Light is returning to the darkest of days. And this is worth celebrating and supporting. Do get out and see it for yourselves, on the evenings of December 20th and 21st about 45 minutes after sunset. Sunday night, the 20th to honor the passing of the last 200 years of money and materialism, and again on Monday evening the 21st, to herald the coming of almost two hundred years of increased wisdom and spirit and the coming of roughly two thousand years of the Aquarian mind over matter. Oh, and bring that cup of yours I have been talking about all year. The Angel of Aquarius has something she wants to share with you, especially at the time of the Winter Solstice 2:02 AM PST on December 21st.
Saving the best for last. The darkness before the dawn. The Hero’s journey. Trials and tribulations ALWAYS lead to salvation. Participation is key. Do we open our arms wide and hail the coming paradigm of potential, inciting our minds to magic and our hearts to song? Or do we fix our minds on past practices, shielding our eyes from the light, fearful we will have no hold on the future, preferring the holds we have on our many pasts? Choose wisely this Winter. Those that built the Titanic were on a path much different than those that built the Sphinx. Both sank. One into the sands and one into the seas. And both were resurrected in a fashion, although only one will stand the tests of time. Only one had the grandeur of Jupiter properly intertwined with the responsibilities of Saturn. We must all think what we want the symbols and the structures of the coming Aquarian Age to be. And we must all turn our attentions this Winter Solstice inward for a few powerful days, that we may look outward once again with renewed vigor in 2021 and create the new visions and structures for this New Age of Air that is birthing.
When I look at the Ingress charts for 2021, the Winter Solstice chart and the coming Spring Equinox chart for the USA, there is an obvious timeline here. The Winter Solstice chart, which indicates the underlying foundations of the coming year, has Scorpio rising, a Superior conjunction of the Sun and Mercury in late Sag on the Galactic center, and an applying Mars/Pluto square, all wrapped up with the all-important Jupiter/Saturn conjunction at 1 degree of Aquarius. I have to say, this Winter is going to involve a whole bunch of hurry up and wait. By years end we will have seized on the ideas and answers we want to see come alive in 2021 although there is little we will be able to do about it out in the world over the winter months.
I love the Sun/Mercury Superior conjunction right on the Galactic Center on the 19th. This is the herald who announces the way. The beatific vision. What the Galaxy as an entity in its own right has to show us. It is also the culmination of our recent Mercury retrograde brew-ha-ha that took place in October and November. The message is clear. The writing is on the wall. Truth wins out over trash. Now we see which way to turn. Although it does not mean we are to set out for the promise land just yet. Scorpio rising, in the Winter Solstice chart, with her two rulers in square aspect to each other all month, exact on December 23rd and still in effect on into January, is another way of saying “Go ahead. Shoot yourself in the foot.” Besides, the Full Moon in Cancer on December 29th is about snuggling up with family, food, and familiarity. It is not a time to be stirring the social pot. It is a time to be stirring the kitchen pots and reinvigorating yourselves with stories of the good old days.
On the other hand, the Spring Equinox chart has Jupiter on an Aquarian Ascendent, the Sun, Venus and Neptune conjunct in Pisces and a Moon, North Node, and Mars conjunct in Gemini. Now this chart, which is in effect from the Spring Equinox throughout 2021 is rife with action, vision, and divine intention. Oh well, it is always darkest before the dawn. And what a dawn it will be. Oh, no…I am getting flashbacks to the show “Hair”. By the way the Moon is in the 7th house for 2 hours every day but Jupiter will not align with Mars again, as it did in March of 2020, until June of 2022, smack dab in the middle of the U.S. Pluto return. When you see someone has tie-dyed the White House or the Washington Monument you can bet the Aquarian Age has arrived.
Seriously folks. These times they are a changin’. And changin’. And changin’. And they will not slow down until after we get to 2026. And to think, we all get to be a part of the change. A force for change. A force for wonder. A guiding light for the many Aquarian generations to come. I for one, an SO grateful to be a part of it all. And I honor the fact that you all chose to be here too, at this critical passing of the torch from Saturn to Uranus. Capricorn to Aquarius. Time to no time. Limits to limitlessness. Repression to expression. And stultification to excitation. The “Water” Bearer, the Angel of Aquarius, is about to shower down on this planet that which quenches not the body, but the mind. The Age of Pisces was the opportunity (often missed in my book) for the Heart to know no boundaries. The Age of Aquarius will be the opportunity of the Mind to having no limits. Wrap your mind around that one. Until next month, have some happy holi/holy/days. And keep your chins up, lift those cups up, and raise your children to the skies, for to twist a phrase from the 2020 elections to a more enlightened meaning, the best is yet to come. More in my January 2021 forecast.