Babe of Aquarius - January 2021

January of 2021 has more important planetary triggers than any other month in 2021. Not the biggest triggers of 2021, just the month with the most triggers. And they involve that pesky Mars again, along with Jupiter and Uranus. All three planets are known in Astrology for their lack of restraint. Add to the fact that Mars and Jupiter are in the process of moving from the brash cardinal signs to the determined fixed signs, joining Uranus already in a fixed sign of Taurus. This makes me think that what gets triggered in January will ignite a continual response throughout 2021 and on into the Spring of 2022.

Every time I think on 2021, I see the imagery of fuses igniting or the sparks made from smashing two hard items against each other. Sparks can light the hearth fires or the heathen fires, forest fires or genius. They can be man made or heavenly made and they always cause our hearts to flutter just a bit. There will be a series of sparks throughout 2021. The rubbing or striking of two distinct hardened objects against each other. Of course, the trick is to be aware of the angle of interaction. Smashing two objects directly into each other from opposite directions rarely produce sparks, just a lot of destruction. But swipe them across each other, and give them that “glancing” blow…then there are sparks. It’s all in the angle. All in what Astrologers call the “aspects”. The square aspects in astrology, of which abound in 2021, are all about integration, interaction, and often irritation. The grin and bear it times in life. The round peg in the square hole situations. Sooner or later, you have to make them fit together. Otherwise, you have to just stop playing the game. And the only major astrological activities, outside of the eclipses, in 2021 are four squares. All involving the big players this Winter, Jupiter and Saturn. And all, in square aspects to Uranus. These three planets, astrologically speaking, bring us into our power. The power of expression and expansion as seen in Jupiter. The ravages of time and karma as seen in Saturn. And then on into worlds and wonders, unknown and unimaginable, oh Padawan, when seen as Uranus.

Ever try and crank start a really old gas-powered engine? It takes a lot of effort to overcome the resistance to stasis. There can be kickbacks and hurt backs, curse words and prayers. Yet every so often a spark occurs and vroom! This is some of what 2021 has in store for us.

What makes January so unique in 2021 is more about what happened in 2020, especially December of 2020. The symbolism of the appearance of the Christmas Star is most important to understand. Yes, the closeness of proximity between the planets is important. Jupiter and Saturn get close together every 20 years, or so, and have been called the Great Conjunction by Astrologers of old. And they come together even more closely every 800 years or so, as they are doing now. Yet, what is most important about this conjunction is the location. In Aquarius this time, an air sign. Prior to 1980 and for almost the last 200 years, the Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions were occurring in Earth signs. Now, as of December of 2020, they will only be found in Air signs for almost the next 200 years! Astrologers have a name for this special Grand Conjunction. They call it the Grand Mutation, which says it all. No longer will we be so focused on many of the negative qualities of Earth; materialism, consumption, and greed. The industrial age when we learned how to manufacture anything, even life itself, if we wanted to. We can buy and sell everything now, even the air that we breathe and the water that we drink. Every tangible thing on this planet is up for sale. No more. The mutation has occurred. Or I should say the second wave of mutations. The first wave was in 2012. One must understand what actually happened in December of 2012, which by the way was exactly one full Venus cycle prior to the December 2020 Grand Mutation. For the first time in over 5,000 years, in December of 2012, the Sun, for three days, moved in front and eclipsed the center of the galaxy. In so doing the Sun intercepted and mutated the energy and radiations that had been coming from the center ever since the dawn of time. This allowed our DNA to be free of the bounds of our galaxy and has triggered a burst of potential growth and evolution for the human race. And at the same time this same event would be similar to an electrical blackout. Once the electric comes back on we have to run around and reset all the gadgets. This is the 21st century.

As of December of 2020, we have now ANCHORED the next 200-year series of Jupiter/Saturn cycles in AIR, the element of intellect, intuition, and information and the movement and harmonization of the three. This time, the merging of Jupiter and Saturn so closely in our night sky is occurring in Aquarius. At the least, we are looking at the next two decades, as the new 20-year cycle is upon us. At its best we have the next two centuries to think about as we shift from Earth to Air. And at the most grand, we are looking forward to the next two millennia as we shift into the Age of Aquarius. For now, think on this. Pluto, which is STILL a planet (and more!) in my book, was discovered less than a hundred years ago and as, of yet, we have never seen it enter the sign of Aquarius. THEORETICALLY, Pluto would have passed through Aquarius beginning in the early 1780’s and y’all remember what happen then right?
It is also theoretically possible that since we discovered Pluto on its way in toward our Sun and now it is on its way out away from the Sun that this may actually be the first time Pluto has ever entered our solar system. More importantly, regardless of which theory you choose, this time around we KNOW it exists. And as Pluto readies to enter Aquarius in 2024 we, as a society, have now integrated the “discovery” of the planet Pluto into our collective consciousness, and thereby have stepped up our knowledge and our capabilities of that which is ascribed to Pluto by every Astrologer on the planet. Transformation. Evolution. Mutation and Ascension/Descension. The dark night of the soul. The heroes journey. The death and rebirth of the mortal into the makings of the immortal. We are on the cusp of the changing of many grand cycles of our Galaxy. It can do naught but change us all. I believe Aquarius is crowning now in 2021 and the mid 2020’s will be when the child of Aquarius will emerge fully from the great cosmic Mother. I suspect when historians look back from the 22nd century to the time when Pluto was in Aquarius (2024 to 2044) it will be remembered as the Aquarian infancy.

It will be up to every planetary citizen to guide and instruct this newborn Babe of Aquarius, for without this guidance, we are in for a lot of hurt. The Age of Aquarius will be when mankind learns to generate and focus the intellect through many extraordinary ways. We do not want to be creating “Carrie”s by neglect or “Manchurian Candidates” by disavowal. We could use a few more, Cayce’s, Tesla’s, Archimedes’, and Galilei’s this next time around. And this empowering of the human mind, or meta-human, does not happen by accident but by intention and focus. Preparation is needed. Purification too. Action not reaction. A dull mind helps no one. January of 2021 will show us quite a few areas where we would do well to avoid placing our attentions. You are what you tweet.

Now, in comparison, there is no comparison. 2020, from a cosmic perspective, was ten times stronger than what we can expect in 2021. We are now at the beginning of some very large, life-long cycles. The very first duty as parents is to protect their children and keep them alive. Period. This is the period we are about to enter with the birthing of the babe of Aquarius and it is often where the parents get the least amount of rest. This is 2021.

Yet January is about three times as chaotic as any other month in 2021 except maybe March. So, you can expect to see some early “contractions” right from the start in January, cresting the few days before the Mars/Uranus conjunction and throughout Inauguration Day when Mars makes an exact conjunction to Uranus at 7 Taurus on January 20th. There are going to be some interesting and unexpected fireworks and disruptions that take place as America gets ready to inaugurate the next President. Whether it is the weather, or the modern-day equivalent of the Weathermen, the Inauguration on January 20th is likely to be pushed “below the fold” as they used to say in the newspaper business. And what is also interesting is that come Independence Day, Mars triggers again as it comes to a square with Uranus. Can you say rinse and repeat? And with this all triggering out of the US 5th house, America is in for some growing pains and lessons in leadership. January 2021 will show us what this will entail.

January is the kind of month with rapid-fire, unexpected, intrusions into our lives. Shots across our bows. We will see what lengths others will go, to espouse their philosophies and convictions. And it will be quite physical in its effect. Affecting our comforts and supply lines. No doubt, there will be shortages again this January, especially surrounding the comforts of the typical Taurean areas of life – the pleasurable and sensual items in our lives. Those things that make survival enjoyable. With Jupiter and Saturn now in an air sign, squared from Mars in an Earth sign, there is the real possibility of a sudden “evaporation” of supplies and opportunities and the need for rapid adjustments to quickly changing situations. This is the spark I speak of in 2021, or to be more precise, this is where we realize the fuse has been lit. Of course, the effectiveness of the 2021 explosions of consciousness, or otherwise, is completely depend on the placement of the charges. Again, focus is needed here. No unintended casualties. The Jupiter square to Uranus mid-month in January is not a good indicator of that needed focus. It is a scatter-shot approach. More about the action than the result. We must all be vigilant in January that we do not set any monsters into motion. All too easy for things to get beyond our control.

This is one of those months where I must remind people that the physical world we live upon, can change very rapidly, bringing situational surprises. It would be wise at this time to have our to-go bags and evacuation procedures up to date. In January we should be prepared to act on any sudden changes in our environs. Best have your earthquake insurance up to date too, especially anywhere east of the Mississippi River. You Pacific Northwest coasters might want to look at your flood insurance…and high wind events. The middle of the country will have to deal with freaky weather like giant hailstorms and wind events that batter the breadbaskets of our society.

I am very squeamish about what President Trump may do as January unfolds. Not only is Pluto opposite his natal Venus/Saturn conjunction, but the coming Mars/Uranus conjunction on the 20th is squaring his natal Pluto from the 9th to the 12th. These are some big-deal transits and have an all or nothing, burn down the house, feel to them. And since they involve his 9th house of foreign affairs and his 6th/12th axis of hidden enemies, health, and self-undoing, I am keeping my fingers crossed that we do not end up in an engineered conflict with some other country/countries in an ill-fated attempt to cling to power. On the other hand, I wouldn't mind being the next country in a never-ending succession of Countries whose past Presidents have fled to other countries with no extradition treaties. And with the Mars/Uranus conjunction taking place in Taurus, that part of the US east of a line drawn roughly between Chicago and New Orleans is where the physical symptoms will be felt the most. This does include D.C. and Mar-a-lago both. If President Trump can’t have the U.S., the U.S. is not likely to have Citizen Trump. Oh, and this will play very nicely with the coming Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Pisces in the Spring of 2022 and the runup to the 2022 Congressional elections. Can you say martyr for the cause? Do you see what I have sacrificed for you? I have given everything. Now bow before your Savior.

O.K. So by now you are probably asking yourself are there any positive benefits in January? And to this I would say, rarely does a birth take place in comfort and serenity. There is always an intensity and a need to go with the flow. That being said, the gifts of new life and opportunities in our midst at the moment, is one of life’s most divine interventions. It will alter our habits and daily lives to no end. Now that the Babe of Aquarius is being delivered it now falls to all of us to “bring it” and deliver the goods. Step-up to the next level of parentage and focus on what potential is present in our midst. What do we want our progeny to become? Where do we wish our newborn to be when this child becomes an adult? This is January’s gift of foresight and direction. What is that old saying? The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. This is January 2021. Although I think the more accurate translation from Lao-Tzu is, the journey of a thousand miles begins “beneath one’s feet”!

There is also the enhanced ability available to us this January to seek out and hunt down those existing monsters in our lives and take them out, so to speak. Eradicate them from our lives. Cut them off for good and go full metal jacket on their asses. Just be aware that what we do in January, will play out, and re-trigger, throughout 2021 as seen in the three main aspects of 2021, the Saturn/Uranus squares of February, June, and December. Integrity is needed in January, not adrenaline. Conviction will be needed the rest of the year. This is the gift of January. The emergence of our new focus, our new future. It is the birthing of the new beings, the new items, and the new perceptions that will take up much of our attentions and efforts throughout the 2020s and then will be carried by our descendants throughout the 21st and 22nd centuries.

Also in the plus column for January is the first of three Mercury Jupiter conjunctions happening on the 11th of January in Aquarius, to repeat in mid-February and then lastly in early March. The conjunction of Mercury the messenger, and Jupiter the teacher, in Aquarius, is a great boon for early January and invites the receiving of messages from on high. The Muses are active and genius overshadows many. The Water Bearer pouring out her gifts upon the Earth. Truth explained. And understood. Although this being the first of three conjunctions that Goldilocks syndrome present in any triple conjunction is also in effect causing us to bite off more than we can chew this first time around in the first half of January. And as with any Jupiterian aspect, there is the tendency to go too big now and have to pull it all back during the second conjunction, which in this case will be February. Don’t let the hyperbole of the first half of January rest long on your thoughts. Put them aside for the higher truths that are present this month.

Besides, as the New Moon sweeps across Pluto and then Saturn and Jupiter on the 13th, a lot of wind is going to disappear from many a sail right about mid-month, especially as Mars come to an exact square with Saturn on the 13th too. Mid-month is also when we see the Sun making its yearly nod to Pluto, and Uranus stationing to direct motion on the 14th. The middle of January is going to be a regular roller coaster of a ride, yet that Mars/Saturn square on the 13th makes me think the emergency brakes will keep slamming on during the best parts of the ride. This is January 2021.

We start the month, and the year, off in a strange place with a Mercury/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn on the 4th and Mars at the last degrees of Aries. There will be many who fall on their swords this first week of 2021. And this can be along the whole axis of positive and negative expressions of these planets, Mercury, Mars and Pluto. It is the suicide bomber on the far negative side of the equation, and at the same time it can be the dutiful soldier who lays down his life for his family, friends, or country. It is the right place at the right time adrenaline filled heroic act. And these acts will become even more astonishing once Mars enter the sign of Taurus the bull (headed), on the 6th and ramps up to a most exciting conclusion around the 20th. Stocks, whether the Wall Street type, or the kitchen pantry type, will (how do I put this lightly?) need a major inventory adjustment. The scrappy will do just fine. This is January 2021.

Then there are the two big events of January, the Jupiter/Uranus square on the 17th and the Mars/Uranus conjunction on the 20th. This is going to be good! Jupiter and Uranus together like to party until dawn and are not the best house mates at the best of times, no less when in square aspect, when they are much more likely to trash the place as they party. Add an explosive Mars/Uranus conjunction to the mix and we are going to see a lot of stuff being broken beyond repair mid-January. Broken stuff, yes. Broken spirits? Yeah, no!

Jupiter squaring Uranus is like the cool Uncle giving you the keys to the family hot-rod or the crazy old Aunt who takes you out on the town for the first time. Your senses are heightened. Your adrenaline is pumping. And for many, up until then, you may never have felt as alive. And for many others, you may never have felt so nervous in all your life. Jupiter and Uranus can be the Nerds of the Zodiac. The savants who lack the social graces yet can leap tall realities in a single bound. Do we choose to be Sheldon or Superman? This is January of 2021.

A Sun/Saturn conjunction on the 23rd at the same time as Mars squares Jupiter is one of those times when the throttle on the roller coaster gets stuck in the fast position, and THEN the brakes slam on. Be flexible with your work schedule this month. Sticking to a rigid schedule will likely do more harm than good. And being flexible does not mean being lazy. Especially as the Sun squares Uranus on the 26th. Bob and weave. Bob and weave. Push THEN pull. Not both at the same time. Remember the Pushmi-pullyu from Dr. Dolittle? This is January 2021.

Then there is this magical moment in January, the Full Moon in Leo on the 28th as Venus visits Pluto’s lair and the Sun entertains Jupiter in conjunction. This reminds me of something right out of an Arthurian legend with the Mary maiden catalyzing the evolution of the Kingdom. It is always the Princess who can control the Dragon and sooth the savage beast. A King is nothing without a Queen, although it isn’t as bad the other way around. This Full Moon in January is when the romantic come out. Woo-ing is in. And struttin’ your stuff. It is when we suddenly see with our very eyes what we have had in front of them all along and not noticed. Sights to behold that up until now had been hidden right in front of us. Gentlemen honor you Queens at the end of January. Ladies take your Kings by the hand and show them the way. The Babes of Aquarius need you both. This is January 2021.

January comes in on a strange note and goes out on a strange note too, as we see Mercury stationing Retrograde in Aquarius on January 30th, continuing its retrogradation throughout the early and middle part of February. This is where the Babes of Aquarius start to walk and talk. Or try to. The first Saturn/Uranus square mid-month in February has the little tykes speaking in tongues and bouncing off the walls. More in my February forecast.

12-27-20. Why Trump?

This article harps on the question why President Trump? Why did the U. S. people choose him? I will tell you one of the main reasons why. Because over half the planets in the President's birth chart make conjunctions to over half the planets in the U.S. birth chart. That's why! And that's not even counting all the other aspects in their synastry. That is a very strong connection with all sorts of karma involved. Most notably Trump's Jupiter is conjunct the U.S. Saturn. This will actually lead to a country that becomes much stronger as time goes by although Trump's Saturn on the U.S. Mercury is like giving someone their medicine without the spoonful of sugar chaser. Trump has Sun, North Node, and Uranus conjunct in his natal chart, in Gemini no less in the 10th. He was born to be the Trickster. The Extremist. Often one learns what NOT to do if the lesson is delivered by a Trickster. And with Uranus so interwoven in Trump's chart natally, we can expect to see Donald Trump rise again even larger than he has to date in 2024 when transiting Uranus gets to the top of his chart and conjuncts his Midheaven. 2020 is not Donald Trump's swan song. Whether you think that is a good thing or a bad thing matters not. 

12-24-20. Meet "Ameri-Ma" Marianne Williamson
It is nice to see public figures supporting the tenants of Astrology. As far as Marianne's chart is concerned I trust she will run for President again in 2024 when transiting Jupiter is triggering her Ascendant and transiting Saturn has finally reached her 10th house. Both are great indicators of success. A quick comparison of her natal chart with the U.S. chart tells me she would be a perfect person to guide the U.S. through its coming Pluto return and start of a new 248 year cycle or birth. Marianne's natal Sun, Uranus, and Venus are conjunct the U.S. Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter in Cancer. I am hard-pressed to think of more harmonious aspects. Also her natal Moon is right on the U.S. Pluto...which means as the U.S. rebirths itself Marianne will be going through a once-in-three-lifetimes trigger in her chart - transiting Pluto conjunct her natal Moon. This can easily be the taking on of the mantle of the great Mother. And it will change her forever. She would instinctively know how to heal and nurture the country and could do it on a scale of historical proportions. Not that many people get Pluto over their Sun or Moon in their lifetimes, even fewer get it during a period of life wherein they are in a position to give their lives to the collective. And Marianne gets to do both. And she gets to do all this at the same time the U.S. gets its best chance to resurrect and refine itself since it became a country. I think I may start referring to Marianne Williamson as "Ameri-Ma". In the 2020's the U.S. would do well to shift its attention from the Father to the Mother.


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