Hunting Monsters and Doves Descending

FIRST: I am excited and pleased to announce a very special Summer Retreat July 14th- 18th 2021 on Mount Shasta that I will be facilitating along with Priestess Yeshe of the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple.
"ANCESTRAL HEALING with Astrology, Ritual, and Sacred Theatre" Check it out

In February, we are still reeling from January’s over the top events. Over the top insurrections. Over the top Presidential executive orders. Over the top "Robin Hood" moments. And over the top media attention to all, of the above. I do expect this over the top, approach to problem solving will continue until Mars leaves Taurus in early March, although in much of February the over the top, events will be hidden by design, and embarrassment.

In my forecast for January I mentioned that January is the kind of month with rapid-fire, unexpected intrusions into our lives and that we would see what lengths others would go, to espouse their philosophies and convictions. I also mentioned that it would be all too easy for things to get beyond our control and that we must all be vigilant in January that we do not set any monsters into motion.

So, what monsters did you set loose in January? On a grand scale it was obvious. Whether it be insurrections, or executive orders, or the Main Street David’s taking on the Wall Street Goliath’s, January had some whoppers, just to name a few. And of course, regardless of what side of the fence you are on politically, the monsters always turn out to be the other guys.

What personal monsters did you have to confront in January? What over the top actions, or reactions, caught you by surprise? Didn’t think you/they had it in them, did ya’? Well in February, we all calm down a bunch. For three reasons. Mercury is retrograde, there is a Venus/Jupiter conjunction, and there is the second of three Mercury/Jupiter conjunctions. All three of these astrological events lean toward the less re-active, and more laid back, sensible course of actions. However, I suspect we will all get to relive, and rehash, the events of January whether we want to or not. Which makes me very optimistic about March.

February is a time to make peace with our inner, and outer, monsters. It is not a time of war. And do remember, I also said in my forecast for 2021, that the events of January, would ripple throughout 2021. February gives us our first wave of repercussions. The over suppressive, first of three, Saturn/Uranus squares of 2021. There is no fine line in 2021. Not when we are dealing with Saturn and Uranus. You are either all in or way out. Devoted to the past or obsessed with the future. And all of our actions will dictate this division.

We must look back to the beginning of our recent dialog between Saturn and Uranus to understand what our current third quarter Saturn/Uranus square aspect will bring. And third quarter squares always bring about refinement and reformation. It was 1988/89 when the Saturn/Uranus conjunction first happened in Capricorn and the cycle was once again reborn. And it was a year of HUGE geo-political changes coming to a head culminating with the opening of the Berlin Wall and the supposed end to the Cold War. It was when the world wide web was born and the launching of the first of many to come global positioning satellites. It was also the morphing of the very ancient and established corporations and royal families into a new skin. A digital one, wherein one could hide the physical locations of whence they operated.

The heyday of the cycle would have been the Saturn/Uranus opposition period back in 2008/09, which would have been when these Capricornian corporations and royal institutions would have reaped the fruits of their labors. Remember the great recession, and the bailouts, and the siphoning off, of trillions of dollars of wealth from the common man?

Now, in 2021, and triggering for the first of three waves in February, we reach the third quarter refinement of that cycle that started back in 1988/89 and grew throughout 2009. Now we will see the efforts to perpetuate the fruits of this cycle, to perpetuate the Capricornian reign of power in their new digital, and thus, uninhibited by physical, skins. The wolves do not have to wear the sheep’s clothing anymore. They only have to say they are. I wonder if Little Red Riding Hood is going to enter the picture in February. The Hunter is sure to follow.

We are seeing, and will continue to see, throughout 2021 and into the Spring of 2022, much more Big Media censorship. The “universal” platforms that the Aquarian communities use to gather, especially now that Mercury starts its retrograde motion in a very, long visit to Aquarius. And we are seeing, and will continue to see, on into 2022, the Big Money players behind it all. Look what Big Media has been doing to the “flow” of information. Look what Wall Street, and its many foot soldiers, have done to the Main Street denizens. Look how we are being fed into the cosmic chipper now, when it comes to our liberties and freedom. Look at the “costs” that are being imposed on our existence that is continually depleting our prosperity.

Do not think for one second it is a coincidence that the last time events conspired to cause this type of erosion of our liberties and abundance, for the false sense of safety and security, mind you, was the last time Jupiter and Saturn came to the table in 2000. The Patriot Act was the child born of that conjunction in Taurus, which rules tangible items like buildings and towers. This time the conjunction was in Aquarius, which rules the unseen social environs and the air we breathe…or don’t breath. 2021 is giving us, and will continue to give us, the Patriot Act on Steroids. Oh, and notice how the world is sliding into a cold war mentality of fear and frustration once again? Frog legs anyone??? History folks. If you study Astrology, you must study history.

Fortunately, there will be many inventions of necessity that will relieve the people of this Saturn in Aquarian attempts to control the populace. The masses are rising. The Jupiter/Uranus square has lit the fuse. Now the Saturn/Uranus squares take hold for the rest of 2021. The Man is pissed. And we all are going to feel his boot on our necks now. Hold on and hang in there, he will not have it there for long, for he is off-balance now and will have to shift his weight. And if you think about it...if you have been doing your yoga and meditative breathing exercises, and learning how to stay centered in the face of evil, that boot doesn't hurt much at all. Does it?

In 2021, we will all be faced with the ability to stand up and speak out, with a loud, clear, full-throated voice. We will have to act quickly though, before Big Money gets on its feet again, or we will have to grin and bear the results. February’s retrograde Mercury/Jupiter conjunction give many the ability to truly, understand the issues at hand. That clarity that comes mid-February will help steer our actions come early March. Whether it is on an intimate level or a sociological one, February is for reconnaissance and research. Weighing our options and gathering intel. March, being the second craziest month of 2021, is when we see all these various plans put into action.

Case in point. The David versus Goliath takedown of Wall Street and the heavy-handed reactions of Big Money. There is an ironic pleasure in the players involved in this telling event. "Robinhood", who in this case has been shown to be in bed with the Sheriff of Nottingham, is scrambling to save face. And then there is Game Stop. Yes, we all want to stop the game and reset the rules!! Should be VERY, interesting as Mercury is now retrograde until February 20th in Aquarius the sign of social evolution. More on this in a minute.

Watch what happens these next few weeks and watch how the “people” react in March. It is time to root for the little guys/gals and do what you can to give them a leg up. Remember, it is the individual (the heart-centered Leo archetype) that makes the Aquarian archetype work. Society, as a whole must, come to terms with ALL, of its citizenry. Not just the ones who stick out the most. Keep this in mind as you study events in February...and plan for March.

I was not kidding when I stated back in the Spring of 2020, that 2021 and 2022 would see a massive rollout of systems intent upon controlling our actions and thoughts. And I was dead serious when I said if we did not nip this in the bud, that we could be dealing with this oppression well into the 2030’s and even the 2050’s. We are only now starting to see what that 20 year, Jupiter/Saturn conjunction, will be bringing us this year and on into next. In February we would much rather let other people do the heavy lifting for now. It is a time of rest and recuperation, invigoration, and resolve. It is not a time to put your cards on the table. It is a time to make sure you know what the rules are of the game you play.

In February we see the first of three Mercury retrogrades for 2021 and the first of three Saturn/Uranus third quarter squares. Three is a powerful number in nature. It is the culmination of the masculine and feminine numbers 1 and 2, and when combined gives us a product, or progeny, that can stand the test of time. Think on how one gets to three. One must first have the number 1, then add the number 2, resulting in the number 3. One starts with the masculine, adds the feminine and perfecto, 3! The strongest number/structure in all of Nature.

This same movement of Nature can be seen in a typical retrograde cycle. If a planet makes a conjunction to another planet during a retrograde period, it will often make the same conjunctions three time in a row. Take our current Mercury retrograde in the middle of Aquarius, from January 30th to February 20th. Currently we also have Jupiter located in the middle of Aquarius too. Thus, Mercury will make three conjunctions to Jupiter, as part of this retrograde cycle. The initial conjunction occurred when Mercury was first in direct motion, which has already occurred in January. The second conjunction occurs mid-February during the Mercury retrograde period. And the third conjunction will occur when Mercury is once again in direct motion in early March. This three-fold process is represented by the mathematical equation 1 plus 2 equal 3. One must first use a masculine approach to getting the conjunction energy off to a good start. Sounds like what happened in January to me. Then, during the second pass, or second conjunction, we must approach the energy from a completely feminine attitude, paring back and re-evaluating, and attracting to us what we need to continue our journeys. This is forecasted for February. Yet it is not until the third conjunction, where January’s and February’s are added together combine harmony, that we are able to apply the perfect balance of masculine and feminine energy come the third conjunction in March. I have always tried to explain this to my students as “the Goldilocks effect”. Too much. Too little. Just right. Father. Mother. Child. As above, so below. Why would it be any different on Earth as it is in the heavens?

Let’s break down our current Mercury retrograde cycle as it makes the three conjunctions to Jupiter. Remember early January? The first conjunction was on January 11th as we were all jumping up and down about the Capitol invasion. President Biden came out of the gate with a flurry of executive orders. Main Street took on Wall Street and won a battle. That’s the masculine phase in action. Now the second conjunction is upon us in February, which means we are to apply feminine principles to occurring events. Step back. Regroup. Re-evaluate your actions to date these first three weeks in February and decide what is currently best for you and what you now want to attract into your lives. Everybody is going to want to step back in February, slow down, and make sure that what we do focus on, will be best for ourselves, our mates, and our country. Oh, and get this, the second conjunction falls right on Valentine’s Day. How about that for a feminine touch. Poetry my friends. Poetry will go over big this Valentines’ Day. Write ‘em a love sonnet. Or send them a picture of what you want to see unfold for the two of you if you could have your dreams come true. Best to write it all down as Venus makes that beautiful conjunction to Jupiter on February 10th and 11th, then give it to them on Valentine’s day, and then watch what happens come the Sun/Venus conjunction late March. You can thank me later.

I doubt much will come of any impeachment actions in February. Too much feminine energy, including a Venus/Jupiter conjunction a few days prior to Valentine’s Day. No way. Madame Speaker Pelosi should have waited until late February so the proceedings would have started during the third Mercury/Jupiter conjunction in early March. Then we would have seen, and maybe still will see, the proper balance of masculine and feminine energy applied to our societal and political travails.

We start the month off with Mercury doing its retrograde thing in Aquarius from January 30th to February 20th. Time to find the inner alien. The one who doesn’t play by the rules. Let the oddball out to play these first few weeks of February. Pay special attention to your dreams, meditations, and epiphanies now. Investigatory insights are in order now. You may not know now what you are looking at, but you just might have a revelation on your hands come early March. What I like most about this Mercury retrograde cycle is the fact that Mercury will conjunct Jupiter three times. Mercury and Jupiter work wonders together. Which is also a problem. Yes, Jupiter’s influence on manic Mercury tends to give us a brief interlude of truth coming at us from the media. But unfortunately, bluster, and over the top displays, are also familiar events when Mercury and Jupiter collude, as they did during their first conjunction mid-January.

With Mercury retrograde fully in Aquarius this means we will continue to have Mercury in Aquarius for an abnormally long period of time. Mercury has been in Aquarius since January 8th and will stay in Aquarius until March 15th. Have you noticed all the high-tech articles that have been hitting the news, especially the ones about AI and robots, and how they are just PURRFECT for a pandemic driven society? This is Mercury in Aquarius. No doubt the coming Mercury retrograde in Gemini, in June 2021, will see a slew of article about AI and education and how we interface with all the kiddies. My bet, October’s Mercury retrograde in Libra will see a slew of article about AI and how they are making a better, more civilized society, especially when it come to our “responsibilities” as caring citizens in these times of COVID.

Gag me with a spoon!!! What we should be seeing and fomenting with Mercury retrograde in the Air signs are how we INCLUDE as many PEOPLE as possible into society, not how we should best make them irrelevant. I feel sorry for all the teachers this summer, especially with all the eclipses in 2021 occurring across the Gemini/Sag axis of education versus wisdom. When it comes to teaching our children, NOTHING beats a personal touch.

In the U.S. chart, the Mercury retrogrades from the early 3rd house back mostly into the 2nd house of national value and priorities. What are our priorities as a nation? What are we willing to do to return our country to its highest potential? These will be the questions on many a tongue this month.

Venus is on the rise in February both figuratively and literally. It is the only Morning Star, at the moment, glowing bright in the Southeastern dawn. A conjunction to Saturn on the 5th of February, and a square to Uranus on the 6th makes for a rough start for Venus. Venus and Saturn make for many a dull boys and girls. Venus tries to soften the stoic and cynical Saturn, but she gives up easily if it involves too much effort and can be sucked down a rabbit hole of despair. Uranus, on the other hand, will demand that Venus let her hair down.

So, despair not, these first few days of February for not long after Venus waver in Saturn’s presence, and wanders in the presence of Uranus does she run back to papa and conjoin with Jupiter on the 11th. Whereas the light of love is weak and fragile as February begins, it will grow strong and burn brightly by mid-month. And it will be a stunning sight to see, both in the sky, and in our hearts, and should be a most enjoyable time of season. Venus fairs well when she comes back to papa. And papa’s penchant for flinging lightning bolts keeps the wolves at bay. Jupiter lays out the spread when Venus visits. Our sons may be prodigal, but our daughters can do no wrong in February. And with Mercury and Venus both visiting Jupiter in the digitally connected sign of Aquarius on into Valentine’s Day, the big gifts for this V Day are going to be in the tech services and unique experience categories. You ladies and gentlemen out there should really be able to get your message across and connect. Go wild and weird for Valentine’s Day this year. Think outside the chocolate box, and beyond the red roses. Make it an experience to remember, not a product. Especially since Mercury is in on the picture too. Oh, and pictures speak a thousand words and will get you a thousand kisses this month. So, will sonnets, songs, and poems, especially if you deliver them yourself. Re-enact a special moment from you and your lover’s past.

February 11th at the New Moon in Aquarius, we see the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn all in Aquarius for a few days. This is mom, dad, little brother, big sister, and grandpa all gathering on Mount Olympus for a family meeting. The only one missing is big bad brother Mars, who is off making trouble with Uncle Uranus. (Grandma will be there, next time around.) Bodes well for getting the family all on the same page. Does not bode well for whomever has to be the one who tells big brother and Uncle crazy.

Mars and Uranus are still all jacked up about the events that went down in January and they are not about to listen to the family unit in February. At the moment, the cosmic family can do one of two things, do nothing now and follow afterward to pick up the pieces, as Mars and Uranus continue their path of self-destructive behavior, or be proactive and get them in rehab ASAP, even if they kick and scream all the way there. Do you get what I am saying here? Do you see who the players are in early 2021?

As the Sun enters Pisces on February 18th and Venus enters Pisces on the 25th, both joining Neptune come mid-March, we will see the inactivity of February turn slowly toward fanaticism and martyrdom throughout March. On the bright side of a Sun, Venus, Neptune, conjunction in Pisces in March, joined by Mercury for a week or so too, we should see many messages, and examples, of peace and serenity act as a counterpoint to the many maniacal martyrs who bemoan their causes. Which brings me to a delicate subject…the birth chart of President Joseph Biden.

Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. was born a little over two days before a Full Moon in Taurus, with Sagittarius rising, and the Sun, Mercury, Venus, AND Mars (all personal planets) in Scorpio. And all those Scorpio planets are in his 12th house. Ever since I first saw his chart over two decades ago, I have respected the man. And I have also always been very wary of what he was capable, too. He has the chart of someone who must be respected… or feared. Almost all the personal planets in the sign of Scorpio in his 12th house is the ultimate back room player. The wheeler and dealer, the devil in the detail, power BEHIND the throne, not in front of it. When a man like this goes public, there is much that is left unsaid. Much that is best left out of the public eye. That Sag rising knows how to play a room and tell folks what they want to hear, not what is actually happening. Most Americans would rather not know anyhow, when it comes right down to it. That was one of the big takeaways from our last President. Only the names have been changed.

And I know Scorpio, having 5 planets myself there. It is an extreme sign. As a matter of fact, the most extreme sign of the Zodiac, and the only sign of the Zodiac that has multiple totems for the representation of Scorpio’s wide-ranging attitudes and attributes. Taurus has the Ox, Leo the Lion, and such, throughout the Zodiac. And yes, in some schools of Astrology, Virgo and Capricorn are seen to have two totems, but when you get to Scorpio, you get three to five different totems, dependent upon which school you follow. And it is all because of the extreme depths and heights the Scorpio attitude of life reaches for and entails.

There is the lowly Scorpion, that brings a shudder to many folks, and will sting itself to death rather than admit defeat. Then, as we rise through the ranks of awareness, there is the Snake, that brings fear to many, and enlightenment to a few. Then further up the ascension food chain, we see the Eagle, as a totem of fealty, fortitude, and life-long monogamy. In some schools, there is then the Dove, or more rightly, the descent of the Dove, wherein the Scorpio temperament is overshadowed by the divine through service and grace. And of course, at the highest level of human attainment is the Phoenix, legendary for its sacrifice and Soul’s rebirth. These are all totems that are needed to represent the extremities and passions of Scorpio. And Joe Biden identifies with this path of attainment since he has his Sun in Scorpio. He knows how to probe the depths of society with his Mercury in Scorpio, loves the power of transformation with his Venus in Scorpio, and would have NO PROBLEM taking on the Monsters of the Universe with his Mars in Scorpio.

Yet, all his Scorpio planets are in his 12th house, so through much of his life, even he did not know of what he was capable, AND through the later part of his life, very few people, other than himself, would ever know of what he BECAME capable of doing, what he has done, and what he is now capable of in the future. I pray to God he has at least made it to the Eagle level of awareness and risen above the Scorpion and the Snake. For those of you who know his history, he has been given so many opportunities, and so many tragedies, of which all are indicative of a Soul who takes on Scorpio’s mission in life. He has the history of one who COULD be reaching for the Eagle or the Dove. And unfortunately, these same extremes of reality CAN drag one down into the most, blackest of nights. Joe Biden has the potential chart of a black magician AND a self-sacrificing Savior. A cold, unflinching murderer, or very possibly, a one of a kind, champion of the Light. With a chart like his, rarely will there be a middle ground. Without being able to look him in the eye, and speak with him, I will never know which, especially with it all in his 12th.

I must admit, I did not think Biden would attain the Presidency two years ago when I was looking at his chart. I thought the two Mercury retrogrades in Scorpio, in October of 2019 and 2020 respectively, would bring out some of his dirty laundry and folks would be shocked. Came close, with the Hunter Biden brouhaha, but he survived. When it comes to comparing Biden’s chart and the U.S. chart, it gets both very scary, and very cool. First, there is his natal Jupiter on the U.S. Mercury, in Cancer, in the U.S. 8th, FROM Biden’s 8th. Nice! Very, nice! I daresay something this country has needed for a long time. Someone who understands what the people are talking about. Someone who can voice their concerns in a tangible, knowledgeable way, or at least find the folks who can translate those concerns for him.

Then we see that both the U.S. and Biden have Sagittarius rising, giving them both the same priorities and areas of interests (almost all. The U.S. has intercepted signs, Biden does not.). Still, quite cool, and quite good, if we want a President to understand us as a country. And I do like that Biden’s chart ruler, Jupiter, is in Cancer in his 8th house. The ultimate diplomat. The guy who knows how to make deals. Financial ones. BIG financial ones. Ones that benefit large amounts of people in a motherly way. The trick is here, is he the Scorpion mother...or the Eagle mother?

As we look deeper into the comparison between President Biden and the U.S. chart, things start to get a bit murkier (which is a great word for Scorpio in the 12th). Biden’s Saturn is conjunct the U.S. Uranus, which may mean a lowly Biden wants to take us backward when we really need to be moving forward. This can also mean, if Biden is living the life of an Eagle or Dove, someone who helps to manifest the new destiny of the U. S. in a big way. Being that this occurs in the U.S. 6th bodes well for the well-being of the U.S. populace, especially through labor and health related issues. And I find it very interesting that he first tried for the Presidency when Saturn began our current cycle with Uranus back in 1988. If we are to take the long view here, President Biden’s actions will ripple on through 2032.

All in all, what I am most interested in is Biden’s Pluto conjunct the U.S. Lunar North Node, in Leo, in the 8th. If we are dealing with the Scorpion or the Snake, we are dealing with a dictator beyond compare, all in the name of delivering us from evil. If Biden is an Eagle, or better, we will get the future our country deserves, and President Biden will help us through the karmic dangers of our coming U.S. Pluto return. With Biden’s Pluto on the U. S. North Node, Biden is either going to mutate the spiritual path of our country, or trans-mutate our path. There is a big difference. All depends on which path the President has chosen. All depends on which path he stays. So far, from what I have seen of his wielding of Plutonian power, I am not very optimistic. Go to the light, Mr. President, Go to the light! I will speak on President Biden’s astrological transits while in office in my March forecast.

Some points that I have not mentioned in my ramblings about February are the Soli-Lunar cycles this month and the Inferior conjunction of the Sun and Mercury on February 8th. The New Moon in Aquarius that begins February 11th will bring with it a high mind and lofty goals, peaking on the Full Moon in Virgo come months end. There is much healing that is to take place the second half of February. And the paths will be laid out in no certain terms before us as the month wears on. It is a path of renunciation and dedication. A path of specific intention and promise. This is what the pure path of a Virgo Full Moon can manifest. And it will serve us well in February if we follow its lead.

The Inferior conjunction of the Sun and Mercury on February 11th occurs at 20 degrees of Aquarius. Inferior conjunctions always bring a sense of clarity and understanding and begin to reveal a path forward through the uncertainties of life. The Sabian symbol for 20 degrees of Aquarius is “a large white dove bearing a message” and lets me know that spiritual forces are well at work in February, descending over the planet, bearing gifts of grace and compassion. Perfect for anyone who is having a hard time figuring out which path they want to take. And perfect for a President, or a pauper, who may be drifting toward the dark side. The teachers in February are not of this world. They are of the heart. They are not in this world. They are above it. Make time for their words and wishes in February. Make time for that dove to descend over you and yours. And be thankful, and grateful, that we have, at this moment in time, the invisible forces of the Aquarian elementals at our sides and in our hearts. More in the March 2021 forecast.


Putting Your Cards on the Table


Babe of Aquarius - January 2021