Enough is Enough - April 2021

April brings us our annual emphasis on the sign of Taurus, building most noticeably toward months end with a series of flashy conjunctions to Uranus in Taurus. This year, and over the next five years, we have the added emphasis of Uranus in the zodiacal sign of Taurus, which usually only happens about once a century. The transit of Uranus through Taurus has shown to bring up societal issues around the comforts and pleasures in our lives, especially since it’s discovery in the 1700’s. Can we keep paying for those luxuries we like? Do we have GOOD food to eat? What about those rainy days that are sure to come?

Do remember that Uranus in Taurus comes AFTER Uranus in Aries. It was Uranus in Aries when we got the 1920’s stock market crash and it was Uranus in Aries when we saw our more recent troubles in 2007 and 2008. Then comes Uranus in Taurus, when society finally gets pushed hard enough after these crashes to say, “enough is enough”, radically shifting priorities and putting its money where its mouth is. Uranus in Taurus is highly associated with fashion, opulence, luxury, money, and wealth and their sudden abundance, or in some cases scarcity. It is the only planet in our solar system that rolls around the Sun rather than spins, which actually give us an interesting correlation between an astronomical event and it’s astrological corollary: the well know retro influenced 42-year fashion cycle when the different poles of Uranus face the Sun and Earth at 42 year intervals.

Where you find Taurus in the chart will show you your relationship with abundance. Taurus is the attitude we have toward these pleasures in life. Note I do not use the word “rights”. That would be the more Arian attitude. The right to be, and stay, alive. In Taurus we are looking at the more pleasing things in life. The wants, not the needs. Not the necessities, per se. The things that make life, once living, WORTH living.

No one will ever say a Taurean doesn’t know how to luxuriate. I call archetypal Taureans the hedonists of the Zodiac. “Oh, that feels so good. Don”t stop!” Hey, we want what we want, and where Taurus lies in our individual charts, speak to how we are going to go about getting it. Aries is about becoming aware of the new life, or cycle, and ensuring we will continue to survive. Taurus, the next sign in the proverbial zodiacal lifecycle, is when, and where, we finally get past acquiring the basic necessities for survival and begin to choose the luxuries we would prefer in their stead.

The first half of April we see an emphasis on Aries, as Mercury joins the Sun and Venus in this most active and assertive sign on April 3rd. With Mercury in Aries, we think big and talk even bigger. The explorer in all of us needs to discover new country, broach new subjects, and design new plans. “Me first” can be heard all too often in April. For many folks, there will be an inflated sense of entitlement. For many others, the need for personal accountability presses in on them in April. What is that old saying?... if you want something done right, do it yourself.

The upside of Aries is the hero, the Samurai, the risk-taker, who is willing to go where no man (or woman) has gone before. The downside tends to devolve into a winner take all situation. Aries can be St. George slaying the demon dragon for the good of the village, or King George and his henchmen slaying the people for the good of the Crown. It can be Mahatma Gandhi marching to the sea for the good of the people, or a million-man army marching for the good of the Beast. It can even be the many multitude of advocates out there, those individual fighters, who are willing to go to the mat for the downtrodden and distressed. And unfortunately, it can also be all those angry young men out there, and angry young women, who getting pushed a bit too much now, snap, and lash out in physical form.

The choice is not always easy to make, especially with all that “influences” us. The point is, Aries energy needs to remember that balance will be found in the opposite sign of Libra, which is all about relationship and civilized interaction. It is balanced by flipping the letter M in the word Me, upside down to the letter W. WE will always balance ME. What kind of life would we have if all we ever cared about was number 1? That should be the question we all ask ourselves in early April. Come late April, we will all get a chance to put our money where our mouth is. How much is enough?

I have been affectionately calling my April forecast “the rise of the greedy and the needy”. The first half of April, we will see self-preservation as a consistent theme, along with too many stories of persons wanting to get in and get theirs before anyone else does. A reverse Robin Hood story, which will have many more than usual fending for themselves. P. T. Barnum would be in his element in early April. As would Bernie Madoff. Which is going to result in some interesting push back the last ten days of April, as the Sun, Mercury, and Venus, conjunct Uranus. I would call this America’s let-them-eat-cake moment. Not going to go over well with those struggling just to hang on financially. Plenty of folks are going to be losing their heads over this one. Enough is enough.

The Biden administration is likely to play on this further division between the rich and the poor and we will see some rather grand programs, and price tags, offered as remedy. Transiting Jupiter through President Biden’s 3rd house is a go big or go home attitude, which ends up coming to a grand conclusion when Jupiter gets to the top of his chart in 6 to 7 years, and no I am not suggesting he will be President for that long, only that the policies he initiates at this time will be reaching their peaks then. The problem is not in the programs he will propose, but with the administration of these programs. There will be so many levels, wherein so many people, can have so much influence, over the recipients of these programs. And without any sort of moral compass, those that have their fingers in other people’s pie, can start using their whole hand to stuff their faces. This is the downside of April. The wolf in Robin Hood’s clothing. Fortunately, the light of April’s Full Moon in Scorpio, peaking on April 26th, is going to let us all see behind the disguises. Enough is enough.

Early April is not about hand-outs. It is where we make, and take, what we need. Although by month’s end, as we shift into Taurus mode, we may be taking much more than what we truly need. What is the difference between our wants and our needs? A very pertinent topic for all of April, especially with all the supply and supply line disruptions, that will trickle down to our neck of the woods throughout this month. Thank you Uranus in Taurus. Just don’t forget your promise to us…you get to disrupt all of the world’s food and financial systems and supplies, in exchange for you revealing to humanity, the ingenuity and invention of new, more satisfying and satiating, forms of acquisition and accommodation.

We are waiting… We can see all the disruption. We see all the chaos and surprise. Uranus, you are in rare form. Yet even in your mayhem and magic, you are still a bit predictable. I suspect you will get around to your part of the bargain once you have the cover of Jupiter in the early part of 2024 (the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus). In the meantime, you really need to cool it on the financial front. Too many folks out there are in some real hurt. Yes, I know it takes major crisis to get us humans off our proverbial asses… and yes, I see it is working…, I just have to say that sometimes you might want to use honey instead of castor oil. That would be the more positive way to partake of the Taurean “take” on life. Just sayin’…enough is enough.

oh, and Uranus, since you are likely to try and mess with the crypto currency, and East Coast financial, markets this Summer as part of your reign of realignment, I just wanted to suggest you might think about focusing on the Taurean need for possession, not just profit. The heck with stimulus dollars. How about some stimulus property? Real property, not electronic digits, or bank balance numbers. How about federal, state, and or county, programs to buy, and distribute amongst all Americans, actual plots or shares in agricultural land? To everyone in America, native or not. Those who never wanted to go near a green thumb, or city dwellers who may not reside near their land, can contract with more local sources for development and maintenance. And all the individuals involved can share in the land’s bounty and opportunity. The acquisition and act of ownership can be a real motivator for change. Sometimes a little is more than enough.

And how about using some of those trillions of bail-out dollars to make any and all technology and supplies, that will help to grow these millions of garden plots, easily available. Maybe this time we don’t have to throw all that tea overboard, and instead figuratively, plant it and put it to good use. In April, we must all remember what makes our lives not just survivable, but sustainable. With the Sun, our will power; Mercury, our ingenuity; Venus, our value systems; and Uranus, the catalyst, all joining hands in Taurus, the sign of satiation and lust, this is going to be a very satisfying, if not scintillating, time during the last ten days of April. When is enough, enough?

And one must remember that the important underlying cycles that are running right now, are Jupiter and Saturn, both in Aquarius. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one. Whether YOU like it or not. Personal freedom and expression are sacrificed in the name of the needs of God and country. Individual ideas, and ideals, are the collective enemy, sapping the state. Or so we are “told”. The last time Jupiter and Saturn came together in Aquarius was in 1226 and 1227 and we got Pope Gregory IX who almost immediately launched the Inquisition. Need I say more? Enough is enough.

Actually, I need to say more. No, I WANT to say more. When any race enters a new age, the pendulum of activity always initially swings way left AND way right of center. And it is not until at least a few generations into each new age that humanity even begins to start finding the center path. This is what we are dealing with in the first half of the 21st Century. The pendulum is swinging way off into the group-think side of Aquarius and leaving behind all the lessons, good and bad, having to do with the Leo side of the equation; honor, integrity, morality, will-power, and respect for the individual. The more we can do to limit the extremities of our current evolutionary tale, the quicker our children, and our children’s children on down the line, can find balance in a new age. Enough already!

In Nature, finding balance is always done with the use of a counterbalance. The leveraging of opposites. The proper push, in the proper place, at the proper time. In April, our counterbalance to all that Taurean attitude, is Scorpio, and our annual Full Moon in Scorpio on the 26th is going to give us a once in a year opportunity to bring that balance to bear. Add to this the fact that Pluto is in the throes of its annual retrogradation station at the same time as the Scorpio Full Moon is upon us and we have some extremely powerful and cauterizing events in store for us.

We have early April for one of this year’s initial swings toward the extreme, with late April bringing us much remedy. And with a piercingly prescient Scorpio Full Moon near month’s end, this is what I would call a grand slam. Not the kind we get at Denny’s mind you, the kind we get when we see the proper pressure, in the proper place, at the proper time. This can be the little Dutch boy who plugs the crack in the dam with only his thumb, or it can be Nikola Tesla almost taking down the Brooklyn Bridge with a tiny, simple, mechanically activated, repetitive plunger. All it takes a is a little effort at the right place in the right time. Sometimes a tiny bit is more than enough.

This too, is April’s promise. Enough is enough. A sudden redistribution, to those who are truly in need, of that which had been taken out of circulation, due to gluttony and greed. This is not reparation or recompense. It is about reciprocity and recognition. That all beings are equal in the eyes of compassion, not that some beings are more equal than others. If we are going to give value to a person or a people, that value must come with a cost, to both appraiser and appraised. It cannot, and should not, be shouldered by just one over the other, if ever there is to be any sort of balance. This part of the equation, this battle plan of the Light, will begin in earnest in April of 2021, and will come to a most enjoyable peak with next year’s Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Pisces.

There are some false starts the first few days of April as Mercury, in the final degrees of Pisces, finally wanders his way into Aries on Saturday April 3rd. Given that not long after, on April 9th, we see Mars squaring Neptune, AND the darkening of the Moon on into the 11th, much of what we initiate the first few days of April will get bogged down in the sand. Monday and Tuesday, the 5th, and the 6th, look decent enough, with Venus sextile Mars and the Moon conjoining Saturn and Jupiter. So, if you really want your work to count for something in early April, kick it off on the 5th and 6th.

With the Moon void of course in Aquarius the first half of Wednesday the 7th, you may want to take a breather and just float at that time and envision bigger and better things to come. Once the Moon gets into Pisces on your way back from lunch you can shift into creativity mode. It is just that Mars/Neptune square bothers me, building as it does all during the first week in April, coming to a most frustrating and anti-climatic conclusion on Friday the 9th. Mars square Neptune is not a time wherein we just pop up out of bed in the morning bright and squirrely and lay into the world. Nor is it a time where we want to even think about some other guy. Mars squaring Neptune can be a real drag on our intention and our direction and it is easy to get off track without even being aware of it. So, it is best to just chill in early April and work on your backswing, instead of launching into all those Spring projects. That you can do after the New Moon in Aries on April 11th.

The Aries New Moon on the 11th, conjunct Venus and Uranus on the 12th and 13th, all squaring Pluto at the same time, can really bring out the desire nature in all of us. Just make sure you are thinking beyond what you get in the moment and be aware of what you will stir up in response. The best way to receive the gifts of the universe is to be one of those gifts in the first place. Doing unto others in mid-April could pay off big time this Fall, when the Moon is full in Aries. And to be more specific, doing unto yourself, on the 12th, 13th, and 14th, with Venus void of course in Aries at that time, is going to backfire, especially this Fall.

Once Venus enters Taurus on April 14th, the focus begins to shift. How Venus is integrated into your own charts will tell you where you will place your attentions. A Sun/Jupiter sextile on the 15th and a Mars/Jupiter trine on the 16th gives the run-up to the first quarter Moon much promise and opportunity. I would consider the New Moon in Aries on April 11th up until the 20th to be the more productive period in April on a personal level. The rest of the month thereafter will be more productive on a societal level. The latter part of April would be a great time for fundraising, especially around those organizations and groups that are supplying care and comfort to the less fortunate. I highly suspect to hear about some eccentric millionaires donating, not just their fortunes, but their physical brains and bodies as well, to a bucketful of worthy causes. Many folks will be shifting from enough is never enough, to you guessed it, enough is enough.

And on a similar topic. What is all the claptrap about how doing this and doing that will allow us all to get “back to normal”? Who says we are creating a new normal? I want to know what made the old normal so great? I want a new un-normal. THAT would be the way to make proper use of Uranus in Taurus. And with the Sun and Mercury coming to a Superior conjunction at the final degree of Aries on the 18th, just before they both join Venus and Uranus in Taurus on the 19th, normal is not in the cards…stars…whatever. It is not a time to hold onto your possessions like Scrooge McDuck, laughing gleefully as to your fortune. The later part of April is for taking risks and investing your money and your matter in the new values, the new priorities, the truly, new norms that we WANT. It is not a time to just shut-up, play the game, and be happy that you can get what you need. Sorry Mick… Taking the leap here at the end of April will pay off big time in the mid-2020’s.

I find it almost ironic that this years Venus/Uranus conjunction falls on Earth Day, April 22nd, right as Mars fumbles his way out of Gemini. Not a good sign for environmental safety. Probably good for environmental angst and advocacy, but not so good for the actual Earth itself. You know how after surprise military attacks enlistments rise for the armed forces? And how extreme weather conditions can bring out the compassionate volunteer in all of us? This is likely what Earth Day 2021 will be remembered for. Enough is enough already.

Last month’s Mercury, Venus, Neptune, conjunctions in the watery sign of Pisces gave us the Ever Given fiasco in the Suez canal and all the issues around ships, shipping and the seashore ports involved. This month’s Mercury, Venus, Uranus, conjunctions in Taurus, are going to give us the opposite effect. Instead of blockages and restrictions, or sudden unfathomable occurrences as we saw in March, in April we will see long touted, and expected, yet suddenly released, sudden un-stoppages, of theretofore solid earthen structures and fixed systems. And this “giving way” of our fixed and formidable structures will then suddenly change the surrounding physical landscapes and supply lines to a large degree. These are the systems and staid structures that we have relied on for decades. I am talking infrastructure issues like bridges, dams, roads, and rails, not to mention the penchant of Uranus for flying objects. This sudden shake-up of the earth element is often associated with earthquakes, and extreme weather conditions, that have an inordinate amount of effect on agricultural and financial products. And due to Jupiter and Saturn in the technologically savvy sign of Aquarius, these sudden disturbances in the force will not all be due to acts of God but also acts of man.

Of course, the more positive application of this giving way of the earth element would be just like it says, a giving way, a sudden giving away, of tangible, fungible, replicate-able, and valuable, items and properties, to those who need (not want) them most. And in late April more will flow from the haves to the have nots. If we all were to direct our own personal flow toward the same goals; that of equality, equanimity, and empathy, the coming torrent would wash away many tears. Enough IS enough.

Once Mars enters Cancer on April 23rd, the atmosphere reaches a boiling point especially for our Cancerian soaked country. This is often when we go into protection mode and take up defensive postures and positions. It is also when we confront the bullies who are victimizing our family members, whether our family is of a nuclear, communal, or federal, nature. Given that the U.S. has Cancer in the 7th house and on the 8th, this only emphasizes all those security treaties we have with other countries. The boys are back in town.

The signs of Taurus and Cancer work well together. All the inner planets are in harmonious accord near the end of April, as are Uranus and Pluto too. The burr in the saddle at the end of April is with Jupiter and Saturn being in Aquarius. I am sorry but the “state” is in for a rough period the end of April. It is time for the individual to gain some ground. This will continue to be a recuring theme as May starts to unfold. Even more so when Jupiter, the planet of abundance, enters Pisces, the sign of universal love, for a short time mid-May , June & July and then again for most of 2022. And you can never have enough love. More in my May 2021 forecast.


Utterings, mutterings, musings, & murmuration - May 2021


Putting Your Cards on the Table