Putting Your Cards on the Table
The Bigger Picture for 2021. We are still in the opening phases of the 127-year Uranus/Pluto revolutionary ideas of the mid-sixties, and the 171-year Uranus/Neptune creations of the late 1980’s and early 90’s. Neither of these cycles will reach their peaks until the late 2030’s and late 2070’s respectively. So, the bigger picture issues of taking the radical path over the static path and loving the person not their actions, as symbolized in the message of the 60’s, will continue to be with us and unfold as major social issues for the next two decades.
Also, the inventions and interconnections of the late 1980’s and early 90’s will be continuing their evolutions, and mutations, long past the middle of this century. Even the 35/36-year Saturn/Pluto cycle that began in early 2020, and the Jupiter/Saturn cycle that began in late 2020, do not reach their culminations phases until the late 2020’s and late 2030’s. The big cycle that we should be looking at as we now begin to create the new roaring twenties is the 36/37-year Saturn/Neptune cycle that began in the late 1980’s and come to a head just about 5-years from now.
Saturn/Neptune issues revolve around big Pharma and big Religion, big Med, and what I would call big Fear & Fantasy. This is the major cycle we need to be focusing on now. Do we want to continue down the path of treating the symptoms of spiritual and physical maladies with artificially constructed pills and processes? Or do we want to make the 2020’s the decade of personal accountability and natural defense? Will we continue down the path of psychological and pharmaceutical repression, or do we embrace the holistic mind, body, spirit reality of this universe? Will we let our video game worlds and social influencers dictate our waking hours or do we separate fact from fiction, fantasy from reality, and start getting back to the natural rhythms and cycles of our bodies and planets? Do we let the powers that be shower us with bogey men, seen and unseen, so that we trade our sovereignty for supposed security? This is what is currently on our astrological horizons these next few years. These are the bigger issues that will be bearing fruit in the 2020’s. And in 2021 we are beginning to see the major growth spurts of the many individuals and businesses involved in these areas.
The great thing about the harvest phase of any astrological cycle is the fact that they bring the greatest opportunities for objectivity and extrication. It is where we get to back up and detach ourselves from the issue at hand and take a fresh look at our situations. We can dispassionately analyze our past and current predicaments and move more easily into either a better path of engagement, or a renewed commitment to completion as our paths currently stand. We either double-down or take a different tack. Either way, there is a heightened vitality that is brought to the game.
Occurring against this vast backdrop of planetary evolution are the sprouting seeds of our recent 2020 Saturn/Pluto conjunction. Saturn/Pluto foundational issues have to do with discarding the dead and dying, facing our fears, and passing the torch to the next generation. These issues will continue to sprout around us these next few years. When do we admit to ourselves that the past and present, as they are currently perceived, are only holding us back from a brighter future? When do face the facts that all things must evolve or die? And how can we make the most of those things that we are left with when we move past our fears and limitations? The detritus of our fears. Learning to live, and thrive, in the face of decay and decomposition. This is the cosmic compost that I referenced so much in 2020. I don’t think anyone would dispute the idea that 2020 gave us plenty of compost to work with. Should make for some great crops in the mid 2020’s.
Still addressing the bigger picture, we see the 20-year Jupiter/Saturn business cycle that began with a bang in late 2020 and early 2021. Occurring in the tech savvy and socially incite-able sign of Aquarius, we are seeing many sprouts begin to pop up in 2021 that will give us the next new crop of gotta-have gadgets, avant-garde groups to join, and weird and wonderful new businesses and organizations to invest in. Most of these things will reach their peak evaluations come the early 2030’s. We are entering a wild-wild West scenario when it comes to innovation and ingenuity, both on planet and off. Take stock of what I am saying here, and you will have much abundance in your life as the 2020’s come to a close.
Another more immediate cycle we have been dealing with since the new year began is the triple passes of Mercury and Jupiter in the sign of Aquarius. Mercury/Jupiter issues have to do with over the top, announcements, adjudicated agreements, discoveries, in the legal and investigative sense, and the activation and dissemination of TRUTHFUL information - wisdom and words worth remembering. In January we saw the initial actions and repercussions surrounding these Mercury/Jupiter issues of getting to the truth. In February we saw the discovery phase of these three conjunctions. The period where we sift fact from fantasy, reality from rhetoric. In early March we will see the sentencing phase of the three conjunctions. This is where the pronouncements are tacked on the doors so to speak. The truth comes out for all to see.
Just look at some of what was uncovered in February, forced into discovery by the legal and ethical arms of our society. The infamous Trump tax returns. The investigations and hundreds of charges brought surrounding events at the Capitol. The bringing to light of the high-tech, and often hidden, machinations of Wall Street. The constant reminders and education of the American people regarding the workings, and failings, of our legislative bodies politic. Eyes have been opened in February, other have been slammed tightly shut. Those that stick their heads, and their ethics, in the sand now have become a not-so-silent minority. Many have seen the light of truth revealed in February. Now in early March, we are asked to take it one step further and using our newfound information and moral compass upgrade our actions in the name of justice for one and for all. 41+4A.
Another more interesting effect of the Mercury/Jupiter extended period in Aquarius as it plays out in early 2021 is the stepped-up issues of Big Media censorship, and brinksmanship, as noted in the constant repression of free speech in social media. The permanent ban of Donald Trump and others from Twitter. The almost obsessive cancellations and restrictions of outspoken voices in the name of truth and social conformity from so many social media platforms. The tit-for-tat games being played out through social media and communications companies, like those between China and Britain; the Myanmar military, Facebook, and the Myanmar populace; and the popular uprising of farmers in India and the crackdown on their social media connections. Even the recent issues with the US/Iran/UN nuclear verification protocols and the withholding of verifiable data fall into this category of withholding the truth. Many of these issues will reach a head in late April at the Superior conjunction of the Sun and Mercury. And fortunately, since Jupiter is involved, many of these issues will ultimately end quite well. Of course, not until after a whole bucket of over-the-top posturing and pronouncements have been launched into the blogosphere, of which we will see and hear of throughout March.
In my 2021 forecast, I noted that March would be the second craziest month of 2021, especially early March with Mars finally getting out of the bull (and hot) headed sign of Taurus, entering the even more frenetic and action-packed sign of Gemini on March 3rd. We will also see the last of the Mercury/Jupiter conjunctions on March 4th. “Prove it”, should be our response to the events of early March. If “they” can’t back up their shtick with verifiable facts, don’t even bother with them. As they say in New York where I grew up, “fuggedaboutit”. There is way too much that is going on in early March that truly does warrant our attentions. Anyone remember what Jack Webb used to say all the time on the TV show Dragnet. “Just the facts, Ma’am”. Wise counsel in early March.
Having Mars move into Gemini in early March will activate the U.S. natal Mars and Uranus in Gemini on the U.S. Descendant. This will give us a flurry of new foreign policy moves and treaties throughout March and most of April, especially around cyber security, cyber warfare, and cyber responses. Also bodes well for education policies and union rights, especially with the eclipses in 2021 falling across the Gemini/Sag axis. In its positive expression, Mars in Gemini is the wunderkind that can juggle dozens of projects and issues at a time without even breaking a sweat. This is the busy bee that gathers no moss, yet incredible amounts of honey. Should be great for all those to-do lists out there. The trick is to work on those things that are already on the list, do not go adding any new things.
On the other side of the equation, the negative expression of Mars in Gemini reminds me of Daffy Duck woo-hooing and bouncing all over the television screen when his plans have gone awry. It is what happens when you stir up a crowd with rhetoric and then they go and want to burn down Frankenstein’s castle. One must be careful what one incites under a Mercury/Jupiter conjunction. The effects can be self-replicating and quite large.
Mars is the warrior, the athlete, and the adrenalin induced asshole, now in Gemini, the sign of multiplicity, inquisitiveness, and gullibility. And this will continue throughout the rest of March and most of April. Mars imbues us with a never-a-dull-moment attitude and give us a rather obsessive ability to git-er-done. All except for the second week, and first few days of the third week in March, when we see a New Moon conjunct Venus and Neptune in Pisces. Talk about dazed and confused. Happy go lucky. And being in love with being in love. The second week in March has a wonderful “cheesecloth effect” as I like to put it, that old Hollywood technique in the early days of film, wherein the director would put a piece of cheesecloth over the camera lens to soften the scene. There are no sharp edges, no uncomfortable issues in the middle of March. Only smiles and softball situations. Pastel colors and smooth jazz. Although it is easy to overindulge at this time, which could be problematic to some, especially after the Moon gets out of Capricorn on Tuesday March 9th.
The second weekend in March can be that romantic getaway, that long soak at the spa, or the curled up on the couch, binge watching weekend. Either way, it should be a wonderful time. Even the Sun and Venus sextile Pluto on into the third week of March has a nice feel to it. Just do not let all the media hype and rapid-fire public events of March get you all jacked up. It is not personal, although it is meant to make you believe it is. Stay still and centered on what you are grateful for in your life mid-March and trust that the river of life will take you where you need to go. No need to steer the boat mid-March or take directions from anyone else now.
One exception. This is also going to lead to a big increase in scams and cons, too. Just stay alert regarding those heartstring-tugging cold calls, even if they are done in person by someone you have just met. The con-artists will be at their best mid-March and there will be plenty of gullibility to go around. You folks out there who deal with any elder care issues might want to pay extra attention here.
Once the Spring Equinox arrives on the 20th and Venus enters Aries on the 21st, our personal activity levels rise again, coming to an enjoyable, yet feverish, pitch on the 25th, as the Sun conjuncts Venus in Aries. Strut your stuff the 4th week of March. Go big and go long. Let love guide your hand and you heart, in all you do. Plan for the Full Moon in Libra over the last weekend of March, bringing a most harmonious melody into our lives. In March we start off busy as bees. By March’s end we are as snug as a bug in a rug. Like two peas in a pod. On the same page. Singing from the same tune. Making beautiful music together. Etc. etc.
Speaking of the Spring Equinox, look at the chart for Washington, D.C. It is quite exciting. Jupiter on an Aquarian Ascendant. A Sun, Venus, Neptune conjunction in Pisces in the 2nd, and a Moon, North Node and Mars conjunction in Gemini in the 4th. And no planets in Fire. Three main messages here.
With Jupiter having just come over the Eastern horizon literally seconds before the Equinox, we have quite a phenomenal characteristic of our Spring to come. It is great for social justice, human rights, and the power of the just to take corrective action. Unfortunately, it can also be the power-hungry agency or organization, that decides to take matters into their own hands and start dictating policy instead of administering it. I would say a good keyword for Jupiter on the Ascendant would be “watchdog”. Let the dogs out this Spring and let them do what they were trained to do.
And get this. The Sabian symbol explanation for the rising degree of 21 Aquarius is “resilience under adversity”. “The capacity to meet emotionally upsetting experiences in human relationships with strength of character and personal integrity. With Jupiter at the same degree of the Zodiac, I would say we are talking some excessively big issues here. On a national level this will be issues surrounding our commitments to our many security treaties with other nations. On a personal level we are talking integrity squared and may mean we have to make some exceedingly difficult decisions. Difficult, yet the right thing to do. So just do it.
Then there is that stellium in Pisces, in the 2nd. Great for inducing a more spiritual, compassionate, and loving attitude toward what our priorities should be at this time. Not so great for keeping our feet on the ground when it comes to how much it actually might cost us to implement these wonderful priorities. Should be a great time if you are an artist or in the entertainment industry this Spring. Great for your image and reputation, although the financial effects of this Spring may be a bit hard to pin down. Create the art, and the music in March. Worry about the remunerations once Venus gets into Cancer mid-April.
The third thing I like about the Spring Equinox chart for the United States is the Moon, North Node, Mars conjunction in Gemini in the 4th. This is great for our children and our educational systems, especially homeschooling and charter schools, and the like. Mobile homes sales and usages are through the roof this Spring, as are issues around Stock Market start-ups and defining our infrastructure needs on a personal, city, state, and national level. I like that this is happening here at this juncture in time, because as I mentioned many times now, 2021 is about innovation and ingenuity. This Spring will help us all to identify the issues at hand when it comes to our foundations in life and occurring as they do during the sprouting phase of last year’s major conjunctional births, many new, and completely different inventions and techniques are going to come to our attentions.
Of, course this all must be put into the context of the major lessons we see in 2021, four major third-quarter squares from Jupiter and Saturn to Uranus. I have often referred to this as a long, drawn out slog. One wherein we are turning our eyes toward the future and deciding what paths we need to take to get there. And once again, I am going to bring up one of most beneficial attributes that one develops as one studies Astrology. Patience. We are only one-sixth of the way through 2021 as March begins. We have four squares to contend with this year, of which we have already seen two, one in January and one in February. The last two occur in June and December which is still quite a way off. It is of note to notice that as the 3rd square hits in mid-June it is followed by a rash of Mars aspect in July. It is interesting that there is talk of events occurring on March 4th just as Mercury makes its final conjunction to Jupiter and Mars enters Gemini, which by the way, would disperse these events across many places not just 1.
Righteousness is in the air, yes this is true, as seen in the transits for this Spring, although the important time to watch concerning these “revolutionary” events will be when Mars triggers in early July, right after 2021’s third major square aspect. This is another one of those “sparks” I refer to when I titled 2021 as “The Spark Heard Around the World”.
And another interesting note aside in 2021. The fourth and final square of 2021 occurs as Venus is screaming about her being stalked by Pluto in December when she conjuncts Pluto three times in Capricorn over this coming Winter. Now this is going to bring many more spotlights onto many more issues around secret sexual assaults and financial graft, especially in the corporate world and halls of power. Some very public figures are going to be revealing their experiences and their perpetrators and asking for retribution. Could very well lead to governmental efforts to strengthen sexual assault convictions and increase their punishments. In the meantime, in March, at least before the Spring Equinox, Venus has much more loving and beautiful things to think about.
Mercury has a lot to deal with in March, making for an interesting ride. Up the first week, down the second. Up again by the middle of the third week, then down again in the middle of the fourth week. Makes me think of someone doing squat thrusts in their exercise room. We get a workout this month, so put on some sweats early on. Get ready for the impetus to WANT to exercise more as Mars enters Gemini, the sign ruled by Mercury, and Mercury gets all jacked up by Jupiter the first few days of the month. Then we get to take a break into the second week of the month, only to get all jacked-up again by the Spring Equinox as the Sun and Venus enters Aries and Mercury squares Mars at the beginning of the fourth week.
At the end of the fourth and beginning of the fifth week in March, Mercury passes the torch to Venus and wants to lay back and enjoy the show, especially as Mercury conjuncts Neptune on the 29th during the peak of this months Full Moon in Libra. Beautiful way to wind down the month.
In parting I would have to say that March comes in like a wild chicken with its head cut off and goes out like a cat snuggled up in a sunny window box. More in my April 2021 Forecast.
And for those who are interested, here is a quick examination of President Biden’s chart and some of the transits he has coming up over these next four years.
[ If you are not interested skip ahead to my section on Mercury stations.]
The big event in Biden’s chart currently is transiting Neptune on his Nadir, all of 2020 and into the Spring of 2021. In his birth chart Biden has Neptune in the 10th house of career and achievements. He has risen over his life to heights of power unimaginable to most. Yet now, just as he reaches that pinnacle, Neptune hits home at the bottom of his chart. Sure, he reached the sky. Yet now he would much rather just be kicking back at some private ranch or retreat and soaking up the local color. I seem to recall the President recently mentioning something about living at the White House was cramping his style. Considering he had the run of the United States Naval Observatory as his home base during the Obama Administration, I can see how he longs for a more secluded and reclusive residence, especially with four planets in Scorpio in the 12th. Boy, I sure would like to know what is underground at the Observatory and what he might have done to expand these areas when he was the occupant. You can bet he is going to be one of the best Presidents ever at coming and going without the public knowing where he is and where he is going. The idea that Neptune, for the one and only time in his life, is hitting the bottom of his chart, will bring a new and improved foundation of spirituality and compassion to his life. Either that, or he is going to start to believe that he is actually a God. These are the two sides of the spectrum when one has Neptune transiting the base of one’s chart. Most of humanity tends more toward the middle ground.
I do like the idea that transiting Jupiter is in his 3rd house as of mid-February, which should get him all fired up about education policies, public transportation, and transportation infrastructure. It is also a great time for mending fences as the saying goes and leveling up one’s own educational abilities. When Jupiter enters his fourth house in the Spring of 2022, he will tack toward housing issues, food safety, and food security. As transiting Jupiter enters his fifth house in the Spring of 2023 and conjuncts Mars he will move toward the Arts and crafts and right-brains aspects of life. He also has a strong possibility of becoming a great-grandfather at this time.
In 2021 I am a bit concerned about President Biden’s health. He has transiting Uranus entering his sixth house and opposing his natal Mars three times, peaking in June 2021, late October to early November, and lastly in the early Springtime of 2022. This is usually indicative of burning your candle at both ends and then suddenly having to deal with the consequences. It may also be a period of time wherein he is launching a bucketload of trouble on our secret enemies which is likely to cause him a whole lot of extra stress in his life too. Either way we will see a man who becomes very frail and physically vulnerable in the process. If I could say anything to this President at this time it would be to find a comfortable routine and then stick with it no matter the distractions. Way too easy to go overboard and give too much to others at the expense of one’s personal health.
2023 starts off in the crapper for the President as transiting Saturn squares his Sun and Venus and conjuncts his South Node in early 2023. Although a grand Water trine from Neptune to his Sun/Jupiter trine, and transiting Jupiter conjoining his natal Moon in the fifth, will turn 2023 into one of the best years of his administration, especially when it comes to long lasting fiscal policies. We can expect to see him making a whole bunch of policy reversals at this time too, as transiting Uranus opposes his Mercury. Should be interesting to hear how he explains the many turnarounds. It will be many years thereafter before we get the full stories on why so many big changes occur at this time.
I am not too excited about 2024 for the President, with transiting Pluto square his natal Moon and Uranus still opposing his natal Mercury. We could see a lot of knee-jerk actions at this time, although a transiting Jupiter conjunction to his natal Saturn and Uranus in Gemini is going to have everyone talking about the way he makes his grand exit from the political stage. If he makes it through the dangers of that transiting Uranus opposing his Mars, this is going to make for a powerful swan song.
And before I leave you until next month, I want to point out what I think will be the highlight of my activities this year, when Priestess Yeshe Matthews of the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple and I will be facilitating a five-day Ancestral Healing Workshop Ancestral Healing Workshop on Mount Shasta, using Astrology, Sacred Theatre and Ritual. Understand the wounds, and the wisdom, of your ancestors. Identify who, and what, inspires you to greatness. And integrate these lessons into your personal present, using your birth charts, the charts of your ancestors and those that you admire. Sign up before the Spring Equinox and get a $70 discount.
For those of you who do not follow me on Facebook, here is a post from February that I feel is important to state again.
Astrology in the Real World.
“Free Falling. Mercury Stations in Air.”
Posted 2-21-21.
A station is the event wherein a planet is seen as if it has stopped in the sky as it is reversing direction, from direct motion to retrograde motion, or retrograde to direct. When it comes to Mercury, we usually see three retrograde periods in any one year, giving us six stations of Mercury. These stations can be in any of the twelve signs of the Zodiac.
Yesterday (February 20th) we had the second Mercury station of 2021, this time as it was the first time on January 30th, the station was in the sign of Aquarius. Ask any Astrologer what things are ruled by Aquarius and some of the first items will undoubtedly be "winged" creatures, like angels and aves, airplanes and aliens. Which brings me to the recent news stories as Mercury is stationing of planes and people falling from the sky.
Having studied Astrology for over four decades, I have experienced over 130 Mercury retrograde periods and over 260 Mercury stations as part of my studies, not to mention the hundreds of books and teachings I have absorbed on the subject. What I have noticed is that as Mercury stands still in our skies, so does time, especially if the stations are in air signs, as they are all six times this year. It is as if the birds and angels slowly stop beating their wings. Items fall from the sky. Inventions fail. And the systems for moving information and objects from one place to another seem to shudder and do strange things. Events that would normally take a short amount of time to complete seem to get "stuck" in time, often taking an inordinate amount of time to complete, if they are even completed at all. Agendas are often pushed forward in time as we see the goal of completion seem to just go up in smoke or get lost in a quagmire of indecision or incomplete info to make those decisions.
I am sorry that I did not bring this up sooner and I feel that I have been remiss in my duties as an Astrologer. Fortunately, there were no mass casualty events this time around, although any lives lost are tragic. There will be four more Mercury stations in 2021, and as I have mentioned, all are in air signs. They are as follows: May 29th, June 22nd, September 26th, and October 18th, 2021. (In 2022 the Mercury stations mostly start in Air and end in Earth.) The two in May and June 2021 will be in the sign of Gemini and will have a "special" relationship to agility issues, children, technological connectivity issues and such, and I would advise anyone who is using technology as a travel assist, like self-driving cars, etc., to STAY ALERT. This time around in June even the slower travel speeds when walking and bike riding could be affected, and I would caution all of you city dwellers to double check the street signals BEFORE stepping off the curb. I would highly recommend that any traveling at the mid-year Mercury station periods be done in your mind not in body. Catch up on what your friends and siblings are doing, just do it on-line or over the phone. And yes, be patient at these times, for there will be tech snafus and wrong turns of phrase and we will all have to make sure we are being understood as to what we are attempting to convey. It is easy to be misunderstood with Mercury stationing retrograde in Gemini.
In the Fall, the Mercury stations are in Libra. This is more about civility and harmony and is a terrible time to arbitrate any issues, or sue for damages, or to get justice. The "social" scene, be it social media, or "civilized" behavior, gets the brunt of the Mercury stations in Libra. This is also the more high-end distribution of people and products as they make their way around the planet and will be causing some ripples in the stock market and sales of the scandal rags. Private jets and chartered flights will be highlighted here, as will mass transportation specialty companies like UBER and LYFT.
As an Astrologer, I would counsel everyone to avoid AMAP traveling, especially at high speeds, on these station days in 2021 and the one day prior and after these four dates. Especially this year with the stations in air signs. I hope we are done with the air ship accidents now that we are done with the Aquarian stations, although air signs in general include the category of travel. Air signs also include the mental functioning of information processing and seem to bring about many more "senior moments" than usual across all age groups and all tech platforms.
For a lucky few folks who have a well-integrated Mercury direct in their natal charts, and usually most of those who have Mercury retrograde in their natal charts, these time periods can bring about many epiphanies and inventive "ah-hah" moments. A clarity so crisp it defies nature. A sudden knowing that can take your breath away. The trick is to WRITE DOWN the ideas you get as Mercury stations, then wait a few days before ACTING on those insights. The angels are going to be busy in 2021. Do we help them or burden them at these times? There are some big decisions to be made in 2021. Come 2022 will you be able to look back on these times in 2021 and say you chose wisely?