“Why April is the High Point of 2022” - My Forecast for April 2022

Given the enormous potential for events of a “watery” nature this month as the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction peaks in Pisces, I want to use a very specific metaphor to explain April’s opportunities. A river. The rivers of life. Those underground streams, babbling brooks, and mighty cataracts, which stir so many to journey and follow where the rivers may lead. From high mountain streams, through a myriad of meanderings over earth and stone, that the river might eventually reach the sea; the symbolism of a river is perfect for this month’s description of cosmic potential.

Whether it is thousands of birds flying in unison, or millions of water droplets rushing to the sea, or even trillions of stars moving together in the sky, it’s all about the flow. The murmuration’s of nature. The aggregate actions of physical, and often not so physical, objects and entities. April of 2022 affords us a once-in-every-eight-generations opportunity to observe, coalesce, and partake, of the power of the river and its quest for the sea. This power can be the ability to saturate and nourish or inundate and destroy. And the difference is in the volume, in the numbers. The amount that is flowing at any particular time or place and in what direction does it flow.

This is the power of April. Going with the flow. Many voices, one song. Many individual actions and efforts, all with the same goal. It is when the school swims all in the same direction. When the tides rise and fall together. When we are not individuals working at cross purposes, but humanity as a whole, moving toward a collective end. This is what we will see this month. A surging of consciousness, a swelling of direction, and a building of momentum toward universal objectives, collective dreams and desires, and humanitarian applications. On the world stage the many become one. On the individual stage, the one becomes all.

I have always been someone who abhors the lemmings and sheeple of the world. It is one thing to be conscious of where you are headed. It is another thing entirely if you do not know, or do not care, where you head. And then there is the case where others may divert the natural flow of the river, sending many of us cascading down a path unintended. This is the danger in April. And to be more accurate, this is the danger throughout Jupiter’s transit through Pisces which began back in 2021 and is in effect until the end of July 2022. And to be even more precise, this is the danger that has been present since Neptune entered Pisces way back in 2012.

It is the power of deception. The art of misdirection. The Magician at it’s finest. Look this way while I move that way. Pay attention over here. Focus on where I point you. See what I want you to see. Not what is really happening. Look, I can make objects appear out of nothing. Isn’t that amazing?

As an example of what I speak I need only mention cryptocurrencies, and the Web 3.0. Do you really think crypto is going to free the masses? Do you really think the metaverse is going to set you free? Then why is about 90 percent of all crypto assets and metaverse startups controlled by the same upper 2% of society as our current financial and web-based services? Do you really think they want to set us free?

Wake the F*&k up! The master magicians are at work here. And the only ones who benefit from this display of sleight are the establishments who hire the magicians. And I have to tell you, there have been oh so many magicians hired since 2012.
The house always wins. Unless of course you don’t go in. You don’t pay the game. You do not enter the establishment that is promoting the act. It is said that it is difficult to hypnotize someone who does not want to be hypnotized. Alas, I do believe that this is no longer as true as it used to be. Influence comes in so many forms.

This is where we can benefit from seeing the map of the river. For in April, we are approaching a steeper descent in the elevation of the river and a quicker rush toward the sea. Humanity as a whole is speeding up its journey. And it is occurring in a very narrow part of the river which only increases the pressure to keep moving forward and get to the sea. We can not go back to the beginnings of the river, at least not in this lifetime. Energy is wasted in the trying. Our effectiveness in this world is wasted if we try too early on to return to our spawning grounds. For most of us, it is still about getting to the sea. That is where our freedoms lie. All things are possible when the river meets the sea. The sudden expansion of our consciousness, the instantly opened seas of potentiality. The realizations of those journeys we all began way back where the rivers began.

There is a peacefulness here, and for some a discombobulation. Some float freely in an ocean of bliss, others battle with the raising of stormy seas and roiling waves. Both are products of Neptune’s powers. And in April we will see both. There is a famous quote by Thomas Percy, “Under floods that are deepest, which Neptune obey, over rocks that are steepest, Love will find out the way”.

When I look at a person’s astrology chart, I see a map of that person’s river. I see where the rapids will be. I see where the calm waters flow. I see where one can pull up on shore and party hearty. It’s all about the flow. When one starts to see the world as a never-ending flow, one begins to see these rivers. I am heartened by the fact that science is using the imagery of the river more and more in its explanations of weather and climate processes. Now, if only educators in our schools would do more so too.

O.K. And yes, I am being very literal here by ascribing a distinctly physical attribute to this rare conjunction in Pisces, rather than just a psychological one. Although c’mon, you can’t get a better astrological symbol for vast, oceanic, all-immersive, massive, amounts of water than Jupiter, the planet of abundance and enormity, joining with Neptune, the planet of unbounded realities, in Pisces, the sign of oceans and etheric immersion.

I spoke of this mid-2021 and predicted rains for the Spring of 2022. And not just any old rains, but torrential, flooding types of rains. I had been hoping my Northern California region would be privy to some of these inundations, for we sorely need them. But the reality has been true more for many other parts of the world, whereas on the West Coast it has been true only north of northern Oregon. As Venus and Mars join Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces this month, we can expect to see more of these inundations occur around the world, and especially in the Pacific Northwest. April is likely to shower us good. If you are in California, best keep your fingers crossed.

When we enter the realm of mythology, we see that Neptune is the brother of both Jupiter, and Pluto. Think about this. Growing up, Neptune had to deal with both the highest and the lowest of siblings. The God of the skies, and the God of the underworlds. No doubt, (when you look at our solar system) he was the middle child. That must have been quite a childhood, and education. Which is why Neptune has no boundaries, no topics off limit. No hidden or heightened places to hide. Neptune will find you and seep into your soul.

And now, in 2022, Jupiter pays his brother a rare visit. Jupiter is coming down to the sea. Fire and water. Vitality and Immersion. A steamy situation with much potential. This is the engine that drives April’s events. For those who have little to hide from themselves, this is an enlightening time. For those who have hid themselves away in the depths of their unconscious, this could very well be the Siren’s song, a shipwreck. Best to do as Ulysses did and tie oneself to the mast. This is the results of Jupiter and Neptune.

On the bright side we become the mystic, the shaman, the prophetess and poet. It is the tapping of akasha, the universal source. On the darker side, we sink into the depths of deception and despair. Alcohol and drugs, especially opioids, become the diversion of choice. In both instances, there is a loosing of the individual, a dissolution of the ego. A desire, and opportunity, to go beyond the boundaries of our mind’s constructs. This is the gift of April 2022. And this is the curse. Given the choices we are presented with in April, I prefer to take the high road, no pun intended.

Another interesting event in April is the Solar eclipse at month’s end at 11 degrees of Taurus. Solar Eclipses birth new life, new consciousness, and new activities. Think of it this way. Using the allegory of Plato’s cave, during a Solar Eclipse the shadows that are usually and continuously cast upon the cave walls and seen by the people chained in the cave as reality, suddenly disappear. The spell is broken. Reality shifts. And we suddenly find ourselves in a new “place”.

And given the Eclipse falls in the sign of Taurus, which rules our material and personal wants and wishes, and the money to obtain these wants and wishes, many folks are going to be waking up to a new relationship with money. And given we get three more eclipses in 2022 along the Taurus/Scorpio axis of shared resources, I am not surprised to hear President Biden pushing hard right now to create a U.S. Digital currency. Look over here. Look at this shiny new trinket that I will make appear out of nowhere. Which cup is the dollar under now?

Now, the best part of waking up in April is the fact that so many of us are going to get to orient ourselves in the river. To see which way, we are headed. To see which way the river runs. And in so doing, we free ourselves to choose whether to continue on the course we have immersed ourselves in, or to pull ourselves out of the water for a moment and do some needed repairs. If your boat, your body, is seaworthy, then go for it and get on toward the sea. If you boat or body is getting a bit ragged and leaky, then do something about it, especially toward the last week in April. Of course, there is always a third option too. That of swimming against the tide, against the flow. It can be done, although it takes a helluva lot more energy to do so, especially in April.

With Venus entering Pisces on April 5th and Mercury entering Taurus on April 10th, the middle of April would be a great time to go over your financial investments, budgets, and responsibilities. You might be pleasantly surprised to discover new ways to get the same amount of value as in the past, for even less money than before. And I say this even in the midst of our current inflationary Jupiter cycle. Pay special attention to recurring payments that creep up in cost, especially once we see the Solar Eclipse in Taurus at month’s end. If you dig down into the fine print you will see the deceptions that have been added to the magician’s act and will continue to be added throughout the eclipse cycle of 2022. New tricks and sleights that will try to eek more and more money from your pockets.

Again, you don’t have to play the game. You do not have to play the captive audience. Seeing is believing, is NOT a foregone conclusion. I would even go as far as saying that it is the believing that allows us the ability to see. And April gives us a good shot at envisioning the difference between the two. I would highly recommend joining any sort of gathering or group meditations in April that have the compassionate and contemplative overtones of Pisces. When two or more gather, when the multitudes move in unison, when the river runs swift, and clean, and with vigor, that is when miracles happen. And April has us moving many mountains that we might all get to the sea. This is what is possible. This is what I see as a high point, or high tide for 2022.

The Superior conjunction of the Sun and Mercury in Aries on April 2nd, brings many issues from late February and early March to a conclusion, along with turning us all into versions of Lewis and Clark wanting to set out to explore new lands and opportunities. A Mars/Saturn conjunction on April 5th, however, can really take a toll on our gear and supplies, so make sure you set off with plenty of extra provisions, and abilities, when you start down that river trail in early April. It will be slow going in early April, the river is somewhat stagnant now, and by April 10th when we see Mercury square Pluto, we may find ourselves having to return to our starting points to collect items, and people, we didn’t think we would need for the trip. Oh, and you might want to make sure you have the latest version of whatever maps you are planning to use to navigate now.

Mars conjunct Saturn is an energy of restricted and directed action. It can be the ultimate outcome of years of continual pressure, the dam finally breaking, the campaign finally achieving its goals. Along this line I would point out Putin as an example. Putin won re-election just as Mars was making a conjunction to Saturn last time around in March and early April of 2018. It was also when the world was reacting to the poisoning of Putin’s detractors, and everyone was pulling their diplomats from Russia and vice versa.

The Mars/Saturn conjunction before that in August of 2016 had Putin bombing Syria and upsetting NATO nations. Are you seeing a pattern here? Putin is strongly affected by Mars/Saturn transits. One can see this would be true by looking at his birth chart where he has Saturn conjunct his Sun, and Mars as the handle to a bucket chart. And then when you see that this current Mars/Saturn conjunction in early April is conjunct his progressed Mars, as his Progressed Sun approaches his natal Mars, it is no wonder he is so emboldened and intrusive now.

Just wait until the next Mars/Saturn conjunction in the Spring of 2024 as Putin’s progressed Sun conjuncts his natal Mars, a high point in his warrior-like mentality. A mentality that has been building ever since his progressed Sun (a 360-year cycle) entered Sagittarius in 1998, which coincidentally corresponds to the great Russian default of 1998. All of this was triggered even more so when Putin’s progressed Moon (a 30-year cycle) entered Sagittarius 6 months ago on its way toward a conjunction to his natal Mars in late 2023. Long story short, as I mentioned in my February forecast , this guy is all jacked up and ready to risk it all.

On a more positive note, a Mars/Saturn conjunction can afford us the determination, discretion, and emotional detachment necessary to achieve major goals that otherwise would seem too distasteful. A camel’s back breaks, the limits are broken, when Mars and Saturn combine forces. The last straw is chosen. When the applecart needs upsetting, the job gets done.

Although, do not expect it to be easy in early to mid-April. More effort is needed when Mars encounters Saturn. There is more resistance than usual, more water in the river building up behind the dam. Everyone is trying to be the little boy or girl with his finger in the dyke, holding back the flood/flow that is coming. And that flood that is on the horizon is extremely likely to occur this month as Jupiter joins with Neptune. Be it of earthly elements, or emotional, April is going to be an exceptionally high tide/time.

Of an interesting note: the last time Jupiter and Neptune joined in Pisces was 1856 when the Republican Party was born. This bodes well for anyone who thinks our political parties, as they exist now, need to change. As long as we don’t go down the too-good-to-be-true, stick-my-head-in-the-ground-and-not-pay-attention road…or river, this could be good news for the United States. I have been saying that I expect to see at least one other major political party emerge, if not by the 2022 elections, definitively by the 2024 presidential election. This was partly why. Do remember that inundations are when the courses of rivers are most likely to change.

Water wears at the rigid. And in April we have 40 percent of the planets in water, specifically Pisces. 50 percent when the Moon is in watery signs this month. Pay special attention to April 25th, 26th, and 27th, when we see the Moon join Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Neptune, in Pisces. This is where the star gates open, the angels appear. The boundaries and limitation of our physical world are dissolved, and the saviors appear. It is a time of profound vision and heartfelt emotions, where we are all brothers and sisters on the same boat, so to speak.

This is where miracles can happen, where the river meets the sea. The transformation of whole societies and species, as our worlds widen beyond belief. And as long as we stay in our hearts (Pisces) not our heads (Mars/Saturn in Aquarius), we should get through the magician’s traps and tricks of April, the rapids in the river, and not get sucked into the many whirlpools and eddies of ignorance. Grab your paddles folks. April is going to be wet and wild.

Another interesting outcome of the excess energy in Pisces is the rise of Shamanism and the attention paid to ecstatic states and altered consciousness. The rise of Cannabis, too. Used correctly, or I should say with sacred intent, these herbs, and plants from the Mother, can facilitate profound wisdom and understanding. Used unconsciously, the do just the opposite, shutting off so many from these gates to other realities. Now that is what I called the walking dead.

Our Full Moon in Libra mid-month, smooths some of the rough edges of April, although Libra Full Moons always bring with them a need to distinguish between individual actions and our peer pressures. Not a time to break from the crowd. Again, not a time to swim against the current. It is a great time to use society’s momentum to propel us down the river. July will be when we will want to break off and go our separate ways. And with Venus giving a boost to the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction come the latter part of April, swimming with the pack is going to be downright exhilarating. Just be sure to pace yourself for we continue to swim and move quickly down our rivers throughout May and June. More in my Forecast for May.

In May, I will be speaking at the annual Wesak Festival here in Mount Shasta and live on-line. You will not want to miss my lecture "Waking Up to the Aquarian Age". Go to www.wesak.us for more info and tickets.

"Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light/ I have loved the stars too dearly to be fearful of the night."


“Nothing to See Here, Move Along” My Forecast for May 2022


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