Resistence is Fertile - My Forecast for February 2022

In my Forecast for 2022 - "Sleeping Beauty Awakens", I labeled February the “beautiful dreamer”. Let me tell you why.

First off, there is only one harsh aspect for all of February. And that aspect is fairly innocuous, only in effect for just a few days, and is further softened by sextiles from Venus and Mars. I am talking about the Mercury/Uranus square on February 24th, which often brings some shocking or unexpected communications and events. Especially about things that we do not want to acknowledge.

It is also a time of over-the-top exclamations and exaggerations. I suspect the word “unbelievable” is likely to be a key buzzword in media talking points this last full week of February. Don’t believe me. Watch for yourself. That would be using Mercury and Uranus to our benefit.

And be ready to widen that perception of yours into areas you would rather not go. Resist the temptation to fall back on your familiar sources of information. Click on some of those news stories you are prone to ignoring or deleting. A little resistance toward the end of February, to staying in the main channel of the river, so to speak, a little swimming against the tide right now, is going to open up a whole new course of opportunity and direction for 2022.

The rest of the month is quite nice too. Even this year’s annual Sun/Saturn conjunction, which usually manifests as a dourer and more disdainful period of time, falls on the same day as a much more optimistic and unobstructed Mars/Jupiter sextile. Cheer up Dads of the world. The young bucks got this one in February.

Venus is now direct, as is Mercury on February 3rd, so the intensity levels we saw during the December and January retrogrades, return now to a more normal level. Until early March that is. In February, we feast on our accomplishments of late, and revel in what things may come. Venus will be taking on Pluto for the third time in early March and she will not come away from this empty handed. Not with Mars coming to her side mid-February, to guard and guide her back from the underworld. Prince Valiant is on the way to save the day.

Women have had a much harder time this Winter, than men. It’s not gender bias, it’s Venus and her repetitive visits with Pluto these last few months. There is a vulnerability now not felt by men, or to be politico-cosmically correct, the “masculine part” in all of us.

There is a fine, yet indelible, line between submission and sacrifice when Venus and Pluto visit. In a rarely spoken of version of my Sleeping Beauty analogy, this is the part where the prince shows up and catches the king in flagrante delicto, banishes said father king, and offers Sleeping Beauty safe passage. Only to later have to take the King out for good when Sleeping Beauty and their children are threatened one too many times. This ability to strike when the iron is hot, as a defensive measure, is one of the gifts we see in February. Long in coming, yet quite effective.

Mars is making some wonderful aspects this month, sextiling Jupiter and Neptune, trining Uranus, and best of all, conjoining with his cosmic lover Venus mid-month. This is some rowdy and randy stuff. Mars can do no wrong here and Venus is beside her mate. Together they make a fetching pair this month in Capricorn, although for some reason I keep getting the image of a cosmic version of Bonnie and Clyde, when I think of these two planets this month. For better or for worse, look how all grown up the young’uns seem now.

Boomers chill this month. We were no better when we were young. When you pass the baton, you have to remember to let go all the way. One of the most powerful words of wisdom I have ever heard was a teacher telling me about trapeze artists. “When you are finally able to let go with both hands, THAT is when the miracles happen.”

As we make our way through the opening months of 2022, the older you are, the more you should kick back and live the dream you always wanted. The younger you are, the more opportunity exists this month for gaining ground and moving closer to your goals. So, grab that New Lunar Year of the Tiger by the tail and don’t let go.

Aquarian New Moon energy, of which we are experiencing the first half of February, and the Leo Full Moon energy which we experience the second half of February, are considered active, sociable, fun-loving, periods of time. Why do you think they celebrate Valentine’s Day when they do so close to the annual Leo Full Moon? Think peacocks and pomp. Theatrical professions of love, and actions worthy of the Troubadour’s tongue.

And this month, in this year, Valentine’s Day falls just 30-hours prior to the Leo Full Moon. And to add some spice to the mix, this year, Valentine’s Day happens as Venus and Mars are hooking up and getting jiggy. That’s a lot of animal magnetism running around. Don’t be surprised if you hear folks roaring in the distance.

It’s play time folks in February, especially the middle of the month. Don’t waste it on yourself. Get out there and mingle with the wild things, the Faery worlds, and Nature’s “spirit”. In the alchemical structure of our universe as seen in the astrological glyphs of the planets, when you put Venus together with the ancient symbol for Mars you get the symbol for the Earth. The physical in all its glory. The perfect balance or blend. The point of equilibrium where the trapeze artist creates their best feats.

And best of all, and biggest of all, what propels our February rock and good times a Rollin’ energy, is the Jupiter/Uranus sextile February 17th, an aspect that colors all of our late Winter and early Spring 2022 activities. And color it good. Jupiter is the wisdom of the world. Uranus, the doorway to new realms. And a sextile is usually the best of both worlds all rolled up into one…if you “seize the day,” as the saying goes. I have modified that Latin saying many years ago to “Carpe Aetus”. Seize the Age. I will be speaking much more on this in this month’s lecture which will be on the 17th as the sextile occurs.

Jupiter, is the clear headed, societally concerned, statesman or woman. Uranus is the activist, and reality rattling antagonist. Together they can paint a picture of immense possibility and just like the wardrobe in the C.S. Lewis "Chronicles of Narnia", lead us all to magical kingdoms where we reign supreme.

Of course, believing is seeing in February, for we are all so wanting something good to sink our teeth into, that we can easily overcompensate, overestimate, and overplay, our cards this month. Especially around the 11th as we see the third, and final conjunction of Mercury, now direct, with Pluto. And even this usually shocking, and revelatory aspect of exposing the dark corners of society, is quite beneficial this third time around, finally bringing out into the light all the deeds and data we have seen uncovered these last few months, during the first and second conjunctions of Mercury and Pluto. Finally, that which was for so long hidden, sees the light of day.

Although, there is no need to rush to judgement now. That will be on the agenda throughout this Summer and Fall. Pay close attention to the activities promoted the first week in March to get a glimpse of those things that will play out throughout the rest of the year. Stay abreast of those things that will warrant our judgement, at a personal, societal, and national level.

Along these lines, here is an excerpt of a letter I sent a friend of mine who lives in Ukraine when he asked about Russia and the Ukraine.

“Hi ***,
“So, there is this looming pop-goes-the-weasel moment coming for our world in early March. A very war-like trigger that I suspect will have Biden touching off a conflict. The U.S. will experience this much more economically than actual boots on the ground.”

“In Putin's chart, first off, this guy has some of the strongest power issues I have ever seen in a chart and is highly likely to be the reincarnation of some hugely powerful King or Tzar of history. (Pluto and his South Node on the Midheaven in Leo with the dispositor conjunct Saturn.) Hands down, this guy knows how to wield immense power and has done so in the past.”

“At the moment, Putin has just triggered a new two-year project, very aggressively (Mars return), that will peak in the Summer of 2023 when Mars gets to that powerful Midheaven of his. And he has a number of empire building triggers between now and October, with October being the big win for him. He has transits that encourage taking risks right now and gambling with his perception of protecting his homeland. (Jupiter and Neptune transiting his 4th house and Saturn triggering his Nadir throughout 2022.) Recreating the ancient empires and making himself Leader for life. Hey, Xi did it, and Trump wanted to do it.”

“I do suspect Putin is going to switch gears in his public perception. Is he married? If not, he is likely to do something like that. (Transiting Uranus conjunct his Jupiter in his 7th house.) Likely something that will cement his grand vision, especially in relationship to other world leaders. Is there a famous princess type in Ukraine? Putin might actually try the tryst path and leave the running of the country to the matriarchal lineage.”

“So, long story short, Putin has this one, though likely not until October 22'. And it will all be cemented into place by late 2023 with a once in a lifetime trigger in Putin's chart for shooting for the stars when it comes to the world out there. This is major legacy stuff, and he will be seen as gambling and winning some of the biggest gambles in his life by 2024. I think Ukraine is but a mere steppingstone or chess piece, with a much longer and grander game afoot.”

One must remember that the country of Ukraine as it is known today, albeit home to some of the most ancient of peoples, was only born rather recently in 1991. That was 31 years ago and the country as a whole is now in the fragile throes of its second Saturn cycle just beginning. Which by the way, falls in the country’s natal 1st house, thus the fear of the physical boundaries and health of the country is at a peak. And rightly so.

When I look at the chart of Ukraine, I can not help but get the message that this country is not destined to be on its own. At least not in the short term. Not with this chart. Too many planets in the 8th house opposite the natal Moon. Neptune and Uranus on a Capricorn Ascendant. And even the ruler of the Midheaven is in the 8th house of hidden influence, in Leo no less, the sign of the royal. All three reek of foreign influence and venture capitalization.

That being said, Ukraine has a Moon in Aquarius, like the U.S., and since the Moon represents the population in a countries chart, the Ukrainian populace has the same potential as the U.S. – social, democratic, societally innovative instincts. I wonder what the Ukraine’s Boston Tea Party moment will be. We still have not seen the really important one yet.

In 2021 and 2022, that Saturn/Uranus square we have all been dealing with, is triggering a 6-planet natal T-square configuration in Ukraine’s natal chart which outlets into Ukraine’s 5th house of children, freedom, liberty, and personal creativity. These will be the things that trigger some exceedingly difficult issues over this year and the next few thereafter. And these areas of life will be what eventually put Ukraine on a similar path as the American temperament. Although it’s going to be a long time coming.

With Capricorn rising, the country may not get to where it wants to be for another Saturn cycle, or maybe two. So don’t expect much from them these next few years. With Saturn conjoining Ukraine’s Moon in 2022, the country has similar control issues as the U.S. does right now. And whereas the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction helps the U.S. out by transiting a cardinal house, this same conjunction falls in the mutable 3rd house for Ukrainians, which tends to be much more of a student role. It is one who is absorbing and understanding the world around them and is usually not seen as a dominate action.

Then there is transiting Pluto conjoining Ukraine’s Saturn in 2024 and 25’, which is when the country will be prying it’s way out from under some immensely powerful figures. And long term, I am hard pressed to see complete independence for Ukraine until after Pluto conjoins the countries Moon at 22 Aquarius in 2037, which will again set off Ukraine’s natal T-square. This will be AFTER the new generation of Ukrainian leaders come to power, not before. I would really like to see a completely new birth chart for Ukraine come 2037. In the meantime, the chart of Ukraine looks more like a chess piece, not a chess player, with the country being toyed with and experimented on by the bigger boys on the block.

Another much larger picture puzzle emerges when you correlate the rise of cryptocurrencies to transiting Uranus in Taurus, as I do. And you see this current square of Saturn to Uranus, and the drag it has recently had on crypto prices and reliability. And then you see that Ukraine is one of the major hubs for cryptocurrency mining. Doesn’t take a math degree to sum up this equation. This is Saturn at work, which nine out of ten times is constrictive. For those of you crypto junkies out there hold fast now. Just wait for when transiting Jupiter parties with Uranus in Taurus in 2024. Early February may just be the second-best time to invest in crypto since Uranus entered Taurus in the Spring or 2019. And when I say cryptocurrency, I am really just talking about Bitcoin and the few currencies that have been around since early 2018.

The problem though still remains of how to secure these digital delicacies from theft and manipulation. If you can do that, I would give investing in crypto a thumbs-up in early February. Just remember, you will still have to hold your investments until at least the Summer of 2024 if you want to eek out the best value for your digital dollars.

So, we start February right on a New Moon in Aquarius. A quick look at the New Moon chart of 12:46 am on February 1st, for Washington D.C., gives us an 11 Degree Scorpio rising chart. Which turns out to be President Biden’s natal Mars at 12 ½ Scorpio, and Vladimir Putin’s natal Venus at 11 ¾ Scorpio. This is like lovers in a past life sort of thing, being triggered in early February by the Aquarian New Moon. No wonder they dance around each other so much. Dancing with the Stars – Past Life Edition. The show must go on, and on, and on. We will see Biden make some moves early March, parried by Putin, ebbing, and flowing throughout the Spring and Summer, with the season finale’ coming around October 2022.

The best part about this cosmic dance, this time around, is that 2022 gives us the added power of audience participation. It’s not just three judges, or nine judges, or however the prevailing political parties are stoking. It’s the people, stupid! With Saturn in Aquarius now, conjoining the U. S. Moon, we will be seeing the heavy hand of Big Corp and Big Gov saddling us with some of the heaviest restrictions in the last 30 years. At least, this is the playbook often used when Saturn conjoins someone’s Moon. For the Moon always wants to be kept safe and secure, and Saturn always seems to have the answer.

Fortunately for us in America, in 2022, that magical and mystical Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Pisces in April, will fall in the U.S. 4th house, the area of the chart that pertains to home and hearth, family and foundations. In 2022, no matter how hard “the man” tries to knock us down, they can not break our spirit, or visions of what we want our personal lives to look like. Whether it is the lonely weed clawing its way through the asphalt and pavement of the inner cities, or the myriad of villages and gardens throughout this country that are fertilizing the young blades and blooms, our nature, our instinct for balancing self and society, will always win out.

2022 is when we must hold that vision, especially as the U.S. enters its Pluto return in the U.S. 2nd house. Yes, our countries morals and values are drastically changing now, and I have often said to clients that a Pluto transit is often like God shaking you by the scruff of the neck and us not being able to figure out why it is happening. Only years later with the power of 20/20 hindsight will we see the gifts we were given when we must encounter Pluto.

One of the few things we can take with us through a Pluto transit are our visions, hopes, and dreams. We do not, as a country, get to pack our physical belongings for the trip. Persephone didn’t get to pack for a long trip. Luke Skywalker didn’t get to take anything except what was on his back. Yet both came back bigger and better and stronger than ever.

We are remaking this country anew in 2022 and 2023, after the rototilling of 2020 and the “weed killer” of 2021. And I for one, plan to have as much an influence as I can muster on what those visions and dreams for our collective futures might be. In February, we will all begin to see quite brightly what those dreams and visions can be made of. Nurture those images in February and hold tight on through March. Think of it as a 60-day cosmic challenge that will have you jumping for joy come mid-April.

To drill down into the daily transits for February, I have to say I am excited about the 4th through the 9th with the Moon/Uranus conjunction on Monday the 7th being an exceptionally interesting day. That first weekend in February is pretty active with the Moon in Aries. Not so much the second weekend of February when the Moon will be in Cancer. The Full Moon on the 16th jumpstarts the third weekend of the month early on and looks like the real Valentines weekend getaway with the Moon in Libra. And the final February weekend brings out the repairman and woman in all of us as we see the Moon in Capricorn conjunct Venus, Mars, and Pluto. If on Saturday, February 26th, you still can’t figure out how to fix what has broken, put it aside and come back to it with fresh eyes on Sunday the 27th when the Moon is in Aquarius.

Now here, I want to address another remarkably interesting transit we see in 2022. And that is the conjunction of the transiting North Node of the Moon with transiting Uranus in August, in the sign of Taurus. I first want to go back to the last time we had a Lunar Node conjunct Uranus in Taurus, which was in 1939. Only that time, it was the transiting SOUTH Node of the Moon conjunct Uranus. South Nodal contacts throw us back into past patterns. Karmic conditions that need rectification. In 1939 we see the first splitting of the atom. Hitler eradicating the Jews, mandating the youth of Germany, and the beginnings of WW II. FDR and King George VI join forces against Hitler. Mahatma Ghandi was doing his thing and television was being introduced to the U.S. public. You may not know this, but these were all things that had been repeating over and over again throughout Earth’s history and except for the exceptionalism of Ghandi, most of 1939 opened up, once again, some big cans of worms.

Now, this time around, in 2022, the Lunar Nodal conjunction to Uranus in Taurus is a NORTH Nodal conjunction, so this brightens my spirit. North Nodal paths are the paths we are best suited for this lifetime, although often the hardest to follow. It is about the creation of new karma and new ripples in the fabric of the cosmos. It is not about repeating the past or riding on the waves of past deeds.

I will once again point you to the wardrobe in Narnia analogy. A North Nodal transit to Uranus in Taurus usually involves someplace you would rather not have to go. Although once you get there and look back through time, you can then see what greater good has been created in your life. It is a path of least karmic disruption to your future self. And it is often one of the most tortuous and treacherous paths one can choose in this physical life. The best thing about a North Nodal journey is that pot of gold at the end of the road. At the very least it is a make lemonade from lemons moment.

Sleeping Beauty did not choose to be a mother. But once her path was clear, she empowered herself and poured herself into the role. May that force be with you in February. What karmic waves do you want to create that ripple down the decades? In February, dreams are of utmost importance. And resistance is pregnant with possibilities. Be ready for March, which comes in like a Lion and out like a clam. Until next month…

Upcoming lecture in February

“All Bets Are Off” – The Jupiter/Uranus sextile.
Thursday evening February 17th, 2022. 6 PM at I AM University 201b North Mount Shasta Blvd. MS, CA. $15 at the door.
As Jupiter reaches the peak of this year’s sextile to Uranus, we will explore this most potent period of time through meditation, education, and application. Bring your charts and your questions.

Beautiful Dreamer as sung by Roy Orbison

Beautiful Dreamer, wake unto me,
Starlight and dewdrops are waiting for thee;
Sounds of the rude world heard in the day,
Lull'd by the moonlight have all passed away!
Beautiful dreamer, queen of my song,
List while I woo thee with soft melody;
Gone are the cares of life's busy throng
Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me!
Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me!
Beautiful dreamer, out on the sea,
Mermaids are chanting the wild Lorelei;
Over the stream let vapors are borne,
Waiting to fade at the bright coming morn.
Beautiful dreamer, beam on my heart,
E'en as the morn on the stream let and sea;
Then will all clouds of sorrow depart,
Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me!
Beautiful dreamer, awake unto me!


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