“You Break it, You Buy it” - My Forecast for March 2022
Most Astrologers agree that March is hard to call. Many twists and turns and unexpected surprises make it difficult to narrow down the possibilities. Pretty much what we all seem to agree on is the volume, or level of intensity. Unlike February’s mostly agreeable and positive events and conditions, March is going to be bumpy.
Events continue to ramp up from late February into early March, especially for the U.S., as we see this month’s Venus/Mars/Pluto conjunction triggering some dramatic and even drastic events by March 3rd. And since this conjunction falls in the U.S. 2nd house of values and resources, conjunct the U.S. natal Pluto, this is going to cost the U.S. a lot of moolah. Capital. Sawbucks. Greenbacks. Call it what you will, the U.S. is going to pay a heavy price for the events in early March. And the paying of that price is going to extend to at least the Summer of 2023. Whether it’s the cost of oil, the inflation of the dollar, foreign aid packages, or the value (and ownership) of our country’s natural resources, they are all going to rise sharply now and for the most part all of 2022. This is also true for housing prices in 2022 although after the Spring of 2023, watch out.
Let me explain this. For the first half of the year in 2022, U.S. homes are under the influence of a highly inflationary Jupiter/Neptune conjunction which will occur in the U.S. 4th house. This aspect peaks this Spring, which will continue the stratospheric rise of the cost of the American Dream.
During the second half of the year, as the Mars retrograde triggers the U.S. natal Mars AND Uranus three times each, in the U.S. 7th house, the government’s thoughts are going to be on lands far from our own so very little attention will be paid our economic and domestic needs. This will further “allow” big money players in the real estate market to inflate prices and increase profits. This situation is further exacerbated by the 2022 eclipses falling across the Taurus/Scorpio axis, which I like to call the “What is mine is mine, and what is yours is mine too” axis.
This inflationary cycle of housing prices will continue until transiting Saturn reaches the U.S. Moon in the Spring of 2023. For the rest of 2023 thereafter, housing prices are going to start to fall like a rock. Long story short, now is NOT the time to be buying homes. If you want to get the best bang for your buck, pool your assets and wait until the latter half of 2023 (and before the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in the Spring of 2024) to sink your hard-earned capitol into your dream home.
Undeveloped land and agricultural properties on the other hand, especially organic properties, have been on a constant trajectory of increasing value throughout the Uranus in Taurus transit and will continue to do so, peaking in the first half of 2024. Remember the old saying about when is the best time to have planted a tree? The best time was 20 years ago. The second-best time is NOW. Same goes for the acquisition of viable, clean, land. That place where we can plant those trees and gardens. Get it now. It will not be coming down in price for at least a decade.
And while I am on the subject of Uranus in Taurus, let’s take a look at what would come next: Uranus in Gemini, from 2025 to 2032. Whereas Uranus in Taurus, is really stirring up the agricultural and commodities markets, Uranus in Gemini will do the same for the communications and educational fields. Take a good long look at the graphic for this paragraph. This is transiting Uranus moving from Taurus to Gemini. How does your garden grow? How will your knowledge do the same in the years soon upon us? Now is the time to plant that tree, be it of knowledge or fruit. The harvest can not come before the planting.
Both the chart for the day of the powerful Venus/Mars/Pluto conjunction on March 3rd, and the Spring Equinox chart for Washington, D.C. on March 20th, put all the transiting planets below the horizon in the U.S. chart (All but a setting Moon in the chart for the 20th). This is home front stuff, not foreign affairs. These are issues around OUR economy, our supply lines, our communication systems, our family lives, and the setting of our family roots. NOT Canada’s. Not Ukraine’s. Not even Russia’s or China’s affairs. This is down home, IMBY (in my back yard), intimate, domestic issues. No matter how hard others attempts to make us look the other way. And this is where we need to focus our collective resources this month and the next few months too. I would even venture to say that the more we stay focused on our core domestic issues in March, April, and May, the less July and August are going to hurt.
I will talk more on this at my March 20th lecture when I dissect the astrology chart for the Spring Equinox of 2022. And whereas the Winter Solstice chart of December 2021 gave us a glimpse into the more internal activities we will experience in 2022, the Spring Equinox chart this month gives us glimpses into the externalized opportunities and issues we will see over the next Solar year.
The externalization of the inner potential. The plant breaking forth into the light. This is the difference between a Winter Solstice chart and a Spring Equinox chart. There is much that can be understood and aligned with, if one understands the seasonal potentials Nature continually gives unto humanity.
And wait until you see the chart for the Summer Solstice in June. It is going to be a very busy Summer so get ready for it now and get as much done as possible by July, so you don’t have to stress over having to do too many things all at once thereafter.
When it comes to the transiting planets, the world has it easy for the first half of 2023. Once July comes, we start to see a noticeable increase in what astrologer’s call “hard” aspects, especially in comparison with what we have to experience in the first half of 2022. Events will occur by mid-year that see the need for the U.S. to invest heavily, and claw back, those natural resources and fertile lands, that made this country worth the taking. And the karma of the U.S. Pluto return is going to have us paying for all that we took without asking. Here is where we have to pay the ferryman, appear before Saint Peter, or be judged by Anubis. It is the story of the Pied Piper on steroids. Actions have consequences, and so do inactions! Dr. Frankenstein had the best of intentions, yet it was really the people of the village, that had to play the Piper. It is far too often that the karmic fallout of our leader’s actions ripple down unto the people. And it is all too often left up to the people themselves to clean up these messes afterwards.
This is what the U.S. is currently experiencing. The carrying of torches and pitchforks, out of fear and defensive posturing. In all those cultures and countries out there, that have been influenced by the United States of America, there are many individuals that feel the U.S. has taken advantage of them. Many of these individuals that have had their lives drastically altered by American actions, sense they can get in some good licks in 2022 during this transit of Mars to the U.S. Pluto in March and the triple Mars/Uranus conjunctions this Fall and Winter.
And vice versa, mind you! Mars conjunct Pluto (and even Mars square Uranus) is often when the bite comes without any warning bark. The war is suddenly waged. The docile become rabid. Oh, it’s so on, mother trucker! I tell ya’, I wouldn’t be surprised to see some sort of a major cyber-attack on U. S. soil this month. Attacks that will likely target transportation systems and the ability to move information, electricity, and data as the Mercury/Saturn conjunction triggers in the U.S. 3rd house. There may also be increased activities around seaside situations involving the Coast Guard and Naval operations since there are currently four planets in Pisces in the U.S. 4th. And I suspect the costs of these intrusions are going to be astounding.
Please folks, stay vigilant these first few days of March. March does come in like one pissed off Lion and you do not want to be taken by surprise. Whether it is an Aesop’s fable, or an Egyptian one, whether we are the mouse, or the slave, the moral of the story for March is “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted”.
And kindness is not an easy thing to do when we are staring down an angry lion. Yet, it is definitely not a time to be a lamb, either. Into mid-March, think, and act, more like a badger, the animal considered most fearless of all the animals… when provoked. Badgers have even been known to take on Lions, Tigers, and Bears. You don’t scare me. You can’t stop me from being myself. You may look bigger than me, but you know what they say, the bigger they are, the harder they fall. Bring it.
In the wide world around us, I would call the Lion, Saudi Arabia, the Tiger, China, and the Bear, Russia. Guess who the Badger is…or more accurately, will be…eventually…in about 15 to 20 years from now. In the meantime, the U.S. has some inner healing to deal with first.
Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto, the three bad boys of the outer planets, are all being triggered quite powerfully this month and into early April. Whereas, Jupiter, the planet of wonder and wisdom, and Neptune, the planet of mystical intervention, divine love, and universal brotherhood, are the planets that do quite well this month. This is why in my February forecast I spoke of holding onto the visions we had received in February and then holding them throughout March and on into early April. There are going to be many folks out there in March that want to rattle our cages. To lull us into a sense of powerlessness and retreat, where we are snarling and snapping at everyone and everything.
The trick in March is to invoke our inner Badger and remember the spiritual armor we all possess. It is armor we have been born with and have tempered over time. And it is protection that we have been slowly and deliberately made to believe doesn’t even exit for us anymore. A reverse Emperor has no clothes type of situation. If you are told you have no protection, then you act like you have no protection. The only time armor doesn’t work is when we take it off voluntarily. And I am saying because in March, we are all going to take a few direct hits to that armor and come month’s end, we will need to take some time to mend and revitalize.
The Sun and Mercury make their annual conjunctions to Jupiter this month, which always has a way of heightening the tensions, and intentions, of the moment. Go big or go home. Make yourself look as big as possible. Go all in. Bluff ‘em if you have to.
The Sun and Mercury also make their annual conjunctions to Neptune in March. Which brings out our rose-colored glasses. Or more accurately, our desire to want to see the world through rose colored glasses. No sharp edges. No disturbing anomalies. liken this transit to what has been called the “cheese-cloth” effect in the early days of the film industry. It was when the cameraman would put a layer or more, of cheese cloth over the camera lens, thereby giving everything seen by the camera as having soft, elusive, amorphous, borders and boundaries. The effect elicits a loving, more peaceful, more sensual, response amongst those who view films recorded in such a way. Think Gone With The Wind, Casablanca, and many others in the day.
There is a well-known effect in the psychoanalytical fields called the Dunning-Kruger Effect. It was observed that people who know little about a subject, tend to be more confident than those with an average knowledge. This effect has been pushed to the limits recently as Jupiter made its way through Pisces in the middle of 2021 and now will do so again in the first half of 2022. And it is one of the less savory effects of Jupiter and Neptune. The rise of the Windbags. Proliferating Pundits, like Tribbles on that old episode of Star Trek. Just ask anyone on the internet who calls themselves an expert. There is no dearth of candidates. What is even more noticeable lately is the observation that the more one does know on a subject, the less likely they are to be seen or heard. This is going to change fairly quickly as Jupiter spends the later half of 2022 in the sign of Aries.
The New Moon at the beginning of the month, and a Superior conjunction of the Sun and Mercury in early April, are both in Pisces, which allows Neptune to shine in all its etheric glory now. Not to mention Jupiter tightening up on it’s sextile to Neptune all month. And as the Sun comes upon it’s visit with Neptune on the 13th, we are moved more toward an intuitive, spiritual, instinctive approach to our surroundings for the first half of March. Guided by the Light. The Master can be heard now. And the Heart knows the Way. A negative expression of this has our love tanks needing to be filled. Our sacrifices needing sustenance. Heavy hearts hatch many helping hands. For many, money flows instead of love. Make it go away and I will pay. Go fund who?
On a more positive side of the Jupiter/Neptune equation is the ability for all of us to keep the vision. Trust in a higher power. Lean on a higher source. To keep the vision of our highest good in sight. To pray for, and intend, all that we wish for and believe in, rather than blindly accepting that which others want to us to swallow. It is not time to hold our nose and take our medicine in March. It is time to pull that thorn from the Lion’s paw, so to speak, returning those snarls and snares and authoritarian attitudes with love and kindness, even though there may be a possibility we are eaten in the process. We are all empowered this month with a determination and clarity of vision, a courage, that can get us through many of the over-the-top events of March 2022. Once the Full Moon in Virgo sits high in the night sky, come the 18th, we start to shift from the bigger picture, to the nuts and bolts needed to make that picture happen. The material lists. The How-To manuals. Drawing down our visions into materialistic, practical, applicable, steps and procedures. Here is where the rubber hits the road, the midnight oil burns, and the hard work is done.
To add more light to the spectrum in March, we see Mercury, Venus, and Mars, all conjunct Saturn by early April. Which often makes everything we do seem like the most important issues of our lives. This can be great, when we use a serious, conservative, limited, approach in our dealings, or this can go way off the rails when we do not address the effects of our past actions on current situations.
And mid-month there is the squaring of Venus and Mars to Uranus, which often has the effect of suddenly shifting our focus and our wants and wishes. We often think we know what we really want out of life, yet when Venus and Mars square Uranus, this time around on the 19th and 22nd respectively, we are often pushed, not nudged, beyond our usual desires and comfortable natures. Our longings for change, our quests for more creativity and sexuality in our lives, can bring on some exciting, albeit slightly dangerous, liaisons and acquisitions mid-month. Careful what strays you pick up mid-March. Easy come. Not so easy go.
These squares from Venus and Mars to Uranus are often less disruptive when they occur separately, as they usually do in the scheme of the planets. It is when they both happen at the same time, as they do this month, wherein the intensity level gets ratcheted up a few notches. So, rather than waiting for our impulses to take command of our senses mid-month, starting around the 5th of the month, and on into the middle of the month, let’s all take some steps to consciously choose to expand our boundaries and expectations in life. Add a little extra spice, a little more heat. Just remember the motto for March; you break it, you buy it. Actions do not come without consequences. And again, “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted”.
And this month, I would add that any acts of unprovoked aggression, no matter how small, wastes more than wants. That Taurus/Scorpio axis being so actively triggered this year does not give up the goods easily. It is time we double down and call in the real Lion tamers, the Lionesses. The testosterone tamers. The ones who care not about quantity, but quality. This is the power of Venus and Mars hooking up in March. How will YOU soothe the savage beast in March?
The third set of triggers this month revolve around the planet Pluto, as Venus makes her third, and final visit to Pluto’s lair on March 3rd, topping off a very ascetic Winter of divestment. Venus conjunct Pluto is when we have to face our shadow and the shadows of society, especially when it comes to feeling vulnerable and powerless. Hidden within this transit is the power of non-attachment, indifference, and ego lessness. No matter what you do to me, you can not hurt me. No matter how hard you press, you can not violate me. No matter what, and how much, you take from me, you can not take what is important to me. Ever. This can be the power of Venus and Pluto.
And this time, during this 3rd visit of Venus to Pluto, it becomes even easier for Venus to be victor. For Venus does not face Pluto alone as is often the case. This time she will be in the company of Mars. On March 3rd, the same day of her final visit with Pluto, Venus makes a conjunction to Mars. This is like Saint George defeating the dragon and saving the maiden. The champion coming to save the day. Makes me think of old Snidely Whiplash. “Bah! Curses! But though I be foiled to-day, my proud beauty, a time will come! Ha-ha! (Boo! Hiss!)” or the Wicked Witch of the West’s infamous “I will get you, my pretty.”
Yet, at the same time that Mars is rushing in to save the day, Venus has already had to deal with Pluto twice this Winter, and she is wise to his recent games and is now at her steeliest. Hey Mars, I didn’t need you to save me. I got this. Go get the chariot. I’ll take care of the dragon.
The danger that lies herein is in the sudden role reversal. The shift of power to the feminine and the often-bruised masculine egos as a result. And bruised egos like to snarl and lash out, especially at the beginning of the month with that Mars/Pluto conjunction on the 3rd, and again with the Mars/Uranus square on the 22nd. This is where we get to face fire with fortitude, fury with finesse. A salve, instead of a slave, to the lion’s paw. Soothing the sensitive beast.
Fortunately, with the Jupiter/Uranus sextile bringing up the rear in February, and the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction leading the way into April, even though the threats are real in March, little harm is actually accomplished. The barks are bigger than the bites this month. And even the bites seem to quickly heal this month. The shadows are cast long and wide, yet they have little substance. The trick is to let that bark go in one ear and out the other. Cosmic Aikido. Deflection instead of resistance. To let that shadow pass over you in the knowingness that it is always darker before the dawn. This is what early March holds for us. Be it geo-political or highly personal in nature.
By the 5th of March we start coming down off our adrenalin Pluto high, as Venus and Mars conjoin, right as they enter Aquarius. Literally, within minutes of each other. This move from the entrenched sign of Capricorn into the rebellious sign of Aquarius should really liven things up. And by March 9th, Mercury joins the Sun in Pisces, so the middle of the month will see some great get out and about events and activities, especially around artistic and social situations. The Sun and Mercury also make conjunctions to Jupiter and Neptune in March too. Which reminds me of a day at the carnival or fair. March is a busy, busy, month equivalent to a fast paced, up and down, twist and turn, roller coaster ride.
Then, as the month comes to a close, we see a Venus/Saturn conjunction on the 28th and the dark of the Moon. As we ready to head home after a wild ride at the amusement center, as we reach the end of the month, it will be time to get home, crash, and recuperate. To put our feet up and put off for another day whatever we are left to deal with come months end. March may come in like a Lion and act like a Badger mid-month, especially as Mars squares Uranus on the 22nd, it goes out on a tired, dazed, and inactive note. Clam up and keep still the last few days of March. Once we see the New Moon in Aries come April 1st, we can begin to rouse ourselves back into action. No foolin’. More in my April Forecast.